In-Character RP

As Kamira listened to the leader of the guild she looked straight in to his eyes and said "if you want to sell them just say it straight, I am fine with selling them, they are useless in battle anyways." She then proceed to hand them over to Xarles. After she handed them over she thought of a question "By the way Xarles, I assume everyone will be given a portion of the loot as a reward for taking the castle? We fought hard and i think everyone deserves some money to spruce up our rooms." 
     "An adventure is exploring a cleared out, decaying fort?" She seemed perplexed at this idea as she let her arm fall back down to her side from the ignored hand gesture. "It's just looking around and we can assume we choose our quarters but.. Mr. Killiams might disagree with the option that his guild members get to choose something..." At this point she was muttering to herself but then raised her voice and looked at Garrett. "How are you going to fit through the doorways? I don't think they're meant for..horses let alone centaurs in this case." Anastysia looked at a nearby doorway then back at the centaur.
     "There's probably stables around here... I'm guessing at least, and we could always give extra blankets and other things to you if it turns out that squeezing through the doorways and halls doesnt work out for someone of your size." She shrugged subtly. Her attention had drawn over to Xarles's announcement. She rolled her eyes at his last statement of the announcement and turned back to Garrett. She overheard a bit of what the kitsune had said and agreed with her terms of payment. 'I may not have done much and had some errors.. but I at least did something unlike our awful leader..'
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Harland would quickly walk off, his headache getting a little worse now. He walked to one of the towers, expecting the sizeable rooms to be in those areas. He got to the top left on the map, looking around for a door. He found one finally, opening with a horribly audible creak. A quick look inside assured him this wasn't the largest room, but decent enough for his work. The plans of what the room should look like filled his mind. He began to figure out if the room was tall enough though, muttering many things to himself.
He listened to the speech given by Xarles, "Yeah I think I get the Death Dealers thing..." he muttered. "I guess I could check out that stables, though it wouldn't hurt to at least try to walk around." He walked over to the door and knelt down a bit to get through the door, "Well it least the door's not narrow!" he stood up straight as he looked around the worn building. "This is...hmm....this is something. But if I can survive a night in a Nymph Cove then I can survive this!" He managed to fit himself around looking in the armory, the treasury, and so on. His final stop was the stairs to the tower. His eyes narrowed, "One of my greatest enemies...."
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      Anastysia shrugged and tagged along with Garrett. She was honestly surprised that the centaur faced no spacial difficulty within the decaying structure. Once she had peaked into the armory and treasure after letting Garrett go by, she had been still staring into the treasury room whilst walking and thus bumping into Garrett. "Oops, I hit you again, but not with a giant heep of stone this time.."

