In-Character RP

After hearing Xarles announcement both Kamira and Kara looked at each other and instantly knew they did not like him. How the hell were they gonna fix the walls by the end of the day? It was ridiculous!!

(POV change)

Kamira looked over at the others gathered around the ale, "if we don't finish the walls I can get everyone food, I am a good hunter."
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     The fairy darted off after Anastysia, continuing to sprint even though he felt like lead was dragging down his wedge-heeled boots. Actually, Bryce was surprised he was able to run for this long, as he could run fast, but his stamina was lacking. He motivated himself to go a bit further by saying that after fifty steps, he would stop, which he didn't do. He continued to do the same, too busy counting his paces to realize that he was about to bump into Anastysia.

     Bryce crashed into her back and fell backwards. He lay there for a moment, dazed and confused. Once he caught a grip on his surroundings, he quickly lifted himself up into a sitting position, he didn't want to stay fallen for long, but he wasn't sure how much time he spent stunned on the ground.
    Anastysia stumbled forward briefly after Bryce crashed into her before falling over into the grass on her side, partially face-planting. "Ow ow ow ow..." She pushed her upper body up, supporting herself with her arms while she didn't move her legs. Her head throbbed as a result from the collision with the ground and her back partially stung from Bryce slamming into her. The stinging died out but her head still lightly throbbed. She shook her head to get the thought of pain away however it seemed to only make it throb more.

    Anastysia stood up and brushed the dirt off her clothing. She peered around the shrubs and noticed Erebus, spazzing out. She began to panic and went to get Bryce off the ground and grab his attention, unfortunately as part of instinct, shoving her shoe onto his hip, almost like a harsh kick, occurred. "Bryce! Get up! Look!" she said frantically, still not registering that she had kicked her fellow guild member.
     If the fall didn't hurt Bryce, the kick surely did. He fell back down once Anastysia kicked him, turning onto his not-injured side and curling up, whining incessantly. The fall coupled with the kick had certainly hurt both physically, and emotionally, emotionally because a friend had hurt him, and that was most definitely scarring. He was sure the hit would leave a bruise if the unpleasant tumble didn't.
Garrett looked to Kamira as he clearly wasn't getting an answer from Xarles. "Fine. I'll go check out the stables and see if there's any tools or anything..." he walked off to the stables grumbling. "Stupid wall...stupid no dinner...stupid...STUPID." he walked inside the old stable. The hay was old as was the wood. Any scent of horse was long gone, replaced with the scent of dust, moss ad whatever else was growing in there. He looked from stall to stall. Nothing. Maybe the storage room has something..." he walked into the storage room, ducking his head down to see what was inside. Most of it all was picked clean, except for a few rusted tools that looked to be meant for building. He picked them up, "'s better than nothing. But no cement...what the hell are we supposed to use???" he groaned in annoyance. While he was in there, he took off his armor, and put it inside the storage room. It felt nice to get it off. He felt like he'd been wearing it forever! With that, he walked back out to the wall, bringing what he could with him and setting it down. He looked to the broken wall. There had to be a way to fix it...somehow...
Erebus Awoke to a splitting headache and the stench of deer piss emanating from a yellow stain on his shirt. He grumbled profanities as he dragged his wasted body away from the forest and back into the courtyard where everyone seemed to be busy mending the wall and seemed to be doing poor job at best. "I thought I joined and adventurer's guild not a mason's congregation." He muttered as he walked to the stable and walked past an armorless garrett however before he could enter the stable he threw up his lunch at one of the doors. "I swear to god this was like my tenth birthday, But at least we had a whore on the ship at that time and enough fish to feed us for days." Thog Groaned as he searched the stables for something to hold onto as the world was still spinning around him sadly which prompted him to throw up on the storage room door.

