In-Character RP

"Honestly the ale was more trouble than it was worth for me as I don't drink at all or well not by choice anyway. Also did I mention I got the ale for free?" He bit down on the succulent mutton which sadly tasted rather bland as he forgot to add any seasoning to it though he continued eating it as he would rather have bland mutton rather than salted meat which made up the bulk of his diet prior to leaving his mother's ship.

"But I suppose it is quite mean of me to buy enough for two only so here" He untied the sack that held three loaves of bread inside and threw it at Anastysia.

"Leave one for me and watch my things, I'm going to see If I can find some berries or something" He untied the sacks of food he had tied to his belt and walked out the door still holding and bit into his mutton once more.

"Gods damnit I should have bought some parsley or something this shit is fucking bland" He muttered as he left the castle and headed off to the forest.
The clapping caused Garrett to smile and bow a bit, "Than you thank you~! Now, onto the outside!" he stepped outside, "Y'know, this place isn't so bad for a run down heap of rock..." he walked outside and looked around, "Hey where'd Anastysia go? She didn't leave without us did she??" he frowned a bit. "Naaah she wouldn't do that. Or would she? I've only known her for a short short while. Ah well. I'm kinda scared to see that stable. It'll probably collapse on me while I sleep!" he chuckled.
     Anastysia lost her grip on he bag for a few milliseconds before she regained her grasp on it as it was tossed to her, she honestly had not expected to receive food. But she appreciated the gesture without a doubt. Now that her needs were met she felt rather bad for snapping at her companion. She looked up at the orc when she heard that he had stirred and stood up, walking in Anastysia's direction. She looked up at Erebus just as he passed her and let out a gentle "Thank you," as Erebus walked by. "I'll save a loaf for you, don't worry."
     She juggled around the thought of tagging along with Erebus but then thought of how she was asked to watch his belongings. Once Erebus had left her sight, she called down the way she came, "Garrett! Bryce! I'm in here!"
Garrett perked up, "Ah I knew she didn't ditch us." He walked to the entrance of the castle and walked inside. "Oooh bread. Nice. Anyway c'mon let's get to that ale! And that barn. I wanna see how busted up it is. Also guess what? I almost fell down the steps but then my special powers kicked in," he grinned and stood up straight, trying to seem cool. This seemed like it was going to happen a lot.
As Kamira approached the gate she saw Erebos walking out. "If you see an area that is burned and surrounded by stones, that was me. It is probably still very hot, so be careful." Kamira then walked toward the Ale. It probably wasn't her best idea because of her low tolerance for alcohol. "Just one shouldn't hurt" Kamira murmured to herself as she approached the Ale.
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       Anastysia tore one loaf into three pieces and tossed one piece to Garrett as she listened to him. She lifted the bread chunk she had claimed as hers to her mouth and ripped off a piece, chewing it with satisfaction. The soft texture and gentle crunch pleased her greatly. "I knew you were going to fall, I guess magic comes in handy..when you know what the hell to do with it." She let the last bit of her speech get gobbled up by the chewing. She stuffed the extra third of the bread into the sack with the other two loaves. She swallowed her food. "I could use some ale to wash down my food, lead the way, Garrett."
Kara sat on a shady part of the wall next to a tower. She had been here shaping ice into different things for some time now and she was growing thirsty. She decided it was time to get some a of the ale the Orc had brought. Kara muttered under her breath, "Probably is not as strong as the ale the Fae make, but it will do..." She then got off the wall and walked toward the ale. To her surprise she saw the other Kitsune there. Her name was Kamira if she remembered correctly.
     Bryce trekked along behind Garrett, closer than before, but still a bit of a length away. He managed to listen him for the most part, and that was a pretty hard task on its own. as staying attentive was difficult for the absent-minded fairy. And through all of this, he was still unsure over who 'Anastysia' was. While he had a feeling it was the human that had been with the centaur earlier, he was afraid that he was wrong to assume that.

