Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn

How will we decide who gets which dragon? I mean, who wouldn't want an epic egg to throw at people's heads?
[QUOTE="Darth Pai]How will we decide who gets which dragon? I mean, who wouldn't want an epic egg to throw at people's heads?

I will probably just randomly select dragons for everyone.

Or pick the best match.
Hm. Well, this is likely to be fabulous, and I want in! Please! Let me in!

Rider Form:

Name: Tamrana Ilep (Elea)

Title: None yet...

Age (9+): 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance (Anime only): Anime/FFXII.jpg.html (Not my drawing.)

Personality: Reserved. She keeps to herself. Serious, intimidating, and ferocious at times but she's just a scared girl on the inside. Lonely, depressed, and neglected.

Dragon: (Fill in later)

Sword: In the picture.

Sword Title: Vættfang (Battlefield)

Romantic Interest: Not sure yet.... I'll get back to you on that...

History/Bio: Her father was abusive to say the least. He killed her mother, and blamed her for it. Since then she ran off from home. Later proven innocent, but never really grew to trust people after that. The sword she uses is the one that her father used to kill her mother, and she uses it so she never forgets her mother.

As for recently, she had been living alone in the woods, hunting deer, sometimes stealing from the nearby town, but only when she got desperate, and even then, she'd just take something small. After a particularly bad heist, she fled to the woods to nurse her wounds, but instead found Valien in her campsite, alone. Suspecting him to be homeless like herself, she offered him a shelter and some spare stew to eat, no matter how hungry she was. Valien, being a kind man noticed her kind nature and offered her a home instead, and told her who he was.

Tamrana had been shocked, and actually scared. She had heard of the horrible things they did to thieves, and she didn't want that to happen to her. She was about to start to plead with him, but Valien simply held up a hand and told her he understood her situation. This suprised her yet again. He offered her shelter at the castle of the Riders, for he saw potential in her. Naturally she had accepted, and has been living at the castle ever since, under the arm of Valien as a student.

Dragon Form:

Name: Saskan-I'm unculturedrliga (Saska for short.)

Age: ..... Maybe 18. (Whats a teenager in dragon years?)

Gender: Female

Scale color: Emerald green

Appearance: (Again, not my work.)

Bonded or Wild: Wild. Bonded soon, hopefully.

Personality: Defiant. Sassy. Stubborn, doesn't like to listen to orders. She's going to need a special sort with lots of patience to deal with her. She hides how lonely she is under a veil of confidence.

Mate: No...

History/Bio: Harsh life out in the woods. Simply put, a normal wild dragon's life. At first, she was as wild as they came. A danger to anyone around her, even other dragons, her incredible strength patched with her agility in flight was devastating. She would throw tantrums as a hatchling, and burn down entire villages in her rage. Some people offered her shelter as a hatchling, and they actually fed her for a while. However, her appetite grew to a point that they could hardly feed themselves. So one day they just packed up and left her locked in a barn. Once she broke out, well, she burned down the town again. Since then, she's calmed down a bit, but is still defiant, head-strong, and stubborn.

One harsh day, the villagers decided she needed to either leave, or be "put down". Hearing this at first she showed no fear, until a couple Riders showed up with other dragons and ushered her off to a safe place near the castle of the Riders, where she was watched over. Many attempted to train her. All failed, thus she was dubbed, "The Untrainable", and she takes pride in that name. Most have given up hope of her finding her Rider. All except Valien. He is the one human she dare not snap at.
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(Sorry for the extremely incomplete forums. xP The last half of my day was unexpectedly busy, but first thing in the morning I'll complete them.)

Rider Form

Name: Bregone is his last name, but his first is unknown.

Title: The Shadow Knight

Age: 64, though his appearance is misleading. He looks to be a man in his early 30s.

Gender: Male

Race: Human



The infamous Shadow Knight armor.


Bergone without his helmet on, a rare sight indeed.


Bregone is a much like a warrior from past ages. Reserved in speech and friendliness, he's not very outgoing or friendly at first sight. He doesn't greet strangers or offer any sort of introduction, not that he'd need to, for most knew him by the sight of his armor. A sense of malice is the impression or aura he gives off to others, and he wouldn't have it any other way. Yet, the question arises whether this is his true nature.

