Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn [Inactive]

After a few minutes, Klalos and Elizabeth had gotten up and headed to the training ground. While the two were quite close, Elizabeth was still terrified to going flying. She hated it. However, on the opposing hand Klalos loved to fly and wanted Elizabeth to share the experience. So, the pair had been trying to work on it for a while. The pair stared at each other for a moment before Elizabeth groaned, the thirteen year old trying to shy away from it. 'You have to be able to do this.' She shook her head, pouting. "I don't like it, I will fall and it'll hurt." Klalos felt upset and Elizabeth could feel it. 'I would not allow that to happen.' Elizabeth looked around before noticing Arienna. The small girl ran over to her, much to the dismay of her dragon who knew she was only trying to avoid heights. "Hello!"
Vedr saw the man approaching him and turned to greet him. With his right hand he opens his palm upwards showing his mark to the man as explanation, "My name is Vedr, I am here you join you all as a Rider." He lifted up the hatchling so the man could see ,"And this is, well this dragon just hatched and has not told me its' name yet." He looked at the man questioningly " Are you Valien?"
Arienna turned toward the girl, Elizabeth and just blankly stared at her, not speaking.

Answer her. Zereia coaxed.

Arienna refused.

Answer her Arienna. Zereia repeated but firmer.

Arienna frowned and said very quietly, "Hello." Then she turned away.

Valien nodded.

"Yes, I am Valien. Please come inside. There is much you must learn. No doubt you are thrilled to have become a dragon Rider and will have many questions." Valien said, patting the boy's back, leading him into the castle.
The girl smiled softly, her fingers interlocking behind her back as she stared in return to the woman's silence. Two seconds later, she spoke, still smiling. "Why are you constantly sad?" She asked. The girl was not trying to be rude but she was not a fan of negativity. The girl tilted her head, innocently trying to coax the answer from her. "Oh! Are you scared of heights too?"
Vedr walked alongside Valien feeling his large hand on his back, he was a bit startled at first but he realized it was a warm and welcoming touch. The black hatchling in his arms looked up at him before scurrying up him arm with an unexpected speed, It rested it's head on Vedr's shoulder and flapped its' wings and swished it's tail finally able to stretch. Vedr patted its head being as gentle as he possibly could. "So, what's the first order of business then?" Vedr looked towards Valien, realizing just how odd it was that he was able to guess his identity, he pushed the thought out of his head and returned his attention to him.

Szylana at this point was just going along for the ride, although there were a multitude of things she wanted to explore she wanted to be able to share her first experiences here with her Rider. She had already formed her opinion of Valien, she had also taken note of the riders in the training yard She was very impressed by the multitude of dragons, all bearing their own beautiful color, she had felt a little jealous but knew that her rider was satisfied with her color. She climbed up his arm and settled on the back side of his shoulder, finding plenty of footholds in his armor, she stretched her limbs and watched Valien awaiting his response.
Saskan didn't realize Belgabad was there, she was lost in her own thoughts. And actually, she had fallen asleep a while ago. Now she was woken by Belgabad's voice in her mind, and her large yellow eyes blinked open, and immediately adjusted to the light. With a small yawn she stood and stretched, then unfolded her wings and looked to Belgabad, blinking her eyes to help herself refocus.

Very well... Though I'm not sure if I can explain in any case...

Tamrana nodded to Valien before standing and heading out of the castle, and towards the archery range. She knew she could be sword training, it wasn't exactly a strong point for her, but she was determined to improve her shooting. Grabbing a bow and several arrows, she drew the arrow back as she notched it. Narrowing her eyes, she breathed out calmly... and loosed the arrow. It hit the bullseye. Smiling, she lowered the bow, and eyed the next target, before raising the bow again, getting ready to shoot yet again.
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((Sorry to all who are part of this roleplay. School is crazy at the moment so my postings are going to be postponed for a bit.)) 

UnholyRedemption said:
The girl smiled softly, her fingers interlocking behind her back as she stared in return to the woman's silence. Two seconds later, she spoke, still smiling. "Why are you constantly sad?" She asked. The girl was not trying to be rude but she was not a fan of negativity. The girl tilted her head, innocently trying to coax the answer from her. "Oh! Are you scared of heights too?"
"That is none of your business." Arienna replied. Not angrily. In fact there was no emotion in her tone.

Do not be rude! Zereia reprimanded her.

