Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn

Dragon Form




13 years of life.



Scale color:



Egg ( Previous)


Current time (Imagine this but only slightly larger than Elizabeth)


Future (when fully matured)


Bonded or Wild:

Bonded to Elizabeth


Klalor has a very strange personality. He and Elizabeth are near complete opposites. He is confident regardless of the situation and willing to do anything that would help the pair complete their task. He is rarely ever excited and doesn't present clearly how he feels. Unlike his bonded rider he is silent, quite respectful as he will keep Elizabeth from interrupting and annoying people as she normally attempts to do. However, despite all this he is still young and so is stubborn and ignorant to many things, leading the pair often into trouble unwillingly.


None! Maybe later on.


Hatched only a year ago when Elizabeth met her foster father, Klalor hatched upon the second the small girl got her hands upon the Egg. The second he was released from the purple shell, Elizabeth with her childish adoration for anything 'cute' made sure that the dragon was never far from the girl. More often than not she had him with her at all points of the day and if he was to be taken for any reason she would end up sulking or throwing some sort of messed up tantrum. In other words, he was smothered and pampered by the girl. So, the dragon spent a lot of time with Elizabeth, even during her pranks she some how got him to be involved even in the slightest way. Her reason? She would often just mumble that it was her responsibility to raise Klalor and so she would raise him 'reeeeeeeeeeeeallllly well' Just like how Valien was taking care of her. That were her exact words often after she was caught pranking. Klalor is young and so his history is not much. However, the year of his life that he has spent with Elizabeth the two train constantly together and if they are not together it is a strange sight to behold.

....Couldn't put much history as he is one year

I can play people's dragons, if they'd like. I'll be deleting Rowena, just being my dragon for now.
If you want, you could perhaps be Valien's or someone elses. I just finished Arienna's dragon. 

Dragon Form




4 years old



Scale color:




Bonded or Wild:

Bonded with Arienna


Zereia is a calm and thoughtful young dragon.

She is friendly and loyal to Arienna despite her Rider's quite personality.

Zereia is very observant and is quick to adapt to her surroundings. She is younger than her Rider but she acts more like a mother to Arienna. She has tried her best for her Rider to interact with everyone else but to no avail. Zereia is saddened for Arienna's loss but knows she must move on.


None yet. (Side note: Dragons reach Mating Maturity around Age 4-5)


Zereia never liked any of the people that Valien had presented her egg to and was growing impatient in her egg.

Unlike other Dragons who have very little memory of their time in the egg, she on the other hand can remember quite a lot but all she did was ponder small things. It was quite sometime when Zereia felt an interesting presence.

This human girl had such sadness and grief in her heart that it immediately melted Zereia's soft heart. She instantly wanted to help this poor girl. So she hatched.

Since then, Zereia has tried her best to cheer up her Rider. She knows she cannot fill the post that her family had, but she will become something new in Arienna's life.

Zereia is the only one who knows the true reason for Arienna's sadness.

Well, Talos, you're a free man. But seriously. Who doesn't want a hard egg to throw at people? I wonder why Eragon didn't use Saphira's egg to crack everyone's heads...?
[QUOTE="Darth Pai]Well, Talos, you're a free man. But seriously. Who doesn't want a hard egg to throw at people? I wonder why Eragon didn't use Saphira's egg to crack everyone's heads...?

It probably hatched for him too soon xD

Also, he didn't exactly know what it was. If the Riders weren't gone, they would have taught him a bit more xD
On an unrelated note: Sorry for not signing up for your RPs when I said I would, Pai and Unholy. ^^' Didn't anticipate my computer eating itself from the inside out, but hopefully I'll be able to post my char sheets soon.
Starting on Valien's dragon then starting the roleplay! 

Dragon Form




130 years old



Scale color:




Bonded or Wild:

Bonded with Valien


Belgabad is a old and wise dragon.

He is soft-spoken and trains most of the younger dragons. The old dragon tends to have a cranky personality but underneath he is quite friendly, firm, and has a funny sense of humor.