In truth, Bregone, the Shadow Knight, is a much different person than he'd seem on the outside. Appearances must be kept up to date with legends, and this he accomplishes by remaining the silent and fearful figure of the Shadow Knight. He's a kind, cheerful, and honest person when torn away from his shell, human in every way. Often he finds himself in silent mourning or self neglect due to his lack of interaction with other human beings, but under the weight of the legacy he took upon his shoulders he has no other choice.

Dragon: (Fill in later)



Sword Title: Himinn Móðr. Heaven's Malice.

Romantic Interest: N/A


Bregone was a tenacious young boy, filled with strong beliefs, ideals, and dreams. He longed for greatness. Sadly, there wasn't much hope in accomplishing his dreams, for Bregone was born in a isolated nomad village, scarcely even visited from the rest of the world. Everyone told him to stick to a simple ideal, and perhaps his family could prosper in their small village. He wouldn't hear for it, even as a boy, and he only became more fired up as he grew. The day then came when he decided to set out on his own, certain he'd never accomplish what he wished to unless he made the initial push.

Days passed, and for the first time in his life Bregone was introduced to the real hardships of living out in the wild. Never did he give up though, despite how the land and weather battered him. It was then he saw the Shadow Knight.

Everyone knew the legends of the great warrior who traveled the lands alone, but seeing him was a rare occasion. And this was the last occasion. After years of wandering, fighting, and toil, the legendary warrior was at the end of his life. Upon seeing Bregone, he immediately dubbed him his successor in the hopes his legacy would never die out. It was a golden opportunity for Bregone, and he accepted willingly. Thus the Shadow Knight was reborn. Bregone then planned to return to his village as the Shadow Knight, and perhaps reveal his identity to his family. However, the chance never came. Upon arriving at his old village he found it destroyed, reduced to nothing but rubble. It was anyone's guess whether or not there were survivors, and it was impossible to tell. Bregone assumed it was the work of bandits or raiders, but why they would sack the town and murder everyone was beyond his wildest guess. There was perhaps another evil force at work in the world...

Bregone sought out the Riders after this, hoping to join their ranks. In order to join them he revealed to Valien Edricsson, their leader, the truth that he was but a successor of the Shadow Knight. Frustrated, wrought with grief and remorse for his loved ones, he begged to be taught in the ways of the Riders, and that on his own accord he would find himself a dragon.

The day of finding his dragon and becoming a Rider didn't take long, for a month after arriving at the castle an egg came into Bregone's possession. Since it was he whom it was given to, he had every right to raise the dragon as his own. This he did with great care and devotion, and named the dragon Thorleikr.

Dragon Form

Name: Thorleikr

Age: 97

Gender: Male

Scale color: Pale green



Thorleikr exorcising his strength atop a mountain.

Bonded or Wild:


Thorleikr is a fighter, a warrior. He uses brute strength and force to overcome any foe or obstacle, and he never gives up any fight. Stubborn as he is brawny, this dragon would not be considered among the very wise, but, however, his reputation doesn't come from thinking matters through. Strategy he leaves to his rider, and if any other dragon dare rebuke him for it, he knows the perfect way to settle the score.

Mate: N/A


Never had there been a more frail and weak dragon. Thorleikr, as a hatchling, was a disgrace to all other dragons. He did nothing but eat, sleep, and get in the way in-between eating and sleeping. At first Bregone was disgusted with him, and despite his care and devotion in raising the dragon Thorleikr made no indication of change.

Then, like a parent disciplining their child, Bregone refused Thorleikr refused him any food. Starvation was the goal. Either Thorleikr stand up and do something for himself, or he could die. Inside the Shadow Knight prayed his dragon wouldn't be so foolish as to let himself die, but he remained steadfast to his plan. And surprisingly, the plan worked. Without food Thorleikr went into a fiery rage, unleashing his sealed strength upon an unsuspecting mountain. At the end of the day the mountain was largely reduced in size, yet still Thorleikr had no food. He truly didn't know any better, that the mountain wouldn't just give him food.

Overcome with sympathy and a matter of pride, Bregone then took pity on the dragon and gave him a meal. It was then the dragon's true potential was shown, even though it didn't have an ounce of brain power.

Regular Form

Name: Renna Vardamir

Title: N/A

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Elf



Renna in the calmest mood you'll ever see her in.