[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Vedr walked alongside Valien feeling his large hand on his back, he was a bit startled at first but he realized it was a warm and welcoming touch. The black hatchling in his arms looked up at him before scurrying up him arm with an unexpected speed, It rested it's head on Vedr's shoulder and flapped its' wings and swished it's tail finally able to stretch. Vedr patted its head being as gentle as he possibly could. "So, what's the first order of business then?" Vedr looked towards Valien, realizing just how odd it was that he was able to guess his identity, he pushed the thought out of his head and returned his attention to him.
Szylana at this point was just going along for the ride, although there were a multitude of things she wanted to explore she wanted to be able to share her first experiences here with her Rider. She had already formed her opinion of Valien, she had also taken note of the riders in the training yard She was very impressed by the multitude of dragons, all bearing their own beautiful color, she had felt a little jealous but knew that her rider was satisfied with her color. She climbed up his arm and settled on the back side of his shoulder, finding plenty of footholds in his armor, she stretched her limbs and watched Valien awaiting his response.

"Well, first of all, you must discover your dragon's name. Sometimes they will ask you to name them or they'll have already chosen their name." Valien replied. "Your dragon may not be able to speak yet but images and emotions can be shared through your mental link."

explosiveKitten said:
Saskan didn't realize Belgabad was there, she was lost in her own thoughts. And actually, she had fallen asleep a while ago. Now she was woken by Belgabad's voice in her mind, and her large yellow eyes blinked open, and immediately adjusted to the light. With a small yawn she stood and stretched, then unfolded her wings and looked to Belgabad, blinking her eyes to help herself refocus.
Very well... Though I'm not sure if I can explain in any case...

Tamrana nodded to Valien before standing and heading out of the castle, and towards the archery range. She knew she could be sword training, it wasn't exactly a strong point for her, but she was determined to improve her shooting. Grabbing a bow and several arrows, she drew the arrow back as she notched it. Narrowing her eyes, she breathed out calmly... and loosed the arrow. It hit the bullseye. Smiling, she lowered the bow, and eyed the next target, before raising the bow again, getting ready to shoot yet again.
Be prepared to. Valien wants to know. Belgabad replied sternly. Come hatchling.

He turned and headed toward his beloved Rider.
Saskan took off quickly and flew behind Belgabad. She knew the humans at the castle didn't trust her. Not with her tantrums at her young age. But she gathered her thoughts none the less. I came to the castle... thinking I'd find my Rider. She looked up at Belgabad, and matched pace with him. Quickly she explained the feelings that she needed to go to the Castle of late, and she had only just now decided to approach, due to her reluctance.
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Belgabad snorted.

Understandable. Such dragons occasionally feel this. You realize no longer being wild will prove quite difficult. You are a team now, no longer an individual. Belgabad said. Can you handle that wildling?
She would have snapped back with some snide remark, but knowing Belgabad far outmatched her in wisdom and strength, she kept the remarks to herself. She would leave the explanations to Valien. Sweeping her eyes over the training field with the Riders, she searched for a place to land, hoping to not crush any unsuspecting Riders. She didn't want any angry dragons snapping at her tail. Though she could probably fly away faster then them. Spiraling down she landed in the middle of the practice area, and watched the Riders in training. Most we're looking at her in either fear or admiration. She found this to be unnecessary and growled at them to scare them off.
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Thorleikr circled far overhead against the bright, cloud covered sky, letting out a roar of sincere pleasure. He was glad to be out with his master, freely flying through the sky and on a full belly. "Ah-h-h, master, I feel refreshed," the dragon snorted with pleasure, coming down to land beside his rider, the Shadow Knight.

Bregone, the Shadow Knight, calmly sat amongst a small patch of mountain flowers, their pedals softly blowing in the path of the wind. His helmet lied neatly upon the ground, allowing Bregone to feel the rare cool of the wind upon his hair and face. Rarely was he able to take advantage of such a beautiful day without being the Shadow Knight, a burden which he had come to dread in some ways.

"Good, good," Bregone said quietly as Thorleikr landed beside him, the giant dragon's warm breath blowing against the back of his neck. "Enjoy it while you can, soon we return to the Rider's castle."

The dragon nodded in agreement. Upon hearing a voice behind him, he turned his long neck to see Renna trotting up to the bonded pair. She wore her usual mischievous smile, and in her hand was a juicy red apple.

Sitting herself down next to Bregone, Renna was about to take a bite from the apple's juicy texture when an armored hand snatched the fruit clean out of her grasp. "Hey!" she shouted, lunging for the apple and tumbling over onto her back as Bregone held it high above his head. "I didn't steal that one," she pouted, frowning as she rolled over onto her stomach.

