In-Character RP

    "It's Anastysia.." She muttered before making her way up the almost never-ending stairwell. As she reached the top of the stairs her breathing and heart rate increased only slightly but she eventually calmed her pulse. Anastysia looked at Erebus then the harpoon with the rope. "What would that be for...?" She blinked, perplexed most definitely at the Orc's choice of actions. "Also, two things. One, how are you able to carry so many things, and two y'know once we get settled here, we live here most likely, so why not leave the objects that you hoarded from the armory as they were?" Anastysia looked back at the stairwell where she had came from, expecting Kamira had followed them.
"Zipline, and as for your two questions yeah I know we're staying here but that implies we've taken this god forsaken fort first. and as for your first question I was a sailor, only the fittest survive in the sea " He said in a smooth and deep voice that was quite different from the coarse and harsh voiced he used before. "Besides I'm keeping what I'm taking for I am tired of waving a glorified rusted piece of metal around" Still unbeknownst to that he was talking in a smooth and refined way as he finished tying the rope to the harpoon before walking outside the tower opposite of the gate house. The then threw the harpoon a few meters off to the side of the gate house and proceeded to tie the rope onto one of the rocks that jutted out from the stone wall before unsheathing his sword and ziplined all the way down to the courtyard in front of the gatehouse. Before the bandits could react he ran into the gatehouse and threw a throwing axe at the chain dropping the drawbridge allowing the others in and effectively prevented the bandits and his compatriots from closing the gates for a while.
Garrett was startled awake and nearly dropped his lance, "H-Huh? Wha? Oh the gate is open!" he ran inside, almost tripping from waking up drowsiness. He spotted an elven one and began to run over, however the bandit just dropped his sword and ran away. There was no way that he was going to even attempt to take on the centaur mostly due to fear of them. Another one wasn't so cowardly however. He lunged for the centaurs legs, however Garrett jumped back and used the momentum to turn tail and plant two hooves in his head, knocking him out cold. Garrett snickered, "Ouch. Now let's see..." he started moving around taking out bandits.

Xarles Killiams


With pride, Xarles watched his guild members infiltrate the castle one-by-one, taking it from the bandits.  For a moment, he felt a tiny shred of guilt for not being in there with them, but then he shrugged it off, thinking on the possibility of him dying in there.  Much better if someone else died instead, like maybe that girl that questioned him earlier.  He'd definitely be giving her the bulk of the guild's chores once they were situated in the castle.  Of course, he still hadn't answered her question, as he didn't know how to respond to it, as the only thing that came to his mind were insults.  Of course, he was still a genius, but for now, he'd need to keep  himself busy with plans for their HQ.  Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the castle gate, so, with a smile, he followed the Centaur inside.
Harland would rush up behind Xarles before he walked in the gates. "I've been looking for you for where you told me to meet back up with you." He let out a small sigh, a book on his outer thigh with a wand and staff on his person. "What all has been happening?" His breathing would be labored now as well you would notice, Harland taking a little time in his steps now as he places a hand on his forehead, clearly having a headache due to his warp problems.
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        Anastysia watched as Erebus zip-lined away from the tower he was previously in with her and the kitsune. She looked down in the direction of the zip-line Erebus had crafted and pondered on a small thought for a bit before quickly coming to a decision as a bandit had spotted her on top of the tower. She gave herself a running start before jumping onto the rope and clinging to it with her hands, dangling in mid-air. This clicked as not the greatest decision as she would be vulnerable in this position, but it was already to late for an alternative option. She shuffled along the rope with her bare hands, the texture of the rope proceeded to irritate the skin of her palms as she made her slow way further along the rope. After growing sick of the irritating friction, she dropped onto the hard ground, the sudden contact of her feet hitting the ground harshly made her stumble for a second before she stood up straight.
       She stayed against the walls of the fort as her companions had flooded in and began to take action against the remaining bandits. She thought that maybe she could use her magic from afar successfully? She concentrated for a moment whilst thinking of what would be the best move of action to pursue in this situation. Finally, she stretched out her right arm and moved it upwards slightly. As a response, a section of stone from the courtyard ground close to the clash of bandits and the other guild members,  rose and slammed into two bandits, sending them flying. Unfortunately the collage of stone hit the centaur within the guild, not as severely as the bandits, but still rather roughly. She winced at the abrupt contact of rock upon horse-man and moved her arm back down to where it was, the collage of rock and earth going back to its position in the courtyard.
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"OWWW!" the impact caused him to nearly fall over, "Watch the aim!" he regained his footing and knocked over a man, causing them to hit their head on a rock and go down. He rubbed his side, that hurt. However he didn't have time to worry about it. This battle was getting a bit tedious to him. He thought for a moment and started to hum a song, beating, kicking and stabbing to the beat of his humming "Are we done yet???? There seems to just be more and more bandits everywhere!" he bonked a bandit in the head with his fist in time with a pause in the song.
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   The orc took note of the girls immense albeit unreliable magical powers and decided that the battle is already won lest there be a creature of unimaginable power and horror hiding nearby thus Thog jumped out of the gatehouse and began walking outside towards his employer. As he walked the last of the bandits began taking positions on the wall and began shooting forked arrows at the guild members including himself.  