"Now where  in hell can I find a hammer" He looked into the storage room for some chisels or better yet some bricks to replace the broken ones though his search only found him a nice set of armor."Bah..Maybe the one of the rooms inside the castle" Thog said aloud as he stumbled his way into the castle where he began his search for some tools and some loae bricks in the unused rooms which he started throwing out the castle and into the courtyard sadly however he has yet to find any tools still.
"Hey Erubus over her-....what the.." he shook his head. "Hey Erubus over here! I got in there a little earlier and cleared out what I could," he called, pointing to the tools on the ground. He turned back to the wall, now seriously taking into consideration how tall it was, "Hmm..."
    The thought finally clicked with Anastysia and she looked down at Bryce who was still wallowing in pain, that wasn't just from the fall. "Oh! Oh I'm so sorry Bryce!" She went to bend down to help Bryce up before she noticed that Erebus had stood and wandered back to the small castle that our guild had conquered. What a waste of energy and time if all he is going to do is shake it off.. She frowned slightly before continuing to bend down to help Bryce up. She lowered herself and held out a hand for Bryce. "Sorry....I got a little panicky. Aha.." She tried to give off a brief chuckle to lighten the mood.
     Although he was focused on his own pain, Bryce noticed that the orc had stood up and left. While he was glad that he was well enough to take care of himself, Bryce was slightly bitter, feeling that his sacrifice had been in vain. He turned his attention to Anastysia, realizing that she offered her help.

     Reluctant to assume her assistance, Bryce lay still for a bit. After being kicked so harshly, would he really want to accept her help? Well, probably, standing up again without aid would be bothersome. He grabbed onto her hand, hoping that she wouldn't 'panic' and break his arm.
    Anastysia poured all her arm strength into pulling Bryce up after Bryce grabbed her hand, she was surprised by how light he was and yanked him up, but didn't break his arm nor cause any harm to him. "Oh you're very light, that can be handy!" She smiled at Bryce and let go of his hand. "We should head back to the castle- Oh! there's a festival nearby that starts soon. I had heard that it started in the evening and the sun is setting as of now. It's like a... market festival? something like that, maybe we can go check it out with some others if they want to go instead of doing whatever chores Xarles's wants us to do when we get back." She smiled again at him, taking a few steps back towards the castle.
     Bryce was surprised by how easily Anastysia pulled him up. While he didn't think he was particularly heavy, he figured it would be a bit harder to lift him off the ground, Confusion was clear on his face as she said that being light could be handy. He wasn't sure if that was compliment or not, but chose to take it as such.

     The mention of a festival made him anxious. While he didn't hate them, festivals meant a lot of people, and a lot of people meant social interaction of some sort, and that was a no go. However, he did not want to drag the guild down with his nervousness, so if they wished to go, he would tag along. Bryce hummed and nodded, following after Anastysia as she made her way back to the castle.
     Anastysia smiled at Bryce once more and continued to walk. A light cool breeze brushed against her face and fingertips, She looked up at the trees and the sky and admired the ways of nature, it dominated her negative feelings and emotions that still tugged at her thoughts. As she cleared her mind with the scenery of the changing colors of the sky with the gentle shape of the clouds, she thought of one thing that she felt she would like to express rather than keep to herself. "Hey, Bryce do you mind if I tell you something? It's not bad so don't grow anxious. It's just something I feel like sharing."
     It was already too late to tell Bryce not to be anxious, his panic levels were already through the roof. Was Anastysia dying? Was that it? He felt like crying, he finally made friends, well, two of them, and now one was leaving him? He tried to reason with himself. Maybe what she was planning on saying wasn't that bad. He nodded, a gesture more to himself than to Anastysia.

     "I don't mind." He replied, a bit of his nervousness leaking through his words. 
    "Well I.. I feel we're close enough to share some personal things, not too weird of course. But I came from Priatt and my parents loved me dearly as any parent would but I sort of came here because I froze my neighbor's cat and faced death threats aha..!' She laughed, a tad embarrassed to share such a stupid action she had done. "But I guess I came to the guild to like..." She gesticulated slightly, struggling to find the right words for a moment. " do something that makes my parents proud, does that make sense?" She looked over at Bryce then back forward, she could make out the castle past the trees. "How come you've come here, Bryce?"
     Bryce let out a sigh of relief. There really wasn't anything to worry about after all! However, once she asked about his reason for joining the guild, the anxiety that had disappeared just a few moments earlier rushed back at full force. He didn't think his reason for being here was very honorable, actually, it was more petty than anything. How could anyone phrase wanting to one-up their sibling in a respectable way?