     She rubbed the side of her arm and looked at the stairs then back at the centaur, raising an eyebrow. "Either a ghost that I can't see or the stairs themselves is what you're referring to." She smiled, holding back a small chuckle and she made her way up the first five steps of the stairwell. "It's not that hard, one foo- I mean, one hoof after another."
     Being a rather absentminded fairy, Bryce didn't listen much to what Xarles said, and instead chose to internally pat himself on the back for not dying on the way to the courtyard. Granted, it was rather easy to find it since all he had to do was follow the others, but it took effort, nonetheless. Once the self-praise got a bit weird, he watched the other guild members and chose to follow after the centaur and the human, trying his best not to seem creepy as he stalke-- no, went after them in a completely not-eerie way that would most definitely not warrant various old timey restraining orders.
"It's not going up the stairs that's the problem. It's coming back down." He looked behind him and saw the fairy behind them. He had been following them for the while might as well say something. "Uuh hey there. You coming up?" If he was going to stay here he should at least get to know the guild members besides Anastysia and that orc. "Name's Garrett by the way." he put on a friendly smile.
Bryce turned from left to right to see if the centaur had been talking to another person that wasn't him. When he saw no one else, he pointed at himself as if to say 'Me?' and stood in silence, slightly baffled over Garret's friendliness. Despite his confusion, he answered, his lisp clear as he spoke. "Right. I'm Bryce, and yes, I am coming up." He tried to keep his voice as steady as possible as he held in his anxiousness, walking up a little closer to the two.
Thog claimed the room nearest to the entrance by carving his name into the doorway though it would have been much wiser to check the room inside as the room was filled with a couple of crates. "Eh might as well" The orc sighed and opened them one by one noting that most of them are filled with salted meat save for the last one which held a gold purse with about twelve gold pieces and an empty leather bag that had a strange white powder at the bottom of it. "Eh good enough" the orc pocketed the gold and left the leather bag for later use. Thog exited the residences where he heard the last part of Xarle's spiel of claiming rooms though it didn't really pay attention all too much as he headed out of the castle to visit a grave he had passed on his way here. after an hour of walking he came across the grave he had been looking for and laid down the rusted cutlass along with leaving a three gold pieces as compensation for disturbing the dead man's resting place before starting his long trek back to the run down Guild headquarters.
"Ok let's do this..." He knelt down a bit and walked up the stairs, reaching the top of the towers. "Woah...that's a nice view," He gulped. He was alright with heights, if not a little nervous, but he hid it rather well. He didn't want to seem nervous or skittish to these new people, his pride wouldn't allow that. But being on a high tower on in a old decaying castle made him extra fearful. He walked to the edge and didn't focus on the drop down, but the view forward.
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     Anastysia looked at Bryce as he introduced himself and then back to Garrett as the centaur made his way up the stairs. She followed behind, keeping a safe distance in case a hoof or two of his slipped. She knew that a few steps in between them wouldnt slow down the falling of a 1,000+ lbs centaur, nor she would make it down the stairs fast enough if he fell backwards. She kept up with the centaur and assumed Bryce had followed them up the stairwell. Once they had reached the top she looked around and rested her elbows on the ledge and looked around. Heights didn't particularly bother her unless she had a high risk of falling, but that would apply to anyone with common sense of gravity.
    "What a calming scenery.." She thought out-loud. She looked around at the greenery, the small creek near the tower, and much more provided by the ways of nature. She stood up straight before moving to stand on the ledge, then to sit down with her legs dangling over the ledge. She let her legs sway a little as she stared off into the wilderness.
  Halfway through his stroll the orc came across a farmer on his way to the market in the nearby town, and seeing as he has gold to spare he decided to do a bit of shopping and called out to the farmer and bought himself some a sack of grain, four loaves of bread once again placed in a sack, a sack of apple, and a some dead pheasant which he will have for dinner. Before Thog could leave the farmer handed him a keg filled with ale to thank him for his patronage however before The orc could protest the farmer had left which left thog to carry all these things back to his place all by his lonesome self. The orc grumbled profanities as he laid the barrel in the middle of the road whilst he tied the sacks of food to his belt before picking up the keg of ale and slowly making his way to guild headquarters.

  After a long and tiring walk back to the guild headquarters the orc dropped the keg in the middle of the courtyard drenched in sweat. "IF ANY OF YOU WANT TO GET PISS DRUNK THERE'S SOME ALE IN THE COURTYARD" The orc screamed out to his fellow guild members before walking into the residences and to his room where he moved the crates around to create a clearing his room. The Sweat drenched orc removed his shirt and belt before finding a spot on the cold hard floor of his room to rest in.
After Kamira handed the Swords to Xarles she went to her room to clean it up and make it livable. As she was cleaning her room Kamira dropped the broom on the ground and heard a hollow bang. "What the Fuck?" Kamira mumbled to herself as she went over to investigate the sound. As Kamira tapped the ground where she had heard the sound she realized it must have been a secret compartment there. Kamira decided to pull up the boards and when she did she found 2 pieces of silver in a bag. Kamira decided to not tell the rest of the guild about this and keep the money for herself, after all she did have things that she wanted to buy for her room. As Kamira finished cleaning her new room she decided that she was going to go to town tomorrow and pick up some things for herself.
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     Bryce shambled along a bit behind the others, too nervous to get too close, and stopping once they reached the top of the towers. He decided to stay quite a ways away from the ledge. While he was stupid, he wasn't stupid enough to test his luck in balancing on the edge of certain death, he would surely fall thanks to his ungraceful nature. Beginning to play with one of his gloves, he repeatedly tugged it off and back on again, trying to keep himself entertained without needing to interact with his new... acquaintances? No. Acquaintances is too big of a word for the fairy to bother remembering, too tedious to think of or say, what is he, a scholar? Obviously not. Friends will do.
    Thog watched the cockroach running up the length of his arms, wandering aimlessly and at his mercy yet completely oblivious to the fact that his life was meaningless. The orc feeling rather benevolent today and decided to merely brush the cockroach off before standing up to find a new room as he did not want any insects burrowing into his ears and coming out of his mouth nor is he interested in spiders laying eggs in his innards. He walked out of his room and scratched out his name until it's no longer readable. he then took the room next to his old one which thankfully had a bedroll and this proved to be enough for the orc as he didn't need much to live. The orc once again scrawled his alias into the door before going back to his old one and retrieved his shirt and belt before going to sleep in the new bedroll he had taken for himself. 
The mention of ale caused Garrett to smile. That brought back memories. The gatherings of the whole clan, sitting under the night sky and indulging in stories and drink by the fire. He remembered it all very fondly.  "Hmm....I think I could get some. I haven't had any ale in quite the while." He looked to the stairs and took a deep, slow breath. If he was going to get to that ale, he needed to get down those stairs. Plus he wanted to see the stables, and take his armor off. "Anyone with me?"
     Anasytsia turned her body around to face Garrett, swinging her legs back over the ledge to face the centaur. 