  "Son of a Bi-ARGH!!" The orc jerked forward as an arrow hits him in the back of his shoulder causing him to break out into a run to remove himself from the bandit's line of fire.

"Bah this will be a bother to remove." Thog muttered as he broke off the shaft from the arrow head and threw onto the ground before saluting his employer as he often does out of habit.

"Captai- Er I mean sir the castle has been taken and there are very few bandits left, also I don't suppose you have a dagger on you right now? I have an itch I badly need to scratch." he points to the arrow head embedded on his back.  
Kamira decided it would be safer to let the Erebus and the Human deal with the upstairs. If she got stuck in a corner Kamira didn't want to worry about holding back on her Magic if there were no others nearby. As Kamira contemplated what to do next she heard a thud from outside and went to investigate. What she found was when she got outside was the drawbridge had been dropped, and the rest of the guild was coming in. As the group gathered she heard Erebus ask Xarles for a knife. When she heard that she said "After you get the arrowhead out, I can cauterize the wound and get some herbs to numb the pain if you need them". As she waited for a response Kamira thought of what Herbs would be needed for an Orc of his size.
"No herbs But cauterize the wound, also no need for the knife now sir" The orc grumbled whilst he reached behind his back and quickly stuck his finger into arrow wound. Thog befan slowly pulling the arrowhead out of his body causing a good bit of blood to stain his now torn shirt. The orc screamed in agony as he tugged on the arrow head once more completely removing the arrowhead and a bit of his flesh that stuck onto it. He sat before the kitsune with his head hung low and breathing shallow whilst blood spurted out the bosy in alarming amounts.

"Cauterize..The before I pass out" His voice trailed off a little at the end of the sentence and he noticed that the colour was beginning to drain out of his green arms.

He looked up at the fox tailed woman and gave her an expecting look. "Well hurry up"
As Erebus pulled the arrowhead out of his back Kamira started a small but very hot fire in her right hand. With her left she passed Erebus a small bundle of cloth and said "bite down of this so you don't bite your tongue off" as he bit down on the cloth. After he had the cloth in his mouth Kamira prepared the fire and in one smooth motion pushed it against the Arrow hole, burning is shut and stoping the bleeding.
"Thank you er...Beautiful Fox Lady." The orc removed the bundle of cloth in his mouth and used it as a bandage to cover up the cauterized wound. "Sorry for forgetting but can you tell me your name again. Or rather you should get back into there as archers are probably pinning our fellow guild members down" Thog swayed a little as she talked to kamira as he felt a bit faint from losing a good bit of blood from removing the arrow from his back. Using his new sword as a cane the orc stood up, His legs quivering a little bit though it ceased after a second or two then began hobbling back into the fight.
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       Anastysia frowned, disappointed in herself for screwing up again. But it hasn't been the first time, she knew that for sure. She looked above at the sound of footsteps and the pulling back of a bowstring. A bandit pulled back and let his arrow soar downward directly to her. She flinched and raised her arms over her head as a reflex. Luckily, as she moved her arms to shield herself from the arrow, a clutter of overgrown vines nearby removed themselves from their perch on the side of the fort wall and rapidly made their way to block the arrow from hitting Anasytsia. After stopping the arrow and letting it drop beside her feet, the cluster of green then went upwards towards the archer and coiled itself around his body, letting no air return to his lungs once it has escaped. The archer went limp after a bit and the vines dropped him where he had stood and returned to their spot on the stone wall.