Renna is a very mischievous, very outgoing person. Wherever she goes trouble follows. Her dazzling good looks often attract a lot of eyes, and this she uses to her advantage. Slightly sadistic, but she never goes too far... usually. She's a confident person, overly so, she greatly believes in her own abilities even to the point of being an utter egotistic. Quite friendly still in most areas, and surprisingly tolerant of others, Renna isn't the type to hurt anyone, in any shape or form, when she's upset. It's one of her only reserved qualities.

Occupation: Thief

Romantic Interest: She has a small crush on Bregone, but it'll probably never develop into anything more.


Renna was a street rat, a thief. She made her way from town to town, stealing whatever she needed and living a luxurious life. It was no surprise she was never caught, for besides her naturally charming looks she was a master burglar. By the time anyone was aroused by the thief's crime, it was already too late, and Renna was off enjoying a nice juicy apple underneath an apple tree. Funny thing was, she'd steal just to steal. There was a certain sense of survival attached with it, but for the most part she'd do it out of boredom. Excitement was really all that she had left. No family or friends, Renna was alone in the world.

Sitting by the edge of the road after stealing a satchel of apples, Renna was busily munching away at a particularly red one when the sound of armored footsteps reached her ears. The source of the sound was still a good deal away, but being half-elf Renna's senses were superior to that of a normal human being. Itching with anticipation, she waited for the unknown man, or woman, to appear before her. If she was lucky, they'd have something valuable on them.

As the figure came into view, he revealed himself to be none other than the Shadow Knight. Renna, in shock, practically dropped her satchel of apples. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out, and Bregone casually picked up one of the fallen apples and stored it in his satchel. Renna wasn't going to complain, for after all she had stolen the lot of them, and there were plenty more. She offered Bregone to stay with her as company for a short while, but the knight refused.

Frustrated as she was disappointed, Renna laid on her back to look up at the sky as the Shadow Knight left. An opportunity of some real excitement had just passed her by, and now she wondered if stealing things would be enough to keep her entertained now.

In a last minute decision, Renna launched herself after the knight, begging him to take her with him on his travels, and promising she wouldn't be a burden. At first he refused, but after nights and days of pestering from Renna, who never seemed to give up following him, he conceded. Since, the half-elf has been the ever faithful companion of Bregone.

Other: Loves apples. She's also the only one who knows Bregone's true identity.

(Is Bregone's bio okay? I wasn't sure if it was alright for him to be a rider in training.)

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Name: Vedr Aranais

Title (Optional):Storm of Kausta

Age (9+): 21

Gender: Male


Appearance (Anime only):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Richard-1.jpg.c2f8b4b637fb99207caf4c486e9361bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8717" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Richard-1.jpg.c2f8b4b637fb99207caf4c486e9361bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Vedr is an intelligent person, who is also very skilled with a blade. He is very loyal but has trouble opening up to others. Vedr has been known to act first think later, despite his smarts. Vedr has a very loving side being that he is the oldest of five. He adores his siblings and tries his best to give them a good example. He fights for his ideals and for a peace that will last through Overall he has a good and strong heart and is willing to fight for his ideals.

Dragon: (Fill in later)


Sword Title:Banahogg (Deathblow)

Romantic Interest:None Currently

History/Bio: Vedr has always been an adventurous person despite his families reputation of being predominantly scholars. He was always spending his time going on imaginary adventures with his friends or daydreaming of becoming a dragonrider, but of course that had to come after, he took care of his siblings. He did as he got odler start to find more and more time to puruse his ambitions training in swordfighting, and studying with his Father. He was in his third year of training, when there was a pirate raid, the men of the city gathered and struck back Vedr in the lead,he fought with great prowess using his sword with great speed and strength. He is said to have summoned a storm while fighting earning Vedr his title as the storm of Kausta. After repelling the pirates he decided to go and try to become a dragon rider hoping a dragon will hatch for him. He was given his fathers armor and sword as a gift and sent on his way not knowing just what to expect.

(Had a terrible case of writers block...and homework)



  • Richard-1.jpg
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explosiveKitten said:
Hm. Well, this is likely to be fabulous, and I want in! Please! Let me in!
Rider Form:

Name: Tamrana Ilep (Elea)

Title: None yet...

Age (9+): 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance (Anime only):
(Not my drawing.)

Personality: Reserved. She keeps to herself. Serious, intimidating, and ferocious at times but she's just a scared girl on the inside. Lonely, depressed, and neglected.

