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  1. Kitsune Leigon

    Second Attempt

    any ETA on when we will start again? also i have a friend who might want to join when we start again.
  2. Kitsune Leigon

    Second Attempt

    so will we be able to keep our old characters?
  3. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    After Anastysia had introduced Bryce, Kamira realized that if she was gonna get enough food to feed everyone she would need people to help her hunt. "hey since the walls aren't gonna get built tonight, anyone want to go and help me hunt for the guild's meal?" She then sized up each of them, Kara...
  4. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    Kara looked at the human and said "my name is Kara". she then realized she didn't know anyone else's name besides kamira. "What's your guys names?"
  5. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    Kara looked at kamira and said "that will probably be what is gonna need to happen, because unless we have a expert mason or a geomancer it won't be done tonight!!
  6. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    After hearing Xarles announcement both Kamira and Kara looked at each other and instantly knew they did not like him. How the hell were they gonna fix the walls by the end of the day? It was ridiculous!! (POV change) Kamira looked over at the others gathered around the ale, "if we don't...
  7. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    Kamira turned and looked at the other kitsune as she drew herself another drink. Kamira looked at the other kitsune and wondered where she was from. "Hey, I haven't seen another kitsune outside of the community I am from, what community are you from?" Asked Kamira "we are a rare Race and...
  8. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    Kara Looked at the other Kitsune and said "we don't need to look for mugs, I can make them my self." Kara then summoned 4 cylinders of ice and began shaping them into mugs. She then handed them over to the others nearby and began filling her own mug.
  9. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    As Kamira got to the ale she saw that there were no mugs anywhere nearby. With this realization she looked around to try to spot where  some mugs could be. The kitchen would be one place, another could be the storage house. Kamira was debating where to check first when she noticed another...
  10. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    Kara sat on a shady part of the wall next to a tower. She had been here shaping ice into different things for some time now and she was growing thirsty. She decided it was time to get some a of the ale the Orc had brought. Kara muttered under her breath, "Probably is not as strong as the ale the...
  11. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    As Kamira approached the gate she saw Erebos walking out. "If you see an area that is burned and surrounded by stones, that was me. It is probably still very hot, so be careful." Kamira then walked toward the Ale. It probably wasn't her best idea because of her low tolerance for alcohol. "Just...
  12. Kitsune Leigon

    Kara Shadowtail

    Since I will be taking over Kara i would like to add a few changes to the character. Msg me if there is anything you would like me to change APPEARANCE:   NAME: Kara Shadowtail ALIAS: Eventide RACE: Kitsune GENDER: Female AGE: 18 SEXUAL ORIENTATION...
  13. Kitsune Leigon

    Out of Character Chatter

    I can confirm this
  14. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    Kamito Turned around and saw Erebus behind her. "Yea I don't mind cooking it, I am kinda hungry after all." Said kamira. She went outside with the mutton and began to slowly cool the mutton. After she finished cooking it she took a small portion for herself and handed the rest to Erebus. She...
  15. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    As Kamira finished Cleaning up her room She decided to go to the court yard and see what the others were doing, when she got there she saw one of the others bringing a keg of beer. It was Kamira's policy to avoid drinking as much as possible, The main reason was that Kitsune cannot drink much...
  16. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    After Kamira handed the Swords to Xarles she went to her room to clean it up and make it livable. As she was cleaning her room Kamira dropped the broom on the ground and heard a hollow bang. "What the Fuck?" Kamira mumbled to herself as she went over to investigate the sound. As Kamira tapped...
  17. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    As Kamira listened to the leader of the guild she looked straight in to his eyes and said "if you want to sell them just say it straight, I am fine with selling them, they are useless in battle anyways." She then proceed to hand them over to Xarles. After she handed them over she thought of a...
  18. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    As Kamira saw the others clearing away the bodies of the dead bandits, she decided that she was too lazy to help and yelled "hey guys when you are done piling the bodies, come and find me and i will burn them". After that Kamira decided to go find herself a Good room to make her's. As she was...
  19. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    As Erebus pulled the arrowhead out of his back Kamira started a small but very hot fire in her right hand. With her left she passed Erebus a small bundle of cloth and said "bite down of this so you don't bite your tongue off" as he bit down on the cloth. After he had the cloth in his mouth...
  20. Kitsune Leigon

    In-Character RP

    Kamira decided it would be safer to let the Erebus and the Human deal with the upstairs. If she got stuck in a corner Kamira didn't want to worry about holding back on her Magic if there were no others nearby. As Kamira contemplated what to do next she heard a thud from outside and went to...