Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn


Aki of Hearts ♡

~Based on the amazing Inheritance cycle~

(a.k.a. Eragon, although the movies sucked. Just saying. :3)



Long ago, the legendary heroes, Eragon and his dragon Saphira, defeated Galbatorix. They recovered the hundreds of dragon eggs and took them across the sea to the unknown, never before traveled by any being. At least none that still lives in Alagaesia. Since then, every year Eragon would send an egg to each race, if a rider wasn't found then they would rotate the eggs until a rider was found.

It's been nearly 500 years since then and the dragon riders have prospered tenfold. The current leader, the best and brightest of Eragon's students, of the Riders currently resides in a massive castle in the absolute center of Alagaesia. There the Riders train, fight, and love together. But in the shadows of their pleasure, a great darkness rides like a knight bearing down on his enemies.

While the Riders believed that peace had finally settled in Alagaesia Nuanen Andlát (Beautiful Death), a witch from the northern lands emerged from the ashes of Galbatorix and raised an army. Rebellions had started before but this was no rebellion. Nuanen Andlát raised the dead and commanded them to destroy the living.

She cared not for Alagaesia, but her twisted heart wanted nothing more than to destroy every living creature, save herself, from the land. No one knows why. It isn't for fame. Nor for gold. Not for love.

Nuanen Andlát has attacked Alagaesia for no reason other than to unleash hell unto the land.

The Riders were at ease and did not believe the obvious warnings of her uprising. It was almost too late until the Riders finally opened their eyes and banded together to fight the new foe.

We fight. We die. But good will overcome all that is evil.

- Voice of the Riders


No godmodding

No bunnying

Have fun!

Respect each other!

Romance is allowed and encouraged! Please do not take it farther than PG-13

Language PG

You cannot make your own dragon for your own rider and vice versa. Feel free to make a dragon AND a rider but they cannot be bonded together.

Please ask before pairing yourself with a user (Ask the user and myself)

For those who read the book, the ancient language was based on Old Norse so if you wish to use that while using the ancient language instead of the actual ancient language, go right ahead!

Not required but, it would be nice if you can name your swords in Old Norse rather than regular name. If you do this have the Old Norse then English Translation next to it.






Rider Form


Title (Optional):

Age (9+):



Appearance (Anime only):


Dragon: (Fill in later)


Sword Title:

Romantic Interest:


Dragon Form




Scale color:


Bonded or Wild:




Regular Form



Title (Optional and must be explained in History/Bio):







Romantic Interest:


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paipai900 said:
I wanted to join this so badly. *cries*
Then please do!

I'm able to get on a little bit every day now! I would love it if I can get some people to join this


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ShadowWang said:
This looks interesting. Sort of reminds me of the Dragonborn RP on NaNo. I'll join later today! :D




The Bloodstained Rider (Self titled)







Appearance (Anime only):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8397" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Quiet, solemn.

Arienna can be described as a bitter person but only from the outside.

She has a sadness and darkness about her that none can guess save her dragon. Arienna will talk to no one except her dragon. If she does speak, she speaks softly. Barely audible and many strain to hear her prompting her dragon to repeat what she said.

In the place where all the Riders train and live, in the night when the moon is the brightest, if you listen hard enough (It's easier for elves due to their enhanced hearing) you can hear the soft crying of a girl. A sad, scared, and alone young girl.


(Fill in later)


(Sword in her appearance picture)

Sword Title:

Herfiligr - Bitter

Romantic Interest:



Arienna is the daughter of a small family who worked as farmers.

She lived in Palancar Valley, living very close to the spot where Eragon's former house used to be, working with horses and their family garden.

Many years ago, the older villagers can remember that sweet little girl who always laughed brightly and was the friendliest child they had ever met. All that changed when Arienna turned 6 years old.

No one knows how or who, but her entire family was attacked and their house burned to the ground.

The villagers found Arienna sobbing uncontrollably as she tried to get into her house to save her family. They could hear the screams of terror and agony as Arienna's family were burned alive. The villagers quickly pulled Arienna away and tried to save her family but they were dead before they even started.

After that incident, Arienna was raised by a family friend who did nothing but care for her and try the best to cheer the girl up but to no avail.

Her sweet personality changed to one of silence.

To this day, no one in her village knows how the fire had started but a young boy, an acquaintance of Arienna, claims to have seen Arienna bringing a wounded man into her house for healing. The villagers at first thought that it was the man who had done it, betraying their hospitality but his body was found in the pile of ashes of the house.