The Shadow Knight only shrugged and tossed the apple back to the half-elf, presently retrieving his helm and putting it back on.

"It's not like you have hide your face from me," Renna pointed out, her mouth half-full of apple. She brushed some of her luminous hair behind her slightly pointed ears, raising a confused eyebrow at her companion. Despite all the time the two of them had spent together, Bregone still often acted like a stranger. Renna could recall one time when he actually told her the pros and cons of the Shadow Knight, one of the downsides being his lack of interaction with others. It's probably help if he didn't always act like this, she sighed inwardly, thinking how nice it'd be if her friend was cheerful for once.

Standing up, Bregone turned to saddle Thorleikr. "We're leaving," he replied simply, his back turned to Renna.

"Oh." The half-elf spat a seed out of her mouth. "I guess I'll see you both later then?" she asked dejectedly, a hint of disappointment in her voice. "You're at the castle training so often now, we rarely ever go traveling."

"Is there a need to travel constantly?"

Renna bit her lip back, thinking it best not to reply. "S-See you later then," she muttered, throwing the apple core away for some hungry bird to eat.


Reaching the castle, Thorleikr maintained a circular route around the parapets as he awaited his rider's command. The great dragon's body was teeming with energy, and he eagerly awaited to train with the others. Though he couldn't go full out with his strength as he could in a real battle, sparring and flying exercises were still good fun. So long as he had food firsthand, of course.

Bregone signaled for Thorleikr to land in the training field amongst the other riders, shouting orders to be mindful of where the others were training. The dragon complied, and together they dived from the sky and towards the field, landing gracefully with a powerful beat from Thorleikr's wings.

The Shadow Knight slid off his mount with surprising ease and grace, quickly looking up and down the field for familiar faces. Only recently joined the Rider's, he was unacquainted with just about everyone save Valien. Still, it didn't hurt to try and recognize some of his fellows.
Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, glaring up at her. "Why don't you try to be nice to people? Stop being the damned sad person! Its boring!" She stuck her tongue out before she turned on her heels, storming back over to Klalos. 'Lizzie, you should not be rude to her.' The dragon told her, the girl ignoring him completely. "I don't care! People always act unhappy and its annoying!" She hissed, only receiving a shake of the head from Klalos. "Can we just get on with it..." She mumbled, a frown on her lips. 'Okay, get on' The girl nodded before the Dragon took off. Once they got to a certain height the usual thing happened. Elizabeth snapped her eyes closed, her grip growing tighter. "I can't do it!" She told him, her eyes cracking open before she shuddered. 'You are doing well, you didn't last this long last time.' So, the two continued trying.
(I'm so sorry, I didn't know this started!)

Roki trudge over yet another hill. His legs ached and his feet felt heavy as lead. He'd been traveling for days, and everything in his body was sore and stiff. 'Why?' He wondered for the hundredth time, but he couldn't deny the inevitable answer. Something was calling him. Or so he thought. No matter how hard he tried to ignore it, the feeling always came back.

Roki kicked a helpless dying weed. He thought of the compelling force he felt back in Teirm that lead him to leave his father. His home. As guilty and sad as he felt, the compulsion to travel to the place of the riders was undeniable. He knew not what could possibly be awaiting him there, but went along with it anyway.

So he walked through the seemingly endless dessert. He had never been this far from home before, let alone by himself. Brushing his hand through his rusty-red, sweat soaked hair, he squinted his eyes to see something large and grand in the distance.

'I've made it!' He thought and grinned as his heart began to beat a little faster.
With a sigh, Tamrana returned the bow to it's place. After all her time, she only managed three more bullseyes. She had gotten very close, but that wasn't good enough for her. She decided to break for a minute, and sat at the edge of the field, watching the other Riders with their dragons. She sighed and said to herself, "When am I going to find my dragon? If I ever do... Am I even destined to be a Dragon Rider? Or am I due to be just a street rat..." She watched Elizabeth take off on her dragon... Klalos, was it?

Saskan shook her head to clear her thoughts. The pounding in her head had intensified. It was becoming an aching throb that she didn't understand. 'What is it trying to tell me?' She thought frantically, trying to decipher her thoughts. A purple dragon took off with his Rider in tow, and she couldn't help but notice a pale green dragon land in the practice field as well. A Rider clad in dark armor jumped from the back of the pale green dragon, and surveyed his -She assumed it was a he- surroundings.
Vedr nodded and looked towards the little dragon he attempted to communicate mentally with it mentally, first sending the feeling of joy he felt when he found the egg, he was surprised when he felt the same feeling shot right back at him and nearly fell on him face, barely staying upright. He matched his stride with Valien's and looked forward smiling. "I really like this hatchling, I think she had linked her mind to mine before I was even aware of it. But now it's almost as if I can live in two bodies." He noted the doors ahead and craned his neck looking up as they seemed to loom over him. He felt a nip at his neck and looked down, he saw the hatchling with a slightly annoyed look on it's face a feminine voice rang in his head, now fully audible.