     "To... uh..." Bryce wrapped his cloak tighter around himself, mumbling. "to show that I'm better than my brother."
      Anastysia covered her mouth to stop herself from giggling at Bryce's reason, though she couldn't help but let out a little chuckle. "That's a good reason, I'm glad you want to one-up your brother. It's a good motivation key." She walked onto the cobblestone path leading into the castle where the rest of the guild was,  looking up at the arch of the entrance before looking around the courtyard. She spotted her comrades and saw that they had started the work on the wall. What a boring and miserable task.. she thought to herself. They should be going on adventures and exploring the unknown, not sitting here and tending to the structure of the castle. She looked over to where Xarles was standing and gave a short scowl before sighing. "Should I mention the festival to the others, Bryce?" She looked down at Bryce and waited for his response.
Kara looked at kamira and said "that will probably be what is gonna need to happen, because unless we have a expert mason or a geomancer it won't be done tonight!!
     Anastysia's reaction to Bryce's reason for joining the guild made him blush. Why did he even think of making such a trivial cause sound principled? He looked at the ground as he walked, pulling the hood of his cloak over his head as if to hide in it. He deeply regretted having said anything, wishing that he had just made something up that wasn't as lame. At the question about the festival, he looked up to stare at the people working on the wall.

     "I guess so." Bryce nodded, figuring that the rest of the members would much rather go to a festival than hang around at the castle and fix a wall.
    Anastysia noticed the hint of pink on Bryce's cheeks but decided not to mention it. Though she admitted to herself that it was cute. Anastysia looked at the Kitsunes and decided to tell them first about the festival. "Hey... it's Kamira, right? and.."as she appraoched the two, she looked at the other kitsune. "Sorry, I don't recall your name if it was mentioned to me.." She smiled, slightly embarrassed not being familiar with the other kitsune's name. 
Kara looked at the human and said "my name is Kara". she then realized she didn't know anyone else's name besides kamira. "What's your guys names?"
Bryce had followed after Anastysia, walking behind her rather than to her side. He was still a bit embarrassed, but the pink on his cheeks had become less pronounced.

     Once Anastysia stopped and started talking to the kitsunes, Bryce peeked past her, looking between the two fox-ladies, trying to recall if he had met any of them. After all, this wouldn't be the first time that he had forgotten someone completely. He was too engulfed in his own mind to hear that one of them had asked something, the cogs in his brain churning to find out the names of these people.
    "Ah! I'm glad we're on the same page, I'm Anastysia and my friend here is-" She looked beside her, noticing that Bryce hadn't been where she expected him to be, she then turned her head to look behind her and saw Bryce. " Here's Bryce." She took a step back so that she was beside Bryce, trying to motivate him with body language to be more social. She placed her hand on the closest shoulder of Bryce, hopefully helping him relax.
     Bryce resisted the urge to pull away from Anastysia's touch, while he knew that it was a comforting gesture, it still felt weird to him. As she introduced him to the kitsunes, he waved awkwardly. To be completely honest, he was intimidated by the two, as. even if he wore ten inch heels, he still wouldn't be as tall as them, or, he might? He wondered if it was possible to find boots with heels that tall, and if so, would he would be able to walk in them? Probably not. He frowned at the impossibility of it, having stopped waving a while back, and was pretty much just blankly staring forward by now.
After Anastysia had introduced Bryce, Kamira realized that if she was gonna get enough food to feed everyone she would need people to help her hunt. "hey since the walls aren't gonna get built tonight, anyone want to go and help me hunt for the guild's meal?" She then sized up each of them, Kara would be a good spotter, Anastysia would be good at helping her kill the animals, and Bryce would be good for, well, moral support?
   "Oh, well we actually thought about attending a nearby festival during the evening. There should be food and beverages if I remember correctly.. If you're interested you should come with us but.." She lowered her voice. "Don't let this spill to the leader, please. I'd rather go out and have fun this evening then stay up during the night to work on a wall." 

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