They tried to question Arienna but she would say nothing. Her eyes were dull and full of pain. The villagers and Arienna's foster mother decided they would never speak of it again to her, hoping that time will heal her emotional wound and physical wound. (She had been burned severely on her stomach and back)

When she turned 12 a Rider appeared into Palancar Valley to present the dragon egg for humans to be bonded to.

Arienna's foster mother convinced Arienna to at least try to see if she would become a Rider but Arienna doubted it immensely.

To her surprise, the Gedwëy ignasia (Mark of a Rider) was branded onto her hand as she moved forward to touch the egg.

She was taken to the castle of the Riders and was trained with her dragon.

Like all Rider's she was taken to the Elf Arranseer, daughter of Rhunon, the smith of Rider's sword.

Arranseer had taken her mother's place and created multiple swords for Rider's and Arienna was just another mission she wholeheartedly took on.

Arranseer crafted Arienna's sword, it was a bit too long for Arienna but the Elf smith promised that she would grow into it.

With much urging from Arranseer, Arienna named her sword in the ancient language.

Herfiligr. Bitter.

Arienna has much more to learn but is considered a complete Rider and has taken her spot with her elder Riders.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Archer.jpg.2de3bb8a294b8fca2dd3ac52a48936b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Archer.jpg.2de3bb8a294b8fca2dd3ac52a48936b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Elizabeth Delores

Age :


Gender :






Personality :

Elizabeth is a very loud, immature and studious girl. Dreaming big and constantly aiming far to high for her skills she can become hyper and so will often be labelled as annoying. Despite that, this is only the way she acts with people she is comfortable with. If she is to interact with someone she does no know it is more likely that she will shy away, hiding behind her teacher or retreating in general. Elizabeth can be incredibly rude and disrespectful if she does not like someone.





Sword Title:


Romantic Interest:

To young. None at the moment.


Thirteen years ago Elizabeth was born, the skies were grey as rain fell heavily upon the very day she took her first breath. Not planned and considered a nuisance she was easily cast away by her parents. Well, of course she doesn't actually know that was the reason why as in her mind she simply believed they died. So, she was taken in by a older elf, raised and taught by the very woman who was the first to shed any tears or emotions for her.

She grew up happy, content with the stories of old times that the elderly elven woman whispered to her in the night, letting her child like mind settle before entering the realm of sleep. She would often be seen in the woods, playing with other children as she magically had gotten them to join in her reacting of those fictional tales.

However, the woman who raised her was old. Her bones were weak and her eyes could barely remain open anymore and her life slipped from her eyes and lips each day. Elizabeth was to young, far to young to notice the changes that slowly occurred before her. Her innocence to the situation was nearly unbelievable. She still ran home with animals in her arms, her energy causing her to nearly bounce of the wall in joy until the very day that it all changed.

The elderly woman died.

Left alone, Elizabeth became withdrawn as she faded away from the smiles of the people who lived around her and sat herself in the shadows so she could mourn silently. It hurt. No longer lively, no longer happy and no longer smiling she spent months, nearly a year in a withdrawn state as she hid. Till the age of ten she was like this, in a state of depression until she met her current teacher and foster father.

Upon meeting her teacher, Valien on his trip to find other dragon riders. The result? He ended up becoming her foster father. So, until the age of thirteen, her current age she has been with her new foster father, quite content with her new life and is quite happy, the memory of her previous carer still in her heart.

UnholyRedemption said:


Elizabeth Delores

Age :


Gender :






Personality :

Elizabeth is a very loud, immature and studious girl. Dreaming big and constantly aiming far to high for her skills she can become hyper and so will often be labelled as annoying. Despite that, this is only the way she acts with people she is comfortable with. If she is to interact with someone she does no know it is more likely that she will shy away, hiding behind her teacher or retreating in general. Elizabeth can be incredibly rude and disrespectful if she does not like someone.





Sword Title:


Romantic Interest:

To young. None at the moment.


Thirteen years ago Elizabeth was born, the skies were grey as rain fell heavily upon the very day she took her first breath. Not planned and considered a nuisance she was easily cast away by her parents. Well, of course she doesn't actually know that was the reason why as in her mind she simply believed they died. So, she was taken in by a older elf, raised and taught by the very woman who was the first to shed any tears or emotions for her.

She grew up happy, content with the stories of old times that the elderly elven woman whispered to her in the night, letting her child like mind settle before entering the realm of sleep. She would often be seen in the woods, playing with other children as she magically had gotten them to join in her reacting of those fictional tales.

