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  1. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    "Thx" Oishi wachted the girl walk away. "What just happened?" He shrugged his surprising conversation off and went to his class. "I'm not too late right?" Oishi asked his teacher while he was looking for a place he could take a seat. @Alushey @Still Crazy @Birdsie
  2. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    "Uhm I think I've history. Probaly" Oshi smiled without even a clue how she could help him. "Wait a sec. How are you gonna help me exactly? We don't have the same class." He looked confused. In his head he repeated what Miki said. "He I'm not doofus." Oshi didn't meant to say that out loud...
  3. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    "Yea that was me. But it wasn't really a fight, more of a unpleasant argument." As Oishi said this he was looking round for someone he thought he would have his next lesson with. "But if we don't have class together, I've got to go. I really need to find someone that does. If I came late to his...
  4. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    "Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Why is nobody around here?" Oishi ran through the halls someone that he recognized. "You've got to be kidding me. Now one's around?" And as he said that he recognized someone. "Hey, you're Miki right? Don't we have the same class together?" @Hobbesisalive
  5. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    Oishi looked at his teacher as he walked away. "No go ahead I wasn't planning on eating that anyway." saying it just loud enough that Al couldn't hear it but it friends did. Nii said "What a teacher you have there. Kind of a hypocryt, isn't he?" "Why is that?" "Well first he says he dispices...
  6. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    "I've got some onigri left I think. And for the test well...... I've started uhm..... at the subject that we discussed about in class, which is....." Oishi quickly looked at his friends for help but neither of them were in the same class as him. "The work of the human brain." Oishi said and...
  7. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    "Almost, if it wasn't for our hero I would even had some time to take nap outside. It's such a beautiful weather outside, almost wish that this never happened." @Alushey
  8. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    The bulky athlete didn't took much for the treat and stared Al with his cold eyes. His other friends on the other hand were scared by the threat and started to back away from the furious teacher. One spoke to the bulky one and said "Come on Ando this is not worth it" while he pulled at his arm...
  9. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    "Well..." Oishi started. "We were just enjoying lunch when suddenly those guys started bullying that kid. And as the good students that we are we tried to help him." Nakasone overheard the conversation and stopped his starring contest with the athlete. "No you were just going after me. you might...
  10. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    Imai was the first one to notice Al. He tapped Oishi's shoulder and asked if that was his teacher. Oishi looked and at that moment Al yelled "Hey! What are you kids doing over there!" Everybody looked up, except Nakasone and the bulky one. They didn't care about what was going on around them...
  11. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    Oishi sat with his friends in the canteen. "Nice job with that assignment today" said one of his friends with a sarcastic tone. "Like you're such a talent" Oishi reacted. While the guys where arguing over who was the worst actor a newcomer walked to them. "Is it ok if I sit with you guys?" One...
  12. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    Oishi jumped out of the bus and started running to his class. While he took a sprint to his class he noticed that there where alot of people around during class hours. Oishi slowed down and looked at his phone. Yea he was 5 minutes late, then he watched the clock that was hanging around. "You...
  13. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    "Bounce pogo pogo pogo bounce pogo pog.. *slam* Oishi woke up and hit his alarm almost through his drawer. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck its 10am already?" With his eyes still half closed from the sleep he stumbled around the room, trying to find some clean clothes between a pile of junk for that day...
  14. Coyodie

    Realistic or Modern All about Life

    Name -Oishi Isoshi Age -20 Gender -male Appearance (Only anime pictures) - Occupation (You can check the overview tab for open jobs, or just make one up - student at the university, psychologies Sexual orientation -straight Likes- drinking, doing jack shit, looking at the sky, bad...
  15. Coyodie


    thx (^.^)
  16. Coyodie


    Hi, any tips for a beginner?(o'v'o)