Dragon: (Fill in later)


Sword Title: Vættfang (Battlefield)

Romantic Interest: Not sure yet.... I'll get back to you on that...

History/Bio: Her father was abusive to say the least. He killed her mother, and blamed her for it. Since then she ran off from home. Later proven innocent, but never really grew to trust people after that. The sword she uses is the one that her father used to kill her mother, and she uses it so she never forgets her mother.

As for recently, she had been living alone in the woods, hunting deer, sometimes stealing from the nearby town, but only when she got desperate, and even then, she'd just take something small. After a particularly bad heist, she fled to the woods to nurse her wounds, but instead found Valien in her campsite, alone. Suspecting him to be homeless like herself, she offered him a shelter and some spare stew to eat, no matter how hungry she was. Valien, being a kind man noticed her kind nature and offered her a home instead, and told her who he was.

Tamrana had been shocked, and actually scared. She had heard of the horrible things they did to thieves, and she didn't want that to happen to her. She was about to start to plead with him, but Valien simply held up a hand and told her he understood her situation. This suprised her yet again. He offered her shelter at the castle of the Riders, for he saw potential in her. Naturally she had accepted, and has been living at the castle ever since, under the arm of Valien as a student.

Dragon Form:

Name: Saskan-I'm unculturedrliga (Saska for short.)

Age: ..... Maybe 27. (Whats a teenager in dragon years?)

Gender: Female

Scale color: Emerald green

(Again, not my work.)

Bonded or Wild: Wild. Bonded soon, hopefully.

Personality: Defiant. Sassy. Stubborn, doesn't like to listen to orders. She's going to need a special sort with lots of patience to deal with her. She hides how lonely she is under a veil of confidence.

Mate: No...

History/Bio: Harsh life out in the woods. Simply put, a normal wild dragon's life. At first, she was as wild as they came. A danger to anyone around her, even other dragons, her incredible strength patched with her agility in flight was devastating. She would throw tantrums as a hatchling, and burn down entire villages in her rage. Some people offered her shelter as a hatchling, and they actually fed her for a while. However, her appetite grew to a point that they could hardly feed themselves. So one day they just packed up and left her locked in a barn. Once she broke out, well, she burned down the town again. Since then, she's calmed down a bit, but is still defiant, head-strong, and stubborn.

One harsh day, the villagers decided she needed to either leave, or be "put down". Hearing this at first she showed no fear, until a couple Riders showed up with other dragons and ushered her off to a safe place near the castle of the Riders, where she was watched over. Many attempted to train her. All failed, thus she was dubbed, "The Untrainable", and she takes pride in that name. Most have given up hope of her finding her Rider. All except Valien. He is the one human she dare not snap at.

(Might add more in the morning. Thanks for your time.)
I unfortunately cannot see your pictures! D: 
We have 7 Riders and 2 Dragons.

Due to this, we have a few options.

1. We can wait for more peeps.

2. I can make dragons for everyone and roleplay all of them (Please don't make me do that t_t)

3. You all make your own dragons

4. I make dragons for you and accepted users can either take them or let the user who I made the dragon for originally just roleplay for it.
Akihito said:
I unfortunately cannot see your pictures! D: 
We have 7 Riders and 2 Dragons.
Due to this, we have a few options.

1. We can wait for more peeps.

2. I can make dragons for everyone and roleplay all of them (Please don't make me do that t_t)

3. You all make your own dragons

4. I make dragons for you and accepted users can either take them or let the user who I made the dragon for originally just roleplay for it.
Yes, I know, I'm sorry, I don't know whats going on. Is it okay if I just describe them? If not, I'll just post links to the pictures.. I can also throw in another dragon if that helps.
explosiveKitten said:
Yes, I know, I'm sorry, I don't know whats going on. Is it okay if I just describe them? If not, I'll just post links to the pictures..
You can post the links here or in a PM, whichever you prefer. :)



@Kai'zen Makaira


Thanks, okay it seems like it'll just be everyone roleplaying as their own dragon.

Perhaps we can have it more focused on the Riders instead Riders and Dragons
That sounds good to me. :3 Everyone will know their dragons a little better that way too. Unfortunately I'm still having laptop problems so my ability to post once the RP is up all depends on whether or not I can fix the problem. :/

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