However, the woman who raised her was old. Her bones were weak and her eyes could barely remain open anymore and her life slipped from her eyes and lips each day. Elizabeth was to young, far to young to notice the changes that slowly occurred before her. Her innocence to the situation was nearly unbelievable. She still ran home with animals in her arms, her energy causing her to nearly bounce of the wall in joy until the very day that it all changed.

The elderly woman died.

Left alone, Elizabeth became withdrawn as she faded away from the smiles of the people who lived around her and sat herself in the shadows so she could mourn silently. It hurt. No longer lively, no longer happy and no longer smiling she spent months, nearly a year in a withdrawn state as she hid. Till the age of ten she was like this, in a state of depression until she met her current teacher and foster father.

Upon meeting her teacher, Valien on his trip to find other dragon riders. The result? He ended up becoming her foster father. So, until the age of thirteen, her current age she has been with her new foster father, quite content with her new life and is quite happy, the memory of her previous carer still in her heart.



I'll finish Valien's form now! 


Valien Edricsson


The Blessed (Bestowed by Eragon)


Looks 27 - Actually 157 years (All Riders are immortal but can still be harmed by physical wounds and diseases)





Appearance (Anime only):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Archer.jpg.d2f268df6f0430cc172aa35eff536fb3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8402" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Archer.jpg.d2f268df6f0430cc172aa35eff536fb3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kind, brave, and commanding.

Valien is the true definition of a leader. He rules the Riders but is more inclined to letting the Riders shape their own destiny. He interferes when he fears a Rider is straying from the right path but other than that, Valien is content on watching the world go as it pleases.

In battle is he stern and calm. He is always wary and ready to strike when the moment is ready.

As a Rider he is strong but as a father, he is kind and caring.


(Fill in later)



Sword Title:

Vigamaðr. Fighter.

Romantic Interest:

None at the moment.


Valien is the current leader of the Riders and Eragon's most trusted and favored student.

157 years ago, he was born in the land of Surda to a noble family.

As he grew up, he learned the art of the sword and marveled at the stories of the Riders.

Valien vowed he would one day become a Rider and would protect Alagaesia as long as he could swing a sword.

Due to his pampering he grew arrogant and began to belittle the lower birth.

On his 16th birthday he left his family's castle to hunt a cave bear, having read Urgal folklore.

Valien promised to bring back the head but his parents forbade him to go but he snuck out at night.

He was followed by his little sister who did nothing but try to turn him away from his task. Valien ignored her and found a cave bear den. The cave bear emerged from the lair and roared, causing Valien and his sister to freeze with terror.

The bear charged them and still Valien could not move. His little sister stepped in front of him and shouted for Valien to run. She would sacrifice herself to save the her brother and the family heir.

Valien had never seen truer courage. He believed himself courageous but was easily frightened by this monster yet his little sister stood in front of him with defiance and courage. Willingly ready to sacrifice her life to save his.

He grabbed his sister and threw his prized sword into the face of the bear. It roared with pain, not killing it but made it halt for a moment. Valien took that chance to flee with his sister and raced back to the town his family watched over, to the safety of the guards.

That incident humbled him immensely and changed his ways.

Never again was he boastful nor arrogant.

Valien accepted the punishment of sneaking off gladly and since then has grown to become a greater person.

At 24, he was given a dragon egg by Eragon himself and the dragon hatched for him.

He left with Eragon to train with him.

Eragon enjoyed Valien immensely and vice versa.

Valien worked hard to become Eragon's image and Eragon did all he could to help Valien stay on the right path.

After teaching all that Eragon knew, Valien left to return to Alagaesia and was soon elevated leader after word had gotten back that Eragon had finally passed away from an unknown illness.

With the help of other Riders, Valien built the greatest castle in Alagaesia and trained new Riders from all corners of the land.

While searching for potential Riders he entered the Elven lands of Du Weldenvarden and found a young elf girl, depressed and sad over the death of her Elven caretaker.

For a year he spent with her, helping her return back to what she once was.

Valien felt something he never got the chance to become.

A father.

It was long until the egg that Valien carried hatched for the girl, Elizabeth. Now that she was to become a Rider, Valien would be able to keep her by his side and train her.

That very day he asked if she would like to become his foster daughter and student.

She happily accepted and the two of them left Ellesmera and went back to the castle of the Riders.

Since then, he has been busy and happy with training his daughter and many other Riders.



  • Archer.jpg
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wow so many great rps on this site I WANNA JOIN EM ALL! but I'll apply to this one first. 
what site do you use to translate norse?

Dragon Form


"Sorin, son of Wrestus and Gwil." The sunset coloured dragon bowed his head in respect, a mischievous grin hidden as he did so.

