Getting back in the game


Hello, all

I may be new around here, but when it comes to roleplay, I am what they may call a veteran. It's been over a year since I've sincerely put any thought into an RP, and lately I've been longing to return to it. I'm open to nearly anything; please please (please) come to me with all of your wild ideas. I've been known to play sassy female characters, but I'd like to branch out. For the time being, I'm only interested in 1 on 1 type RPs since that's what I've done mostly in the past, but once I pick up speed with that, I'd be fine joining a group.

Other than that, I'm always down to make friends and talk about stuff.
Sassy female characters are fun to play. Anyway, welcome to the site! *throws confetti around*

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