    Anasytsia moved her arms away from her head and looked up. Of course she had heard and could assume what happened. But it clicked that some sort of arm movement connected with something else of her being produces these actions of magic. She sighed, relieved and looked back over to where her fellow comrades were, she noticed that a distance aways from the collision of the few remaining bandits and guild members, Kamira and Erebus were on the sidelines, she could take a hint that something was definitely out of place from Erebus's posture and walking speed along with using a weapon as a cane.
Kara had just impailed one of the bandits when she heard someone yell. She know that someone had been hit, but what had hit them. She looked up and saw the archers on the roof. She decided to help dispose of them and thusly made her way inside to look for the stairs to the top of the keep.
"Uuuh orc guy? Maybe you should take a breather. If you move too go fight you may open the wound again," Garrett said, walking up next to him. "If there are any more bandits, then we can take care of them but you should probably rest," he frowned. He looked to the wound and winced, it didn't seem wise to fight with it.  @Aughto von realname
"Unlike you my four legged friend, I am not fragile" He raised his sword as the last two bandits ran out of the castle past his compatriots towards him. The orc quickly cut the two down and grimaced as he felt a burning sensation on his left shoulder before moving onto the tower where his rusty cutlass lay as it is not for him to throw away. "also it's Sir orc guy to you horsefucker" Ignoring the centaurs concerns he walks past him towards the tower but not before flipping him the bird with both fingers pointed at his crotch as he does not appreciate being coddled anyone let alone a stranger. @Copperkirin21
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'Did he just call me fragile?' he thought. His eyes narrowed and he jammed a lance through a bandit's throat. "Well then fuck you too Sir Dickhead. Last time I try to be nice." He made a quick gesture that usually only centaurs used and one his mother would slap him in the head for using before looking around the place for more bandits. It seemed the last ones were in the tower so they were good. He sighed and started getting rid of the bodies, grumbling under his breath. It wasn't the rest he was worried about, ok it was a bit upsetting but he was used to that. It was the fragile part that pissed him off, "I'll show him fragile..." he stacked eleven bodies on his back, grumbling and taking them out.
    Anastysia noticed that the courtyard had finally cleared of bandits and she looked over to where her guild companions had started to remove the bodies from the area. She decided it would be best to help out and gave a little jog to where the others had been cleaning up their messy victory. She slowed down once she had gotten near the centaur. She looked up at the centaur and rubbed the back of her neck.
     "Sorry for uh.. hitting you. It was an accident, I promise." She avoided eye contact, embarrassed by her actions. She looked around at the other members to avoid even further eye contact. Her gaze stopped in the direction of the orc as he hobbled on his sword-cane. She thought for now she should steer clear of him due to his reaction to her earlier when she was in need of assistance. It's best to let him cool off, if he does do that 'cooling off' thing.. she pondered on this thought for a bit before returning her gaze up towards the centaur.
"It's fine. Accidents happen..." He dumped the bandits off his back and had a quick shakedown of his horse half. "Hmph. Yeah. Fragile. Right," he sighed and turned to the lady. "My name is Garrett. Garrett Lightfoot," he did a bow, so he could be at eye level with the human, "And you are?"
Bryce was done with seeing the same hallway over and over.

How had he managed not to find his way out with the sounds of death and fighting leading the way towards freedom?

     He was sure that he screamed, no, screeched, in frustration, attempting to punch a hole through a wall he had seen around ninety times, only to realize that the only thing this violence towards barriers was doing was hurting his knuckles. But while the injuries to his hands hurt, his self esteem hurt even more, having lost fifty percent of it in the war between him and his bad sense of direction.