     It took a while before Bryce realized that Garrett was speaking to the lady from before. He had been too immersed in his own thoughts to notice.
The orc sighed at kamira befpre heading towards the stones she mentioned then promptly dropped the muttom onto the stone surface which created a satisfying hissing sound. He then picked up some mushrooms nearby which he knew was edible though whether or not it would cause intense hallucinations he knew not. After waiting a while for the meat to become slightly charred he took a bite out of one of the mushrooms which he ate were the ones that did cause hallucinations.

"...Shit I feel all...Tingly" The orc mumbled as he squinted into the heated stone and saw a myriad of insects appear before him while the sky turned a deep shade of red.

"...Mentor, Open the doors to the heavens I'm coming home" He looked up at the crimson sky as his mentor floated down towards him, Meanwhile in reality he was spasming uncontrollably due to the mushrooms side effects. 
As Kamira got to the ale she saw that there were no mugs anywhere nearby. With this realization she looked around to try to spot where  some mugs could be. The kitchen would be one place, another could be the storage house. Kamira was debating where to check first when she noticed another kitsune approaching.
Garrett grinned and licked his lips before walking towards the ale. He noticed two other guild members there. 'Hmmm...those are the Kitsunes right?' he thought. "Might as well say hello." He stopped in front of them and smiled, "Heya. I'm guessing you guys are here for the ale too?"
      Anastysia took a step forward to follow Garrett but also was reminded by the creaking of Erebus's door that she was left with a task and the guilt would eat her from the inside if she broke her word. She turned back to the door and shut it. She looked around for a keyhole but saw nothing. She thought for a moment before the wood of the door on the opposite side of the hinges broke out into many sharp blades of wood that shoved its way from the side of the door in between the stone bricks of the wall. She cringed as the scratchy and creaky growth sounds of the wood bothered her ears. She looked at what had happened and blinked. "That's one way to do it.." She turned back the way Garrett had gone and increased her walking pace.
   Soon when she had come across Bryce in the corridor she grabbed his shoulder and tugged it towards the way she was heading before letting go after the brief contact. "This way, Bryce."
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     Bryce internally cringed as Anastysia grabbed onto his shoulder, trying not to brush her off in the fear of being rude. While he most definitely did not like being touched, he hated being impolite even more, since, where he was raised, you're either kind, or running away from your mother, screaming as she throws a wide assortment of tableware at you for saying 'darn'.

     "Okay." He nodded, following after the human, careful not to get too near.
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Kara Looked at the other Kitsune and said "we don't need to look for mugs, I can make them my self." Kara then summoned 4 cylinders of ice and began shaping them into mugs. She then handed them over to the others nearby and began filling her own mug.
         Anastysia exited the castle corridor through a doorway leading into the courtyard. She looked around and spotted the kitsunes already making their way into the ale. Anastysia thought for moment and decided to wait for Bryce to catch up, she leaned against the wall but then took a glance around the area once more. Now that she had thought about it, where had Erebus gone off to? This curiosity grew from such a small flame of a thirst for answers to a burning fire. She started to shift the weight on her feet, anxious to go explore and search for the orc. "Bryce, are you coming?" She raised her voice slightly so that she was heard as she called for the fairy. Anastysia then slowly started to make her way to the front gate, keeping a slow pace for Bryce to catch up to her with ease.
     Bryce trotted along beside Anastysia, not having a problem with keeping up, but noticing that she was walking pretty slowly. Like, very slowly. He frowned, figuring that the human was underestimating his ability to walk at a brisk pace. How dare! He had plenty of experience in running. Heck, he runs from his crippling insecurities everyday! He moved just a step in front of her, hoping that she would get the hint that, yes, he could keep up.
         Anastysia was puzzled at Bryce's burst of speed but continued along, appreciating a little friendly challenge. She picked up her pace and moved ahead of Bryce, speed-walking. "Still able to keep up there, shortie?" She teased her companion on his physical stature. She turned into the arch of the gateway and kept walking quickly down the stone path that transitioned into a dirt path the further they walked.
Garrett took a swig of the ale and sighed, "Aaah...this is actually not bad." He took another swig. "Reminds me of the ale in the taverns at home I used to work in. Had a whole song about it and everything!" he smiled, filled with nostalgia.
     Bryce narrowed his eyes at Anastysia, glaring at her back as she passed him, rather irritated at the jab about his height. No. This was no longer friendly competition. This was war. He picked up the pace to a plodding run,  Even if one step of hers was worth five steps of his, he could keep up just fine! He strode past her, a smug grin on his face.
Anastysia blinked at Bryce's outburst of speed, puzzled by his glare. She shrugged it off and increased her speed to get ahead of Bryce as they entered the forest and walked along the cobblestone path. She was travelling at a slow jog pace now. She turned her head back and gave a grin to Bryce after she passed him, taking it as a friendly challenge of speed to quicken their journey.
Kamira turned and looked at the other kitsune as she drew herself another drink. Kamira looked at the other kitsune and wondered where she was from. "Hey, I haven't seen another kitsune outside of the community I am from, what community are you from?" Asked Kamira "we are a rare Race and communities even rarer, and I am interested in what other communities are like."