Belgabad is able to sense other people's emotions just by looking at their expression, thanks to years of practice. He can say a single sentence to put your mind at ease, as it is a natural talent of his.

He will never falter with Valien. Despite his seemingly cranky attitude, he is a fierce fighter. Belgabad is faithfully to the Riders and will never, ever run away until everyone is safe from a battle. He is willing to sacrifice himself to save others.




Belgabad is a direct descent of Belgabad, his namesake. Like his ancestor, he is one of the largest dragons in Alagaesia.

Belgabad didn't remember much in his time in his egg but when Valien touched his egg, he knew that he was the right one.

When he hatched, Belgabad and Valien learned from Eragon and his dragon, Saphira.

Back then, Belgabad was as frisky as a newborn, which he was. He instantly developed a crush on his teacher, Saphira.

He went to many lengths to become her mate which she always rejected.

Eventually Belgabad got the message that Saphira was his teacher, not a potential mate. His personality soon changed to a more subtle and serious one, thanks to Valien. Together the two were the greatest tag team there was and he never trusted a person that Valien.

When Valien back the leader of the Riders, Belgabad worked harder to become a dragon that the younglings could look up to and follow.


Is it okay if my dragon is black aswell?


Dragon Form


Age: Newborn


Scale color:Black

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Kaerana.jpg.860c9cb633b3346112e0ec44b4435145.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8863" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Kaerana.jpg.860c9cb633b3346112e0ec44b4435145.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bonded or Wild: She has yet to bond, but she is very close to accepting Vedr as her rider

Personality:Szylana is a very cool tempered dragon, she often takes time to asses her situation before trying to act on what she decides is best for all invovled. She is kind and very good around people, and is right with Vedr when it comes to intelligence. Szylana is brave and fierce, willing to do anything to protect those she can.



Szylana's egg was found by Vedr in a cave he had stayed in for a night, he immediately knew what it was and decided to take it to the rider stronghold,they had been trveling together for weeks now and have almost reached the home of the riders. The whole time Szylana was assesing Vedr and finally reaching her conclusion.

Pai and Shadow, you guys make me feel so special xD



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I would join this, but I'm sort of hesitating from not being able to create my Rider's dragon. This makes it so you can't have many moments like in Brisingr towards the beginning where Eragon and Saphira keep finishing each-other's sentences, and things like that. 
I suppose I'll post this, then:


Reth Bælin

Title (Optional):

Age (9+):

15, both visually and actually





Appearance (Anime only):


(Just without the staff)


Reth is hopelessly lost when it comes to planning and strategy, but as he's in action he tries to think of strategies which usually fail. He does, however, love reading, and he's a fast learner. He is usually cheerful and joking, but he knows when to be serious.





Sword Title:

Fægir - Artist, because swordsmanship is an art.

Romantic Interest:



Reth was born in Ilirea. His parents were generally kind and caring, but Reth spent most of his time reading or playing around in the city. He had many friends among the elven children, and would often get into trouble. When he would be playing, he never really tried sneaking up on anybody. He just ran up and did whatever they would do in that game. If he played chess, he would move a piece and then think about how it could help him strategically. Basically, he thought things through during or after they happened.

His life was simple like this. He grew up without caring much about events. Through these years, he always looked up to the Riders, wishing he were one. He longed to fly through the air and to have a life-long companion with whom he could share his thoughts and feelings.

This happened when he found Zathala.




Five months



Scale color:




Bonded or Wild:

Bonded with Reth


Zathala is joking and sarcastic, but serious when it comes to training and such. She takes her time learning. She often stops Reth from running into things foolishly, and helps him think things through before doing them.




Zathala was only a few days old when she met Reth. Reth saw her, and approached slowly. Zathala backed away a bit, but then she was the one who approached Reth. Reth knelt down, and Zathala went a bit closer. Reth slowly took his hand and touched Zathala, and that is when Reth got his gedwey ignasia, and they became bonded.

Reth cared for her, and their bond became stronger. It wasn't until she was four or five months old that Reth decided he needed to be trained as a Rider, for that was what he was, and without training bad things could happen.

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