     Eventually, he opted to sit down in the middle of the corridor, anticipating for someone, anyone, to come along with news of the outside world, and, hopefully, a route to said outside world.
As Kamira saw the others clearing away the bodies of the dead bandits, she decided that she was too lazy to help and yelled "hey guys when you are done piling the bodies, come and find me and i will burn them". After that Kamira decided to go find herself a Good room to make her's. As she was wandering the halls she came upon a door at the end of a hall and when she went in, she found a nice sized set of 2 rooms. She decided that it was a good room to make hers so she went to the front door and used the only spell she had mastered to the point that it had no chance to get out of control. She lit a fire on the door of her room that never went out and never burned anything, she used this fire to write her name on the door to let it be known that this was her room. She then proceeded to walk back to the court yard. On her way back Kamira stumbled across a Fairy sitting in the middle of a corridor blocking her path. As she approached she said "considering you are not dead I take it that you are not a bandit?”
    Anastysia blinked for a moment at the centaur, shocked but unsure why of her surprised emotion. "I'm uh, Anastysia... Anastysia Ivanov." She froze for a split second before reaching out her hand to shake Garrett's as a greeting. Definitely an opposite character compared to a certain orc. "You muttered fragile, were you talking about something important? I just only heard that singular word..." She moved her gaze around to scan the area for their...special leader and saw him distanced from the others, watching as if he were some sort of judgemental and uncaring mama bird. She rolled her eyes as she moved her gaze back to Garrett.
The orc trudged up the stairs the pain turning into more so a nuisance as he moved his shoulders a little bit to see or rather get a feel for how much his wound would hinder him in the long run which surprisingly not too much as regular lashings on his mother's vessel had given him a higher pain tolerance than most orcs. He reached the top of the tower in a matter of minutes and opened the door there the wind seemed to be to cold to his liking though the view of the endless plains and cloudless blue skies. "hmm, An endless sea of green swaying with the harsh winds perhaps this would be a good place to settle down have some...nah" Thog quietly said to himself as he walked over to the rusted cutlass, something he picked up in a cemetery and would have to return along with a bag of gold as compensation for the family if they visited still. he sheathed the rusted sword back into it's tattered scabbard and looked down at Anastysia and Garrett which seemed to getting along though he suspected that the girl fancied the young fragile centaur which brought a smile to his face "hmm how cute" the smile however was gone as the orc took a scabbard from one of the dead bandits so that he may sheathe his new sword. The orc quickly descended down the tower and into the courtyard and headed inside the keep where he found Kamira talking to a fairy which he found rather interesting though chose to ignore as he needed to find a room of his own before he is forced to sleep outside or worse share a room with another. 
He stood back up, "Ah. Don't worry about it. It's nothing." he grabbed some more bodies, "This is going to be interesting. I've rarely ever slept inside somewhere before. Well...inside a building this big. I hope I can fit!" he laughed. Deep down though he really did hope he could fit without knocking anything over or feeling trapped. A bed...not made of moss. He wondered what that felt like. After he was finished with the bodies he stretched, "Welp, that's done. That other lady said find her when the bodies were done so...looks like we're goin in. This'll be an adventure all by itself!"
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Xarles Killiams


Xarles let out a sigh, hearing the sounds of metal on metal turn to silence, before turning to look behind him, spotting Harland's late arrival.  "Well, you should have known where we were," he muttered stubbornly.  "And we have taken our new headquarters, whilst you got lost."  Without further comment, he continued to walk forward.  In truth, he had nothing to answer their questions with.  He was a coward, through and through, and he knew he would be unable to confront any of those bandits on his own.  But in time... surely he'd overcome his fears... right?  He'd follow the centaur Garret through the gate and into the castle's courtyard, ignoring the foolishness of his lessers who got the centaur immediately wounded.  Instead, he walked right past, taking a stand next to a well in the middle of the castle's expansive courtyard.  "Ah... I like this place," he declared aloud, nodding, before clearing his throat, and yelling, "Death Dealers guild!  Report to me!"  After a few moments, and the arrival of most of the guild, he'd begin to speak.  "I dub this castle, Castle Death Dealers!" he proclaimed, raising a fist into the air.  "Y'know, after our guild?" he hinted, as if the name was hard to understand.  "I'm proud of you all, for taking this castle.  Today, we've fought our first battle.  For the rest of the day, you all are free to explore the Castle as you will, and make claim to your rooms.  However, I will have to verify those claims, because I want the biggest room for myself." However, before he could finish speaking, he'd spot the obsidian swords carried by Kamira.  He ran over, grinning under his mask, knowing he could sell them for enough money to supply the guild's treasury for a while, for, at the moment, it was completely emptied.  "Kamira, may I see those for a moment?"

(A new tab has been created, giving a map and details of the castle.  Feel free to check it out.)

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