His name is actually Solariniaus, but he was nicknamed Sorin.

Only his destined Rider will know his true name.


Sorin's been in his egg for almost a decade now.

No one has been chosen by him, he's rather picky.


"A man's duty is to protect his woman!" Sorin grinned cheerfully, baring his multitudes of sharp teeth.

Of course, he's male!

Scale color:

"I have my mother's scales," The dragon spoke, his deep golden eyes solemn. "Well, that's what everyone had told me."

Warm Sunset (Red, Orange, and Yellow)



Bonded or Wild:

"I don't need a Rider! I'm a free dragon!" Furrowing his eyebrows together, Sorin growled and quickly dove off the cliff. His multicoloured scales seemed to blend into the setting skies as he flew farther away.

To be decided within the role play.


"I've seen many beautiful dragons, but not one was as beautiful as you." Sorin comment, a dreamy look sparkling in his eyes as he gazed up at the female dragon before him.

He's too young at the moment.


"Tell me more." Sorin's voice echoed from the egg he was contained in, although his body remained asleep, his mind continued to listen to the wise words of his teachers and parents. "I want to know more."

To be decided within the role play.


"I still have hundreds of years of history left!" Sorin muttered, staring down at a few hatchlings that had called him an "old drake." And Sorin was definitely not an old drake.

He's too young at the moment.

@Akihito I'm finished, I've decided that two characters would be too much for me at the moment so I'll just have to stick to one epic egg.

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I would really love to join! ^-^

Rider Form

Name: Roki

Title (Optional): None yet

Age (9+): 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance (Anime only):

< Kinda like this guy. Rusty red hair, green eyes, and a pretty heavy build; broad shoulders.

Personality: Roki is a little bit cynical and mysterious. He can seem very crude and hostile at first, but that is just his defensive exterior. Once he get's closer to someone he becomes more timid and passionate.

Dragon: (Fill in later)


Sword Title: verða for "change"

Romantic Interest: None at the moment

History/Bio: Roki grew up in the city of Teirm with his father, who never told him anything about his mother. He worked on the docks and out at sea with his father. He never got close to anyone but his father, and always kept to himself. His father kept him pretty isolated from everything, which caused Roki to become very solemn and harsh to others. One day when Roki had had enough of his father, he sneaked away. He accidentally ran into the barriers of the dragon egg that was there to see if it would hatch. Kata hatched for Roki, and together they left Teirm to go train at the center of Alagaesia, leaving his father behind. Roki left reluctantly leaving his father, and honestly scared for the adventures before them, for he has not seen much of the outside world.

Dragon Form

Name: Káta

Age: 10 months

Gender: Female

Scale color: Green

Appearance: Kata is pretty small and lithe

Bonded or Wild: Bonded

Personality: She is very cleaver and is very rambunctious and stubborn. She doesn't seem to get along very well with other dragons, like Roki.

Mate: None

History/Bio: Kata had been in her egg for a year before hatching for Roki.
BrittanyTaichou said:
I would really love to join! ^-^
Rider Form

Name: Roki

Title (Optional): None yet

Age (9+): 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance (Anime only):

< Kinda like this guy. Rusty red hair, green eyes, and a pretty heavy build; broad shoulders.

Personality: Roki is a little bit cynical and mysterious. He can seem very crude and hostile at first, but that is just his defensive exterior. Once he get's closer to someone he becomes more timid and passionate.

Dragon: (Fill in later)


Sword Title: verða for "change"

Romantic Interest: None at the moment

History/Bio: Roki grew up in the city of Teirm with his father, who never told him anything about his mother. He worked on the docks and out at sea with his father. He never got close to anyone but his father, and always kept to himself. His father kept him pretty isolated from everything, which caused Roki to become very solemn and harsh to others. One day when Roki had had enough of his father, he sneaked away. He accidentally ran into the barriers of the dragon egg that was there to see if it would hatch. Kata hatched for Roki, and together they left Teirm to go train at the center of Alagaesia, leaving his father behind. Roki left reluctantly leaving his father, and honestly scared for the adventures before them, for he has not seen much of the outside world.

Dragon Form

Name: Káta

Age: 10 months

Gender: Female

Scale color: Green

Appearance: Kata is pretty small and lithe

Bonded or Wild: Bonded

Personality: She is very cleaver and is very rambunctious and stubborn. She doesn't seem to get along very well with other dragons, like Roki.

Mate: None

History/Bio: Kata had been in her egg for a year before hatching for Roki.
Forms are great but if you read the rules, any dragon you make cannot be bonded with your own Rider, vice versa. It's better for more interaction. :)

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