Search results for query: *

  1. cyberbarista

    Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    "Yeah, it's always been hard for me to figure someone else out." Hana reflected briefly on all the times she had crushed on someone and had no success ever finding out if they liked her back. Hana smiled, happy to be able to be forward about her sexuality. This city was filled with all sorts of...
  2. cyberbarista

    MxM 1x1 Search (Prompts Inside) (Currently Closed)

    I am interested in the second one, and will happily meet your bullet pointed requests. PM me?
  3. cyberbarista

    Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    Hana was taken by surprise at the casual way Stella just admitted her sexuality. It wasnt a bad thing that she was doing it, of course, but she seemed so fearless. It was almost like she didn't think twice that Hana could possibly judge her for it. Hana tried her hardest not to look surprised as...
  4. cyberbarista
  5. cyberbarista

    Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    Hana wasn't surprised hearing that Stella had waitressing experience. The way she was always eager to help out and how much she was able to put up with... definitely someone who was fit for that kind of job. Hana couldn't do it, she knew she couldn't deal with that many people at once. When...
  6. cyberbarista

    Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    "Great, Ive never had it. You better not be lying." She smiled jokingly. As much as Hana loved nonchalantly hanging over the counter, sitting down sounded great. Her feet were still sore from standing behind the cash register her whole shift. She pulled up a stool that was behind the counter and...
  7. cyberbarista

    Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    Hana, leaning against the front desk, found a miscellaneous stack of post it's to play with while she was talking. "I just ate so I'll probably only have a few pieces," She said. She was banking on the fact that Stella would accept the pizza as a gift, but she supposed Stella's vehement kind...
  8. cyberbarista

    Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    Hana was happy she was being invited to hang out. She didn't know too many people in the city, so it didn't happen often. The people at the film club hardly gave her a passing glance and she wasn't much but acquainted with her coworkers, who were both older ladies that mostly talked to each...
  9. cyberbarista

    Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    Hearing Stella's last remark caught her by surprise for some reason. She got complimented by her female friends often back home, and for some reason this felt different to her. Stella's demeanor was different than that of her other friends. She wanted to say it was the age difference, but...
  10. cyberbarista

    Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    As Hana waited for Stella to arrive, she stood inside the restaurant staring out the window. If she recalled correctly, VW's cars weren't just any yellow, they were extremely bright. Hopefully that would make it easier to find Stella in the darkness of the storm. Out of the corner of her eye...
  11. cyberbarista

    Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    Hana smiled to herself hearing her friends' voice, relieved to know Stella was en route. Having to walk home in the rain would have been a disaster. Typically she could take the 20 block walk from the district she worked in to the motel. But prolonged exposure to the rain definitely would have...
  12. cyberbarista

    Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    "There's no reason to stay if I can find a better life somewhere else." That's what she told everyone, through the soft glow of her cigarette (a habit she picked up at the age of 16 to spite her health nut father). It was official: Hana was going to leave town. There had been talk about it all...
  13. cyberbarista

    Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    Okay! I'll probably write a bit more for the sake of establishing everything but that sounds just fine to me. I'll write something up tomorrow, thanks for your interest!
  14. cyberbarista

    Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    Okay sounds great :) could I write us a starter? How much are you comfortable writing?
  15. cyberbarista

    Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    I'm so glad to hear that, mind going into detail?
  16. cyberbarista

    Getting back in the game

    Thank you :)
  17. cyberbarista

    Looking for Long Term/Invested RP Partner

    I am very interested in the alien/human pairing, and I am more than happy to play a dominant role, male or female. In terms of keeping it going, I might have a few ideas to help it stay long-term. I have an idea for the alien and stuff too. PM me if you haven't found anyone yet, I don't have...
  18. cyberbarista

    Looking for Long-term Partner

    Hello! I think we'd make a great pair in terms of reply length, and as an avid sci-fi fan I'd be very interested in the android x creator pairing. PM me if you're still looking, I've got nothing on my plate at the moment :)
  19. cyberbarista

    One x One Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    @cyberbarista, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  20. cyberbarista

    One x One Where am I? [F X F preferably, will do others ]

    @cyberbarista, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.