After a period of staring at a mirror so intensely he gave himself a headache from the sheer density of his ogre-sized ego, Xarles Killiams returned to the world, reappearing in the midst of the courtyard.  He let out a yawn, and cracked his knuckles, before looking around, taking a moment for thought.  Whilst deep in.. "Thought", he noticed the walls of his new, glorious castle were crumbling.  Anger ceased him, and he bellowed aloud, "Death Dealers, gather in the courtyard!"  He knew just what he'd do.  He'd give them their first assignment.. on punishment of death.  Once people had begun to gather, he cleared his throat, gesturing to the crumbling walls.  "Listen up, maggots!" he yelled, his voice cracking halfway through the word 'maggots'.  "I want all of you to begin working on these walls, and if they are not fully repaired by the end of the day, none of you get to eat!" he declared, holding his fists on his hips, proud of himself for having taken charge of his unruly guild.  He had no idea what they were up to, but it was more than likely that it was something stupid.  After all, they were his guild.  "Once you lot are done with that, I've got our first quest!" he declared with pride and excitement in equal measure, sounding like some kid who had just been promised candy in return for doing something.  The quest was simple, but he knew they'd enjoy it.. right? 
Garrett drank the rest of his ale and looked to Xarles. Fix the walls??? How were they supposed to do that!? They had no tools or anything! When he heard him say no food he almost cried, no food? How could he do that to hi-...them!? He sighed, maybe there was something in the barn. He still needed to go there anyway. When he heard about a quest he raised an eyebrow. The centaur walked a little closer, "What's the quest???" he asked, wide eyed. At least they had something to look forward to after the work was done. Garrett was ready to go on an adventure.
     Bryce quickened his pace up to a full blown sprint. At this point, he really didn't care where he ended up, hell, he could run straight off the precipice of a cliff and he wouldn't worry as long as he was there first. At times, he would look back to see if Anastysia was still following.

     "Can't keep up," He scoffed. "I'll show you who can't keep up!" He kept his voice low, barely even a mumble.
        Anastysia blinked at Bryce's burst of speed once more. She transitioned from a slow jog into a full sprint. Her long legs pushing her a few feet in front of Bryce. She wasn't taking this as seriously or competitively as Bryce. "Come on, Bryce!" She very slowly and gradually slowed her sprinting speed. She may be a good climber, but her running abilities had limits. As they passed the trees she turned her head and saw a blurred figure. She stopped abruptly and held out her arm to stop Bryce as well, if he ran into her arm at full speed, it would be a harsh impact.

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