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  1. BrittanyTaichou


  2. BrittanyTaichou

    Hakimoto Academy [Inactive]

    Character : Emiko Katsu Age : 16 Likes : Anything electronic, coding/hacking, history, books, anime, sweets, secretly loves cute things Dislikes : Exercise, writing, and tomatoes Abillity : Super good at hacking, coding, and that stuff Bio: She doesn't really want anybody to know so...
  3. BrittanyTaichou

    Death Weapon Meister Academy

    Hullo! I would love to join! ^-^ Appearance: Like Riko, but with light purple hair and dark purple eyes. She's pretty short for her age, only about 5 feet tall. She transforms into a weapon like this Name: Chiho Arande Gender: Female Age: 15 Personality: Chiho is very shy and...
  4. BrittanyTaichou

    Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn [Inactive]

    Without a response from the dragon, Roki looked his surroundings. He watched the dragons and their Riders training and flying around. He stumbled, still disoriented from the sudden flight he didn't anticipate.
  5. BrittanyTaichou

    Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn [Inactive]

    Before Roki could understand what was going on, he was up in the air on the dragon's back, the wind whipping through his hair and clothes. He clutched the dragon's neck for dear life, till he ended up sliding down it's wing to the ground of where he supposed was the castle. The dragon stood tall...
  6. BrittanyTaichou

    Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn [Inactive]

    Roki watched the dragon as it stayed silent and continued to watch him. "Hi," he said, finally.
  7. BrittanyTaichou

    Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn [Inactive]

    Roki heard a fearsome roar. He looked up and was surprised to see a sparkling green dragon diving towards him. He knew he should have been afraid, or at least have tried to move out of the way of the charging beast, but he stood. He held his ground even when the emerald dragon stopped right in...
  8. BrittanyTaichou

    Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn [Inactive]

    Roki was nearing the castle. He watched in amazement as he saw giant beasts fly above him. He had never been so close to dragons before. He saw them in books and when they would make rounds with the eggs at Teirm, but only from a window, or from a boat at sea he sometimes saw them circling the...
  9. BrittanyTaichou

    Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn [Inactive]

    (I'm so sorry, I didn't know this started!) Roki trudge over yet another hill. His legs ached and his feet felt heavy as lead. He'd been traveling for days, and everything in his body was sore and stiff. 'Why?' He wondered for the hundredth time, but he couldn't deny the inevitable answer...
  10. BrittanyTaichou

    Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn

    Should I just have my character Rokí be as is or.... do you want me to make a dragon or....?? xD
  11. BrittanyTaichou

    Fairy Tail [[Closed]]

    Hullo! Verrici said I could still join so... I hope you will accept! Name: Mio Age: 16 Gender: Female Type(s) of Magic: Music magic Guild: Fairy Tail Personality: Mio is usually very shy and timid. She is really gentle, and plays the violin beautifully. Although she is usually kind...
  12. BrittanyTaichou

    Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn

    Oooooh! Okay, I get it now! ^-^ Yay! Thank you!
  13. BrittanyTaichou

    Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn

    Is it alright then, if I just use Roki?
  14. BrittanyTaichou

    Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn

    Oh, hehe woops! Sorry~
  15. BrittanyTaichou

    Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn

    I would really love to join! ^-^ Rider Form Name: Roki Title (Optional): None yet Age (9+): 17 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance (Anime only): < Kinda like this guy. Rusty red hair, green eyes, and a pretty heavy build; broad shoulders. Personality: Roki is a little bit...
  16. BrittanyTaichou


    Hullo! I'm Brittany. Uh, my favorite anime is Fairy Tail, I love to draw and rp of course... and I hope we can be friends! ^-^'