"Now, do I have your attention? I've been trying to tell you something but you were too distracted. I've decided on my name, I want it to be Szylana. Tell Valien that for me, please?" Vedr was surprised by the knowledge she had of language, but given the amount of information she could use from his head it made sense that she had that much knowledge of english. He nodded to her and looked up to Valien. "She says she has decided that her name will be Szylana. She is really smart she can already speak an incredible amount of english." He smiled feeling pretty proud of his partner.

Szylana had been slightly annoyed with the way her partner had been so distracted but forgave him quickly after he told Valien. The name had come to her as she watched the scene around her and took it all in, she felt peaceful and then it kinda popped into her head. She was glad she learned english so quickly, it was very helpful in letting the others know her thoughts without playing charades. She adjusted her head on Vedr's shoulder and got comfortable, not knowing what she should do next.
Roki was nearing the castle. He watched in amazement as he saw giant beasts fly above him. He had never been so close to dragons before. He saw them in books and when they would make rounds with the eggs at Teirm, but only from a window, or from a boat at sea he sometimes saw them circling the city. But now he was so close. He began to feel a bit dizzy and stumbled as he walked. 'The heat,' he thought, 'it's getting to me.'

Determined to finally get out of the heat of the Hadarac Desert,he licked his cracking lips, straightened his back and shoulders, and trudged forward to the castle. He only hoped they would welcome him when he arrived...
'What is this..' Saskan turned and looked up at the castle, sensing something foriegn, but not quite sure what... That's it. I'm leaving. With a swift uptake of her wings, she took off, flying away from the castle. From high above, she could see a small figure approaching the castle... Something special about this particular human.... It's him. It's him! She a mighty roar, she dived, snapping her wings out just in time to land in front of the rusty-haired boy. Her claws dug into the sandy earth, and she stood over the young boy, merely stood there staring with her piercing yellow eyes.
Roki heard a fearsome roar. He looked up and was surprised to see a sparkling green dragon diving towards him. He knew he should have been afraid, or at least have tried to move out of the way of the charging beast, but he stood. He held his ground even when the emerald dragon stopped right in front of him, and he stared. He stared deeply into the dragon's eyes with his wide green ones, and became overcome with emotions. Such strong emotions he had not experienced before...
Saskan stared down at the boy, unsure of how to proceed. 'Am I even ready for this?' She thought, arching her neck back, then brought her head down to eye level with the rusty-haired boy. 'Once I have a Rider, no more freedom... No being able to do what I want, when I want...' She narrowed her eyes. The air the boy gave off was as pure as could be. He had no dark intentions. 'But this is what I waited all my life for. I've felt incomplete without my Rider....' She opened her eyes again, and stood still, waiting for him to make his next move...
Saskan looked down at the boy, then opened her mouth wide and snapped the boy up by the back of his shirt, and placed him on her back. She then took off and flew back to the training grounds at the castle. After landing, she touched her wing to the ground, so the rusty haired boy could climb down. Once he was down, she stood tall again, and looked down at him.
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Before Roki could understand what was going on, he was up in the air on the dragon's back, the wind whipping through his hair and clothes. He clutched the dragon's neck for dear life, till he ended up sliding down it's wing to the ground of where he supposed was the castle. The dragon stood tall in front of him as he tried to gather himself. He stared up and said, "Who are you...?" in a sincere tone.
Saskan looked down at the boy, not sure how to respond to his question. She turned to Belgabad, any of the other dragons looking for assistance. How do I speak to him? Belgabad, a little assistance would be helpful right now. She said to the elder dragon, unsure how to proceed and desperate to communicate with the young boy.
[[Okay, how might I start ... I'm not sure my character would try to travel to the Rider castle himself. Anything else I could do?]] 
Reth looks around at the landscape as he goes. He's almost at the castle he's heard about. "I can't wait until we reach the castle. What about you, Zathala?"

I can wait, but I do not wish to, says Zathala, being her usual literal self.

Reth sighs at how literal she's being and begins to go a bit faster, hurrying. He wants to catch sight of the castle before it gets to be too late in the day.

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