Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn [Inactive]

Tamrana stood up after stewing her own negativity and headed back for the castle. Just in time to see a young boy approaching a purple dragon following. Another one? Thats the third one today! Ugh... Turning back to the training grounds, she called to Valien,"Valien! We've got another new one heading this way!"
Valien turned to Tamrana and nodded to her.

"Can you get them started? I also have another pair right here. I trust you to teach them the ropes." Valien said kindly.

He walked quickly to the where Belgabad was leading Saskan.

Careful hatchling! Be wary of your surroundings. You have upset the other younglings! Belgabad roared at her.

"Peace Belgabad." Valien said quickly, not wanting to scare away the two of them.

Belgabad snorted and laid down.

"Saskan. I know you can hear my voice but I cannot hear yours. Will you let me into your mind so we may talk?"
Saskan grumbled and nodded her head, watching Roki as he stumbled about, clearly very...overwhelmed by what he was seeing. She felt a need to help him through this new experience, which only confirmed her thoughts that he was her Rider. I gave up a while ago, but recently I had the sense I needed to come to this castle. I think I know why now... She cast her yellow eyed gaze at the rusty haired boy.

Tamrana sighed. Dealing with the newbies.. She trudged over to the quickly approaching pair and stopped them. "New Riders, this way..." She marched off back towards the training field, not entirely sure what to do, so maybe just give them a quick tour of the facilities, then show them to Valien.
Reth opens his mouth to reply, but Tamrana left before he could. He looks at Zathala and shrugs, then follows behind Tamrana.
"So. How long have you two been travelling?" She asked, pulling her hair out of it's braid and rebraiding it. She always fiddled with her hair, it never cooperated with her. She felt sad, knowing so many new Riders showed everyday, but she had spent several years trying to find her own dragon. She would go and touch every dragon egg at the castle, try to communicate with any wild dragons she saw, but nothing worked. 'Maybe I'm just not supposed to be a Rider. I'm probably just supposed to be a street rat for the rest of my life.' She thought and sighed again, unable to hide her own sadness.
Happy to have some conversation, Reth said, "Well, it hasn't been too long. I'd say a month or so at the most. I'm Reth, by the way, what's your name?" Reth notices she's sad, but doesn't know how to make her feel better.

Then he looks at Zathala and realizes he forgot to introduce her. "Oh, and this is Zathala."
Tamrana lifts a hand in greeting to Zathala, "Tamrana." She replied to Reth, then turned and walked backwards, with her arms crossed. She stepped out of the way of somebody going by her without even looking behind her. "Well, this is the training grounds. You'll be spending most of your time here, I guess. This is where the apprentice Riders train. Theres an archery range, a sparring area. Most training happens in the air though." She looked up into the air at the Riders flying about on their dragons, and sighed yet again. 'I need to start counting how many times I sigh in a day.'
Reth nods as she talks to him. Then he looks up at the flying Riders.

See that, Zathala? He asks. One day we'll be up there with them, flying.

Yes, quite exciting,
Zathala says. Then we'll get to see how well you can hold on to a flying dragon.

Reth smiles a bit and continues following Tamrana.
Another sigh. 'Seven.' She stopped walking in the middle of the training field. Pointing in several different directions, she pointed each of the different training courses. Not sure what to do now... "I guess I'd best show you around the Castle..."

Slowly and carefully, she pressed into Valien's mind so he knew it was her. She had gotten very good at communicating via her mind. No matter how much she may try, Valien naturally had high defenses, and she understood why.
It's Tamrana, Valien. I am going to show the new Rider about the castle. Is there any particular place you wish me to show him?
Without a response from the dragon, Roki looked his surroundings. He watched the dragons and their Riders training and flying around. He stumbled, still disoriented from the sudden flight he didn't anticipate.
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