     "I'll climb down and meet you at the bottom, unless you need me to break your fall down the stairs, but that's not preferable to be honest." She stood up and walked over to the side that looked down into the courtyard. She kept her exterior relaxed but on the inside the excitement of scaling down a wall fluttered inside her stomach and filled her with joy. 
     "I-I'll tag along too." He stammered, sounding excited until he said the last words, mumbling them rather than continuing to speak in a thrilled tone. Bryce wasn't one for drinking, but he was afraid that, if he strayed too far from them, he would be forgotten, and he wouldn't want that. Tense, he pulled his cloak tighter around himself, quickly regretting having said anything. What if he sounded clingy or something? What if he made a fool of himself? Actually, he already made a fool of himself, so he didn't need to worry about that, but still, what other people thought was very important to him.
"Uuuuh yeah you go ahead and do you Anastysia. I'm gonna walk down the stairs." He turned to Bryce, "Great! Let's go then. And also relaaaax you don't have to look so tense all the time I'm not gonna bite!...or kick." he looked to the steps and took another deep, slow breath and stepped to the top of the stairs, "Ok...ok...I got this...I got this..." he stepped one hoof down the steps. "Ok good. Good." he put another hoof down and another and another pressing his hands against the walls. He seemed to be doing well until he got near the bottom. He misplaced a  hoof and started to fall forwards. He grit his teeth and closed his eyes bracing for impact, but it never came. His upper half was floating! "H-h-hehehehehe..." he chuckled nervously. "Oh yeah...wind...hover...." his back half lifted off the steps a bit and he lightly touched on the bottom floor. "Hahaaaaa safe!"
      "Lighten up, Bryce. The only person that is most likely to bite is Xarles." She turned her body to face the tower itself and made her way down the side. Wiggling her hands and feet into crevices as she went down the wall. 

     She thought to herself as she climbed down. Ale sounded pleasing at this moment and at least a decent reward for their success of taking over the small structure. But it would do for their small, but with an embarrassing name, guild. She hopped down onto the stone ground after declining to where she was roughly 5 stone bricks above the ground. She then leaned against the wall and waited for the centaur to pop out of the building, eyeing the barrel of ale as she waited.
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As Kamira finished Cleaning up her room She decided to go to the court yard and see what the others were doing, when she got there she saw one of the others bringing a keg of beer. It was Kamira's policy to avoid drinking as much as possible, The main reason was that Kitsune cannot drink much before they get drunk. After 2 cups she can feel it, after 3 she is completely drunk, and after 4 she is completely wasted.
Thog heard the sound of faint footsteps outside his door diverting his attention away from the futile attempts in putting himself to sleep. He shrugged ad he had nothing better to do than stare at a ceiling or interact with his guild members whom he needed to learn the names of at some point as it may come off as rude to call them by their characteristics. The orc dragged himself out of the bed and into the door where he proceeded to peek out of the hallway where kamina eyed the ale he brought in.

"Hmmm, Maybe" The orc mused before retreating back to his room to grab the bag filled with raw mutton in his room.

"Hey, Un Kamina was it? Do you mind if you used some of the pyromancy to roast some mutton with me? I'll share some with you if you want some" He peered into the hallway once again this time waving the bag around.
Kamito Turned around and saw Erebus behind her. "Yea I don't mind cooking it, I am kinda hungry after all." Said kamira. She went outside with the mutton and began to slowly cool the mutton. After she finished cooking it she took a small portion for herself and handed the rest to Erebus. She then began ripping into the meat. It had been several weeks since Kamira last had a well cooked piece of meat, it tasted amazing. After Kamira finishes her mutton she told Erebus she was going on a walk in the Forest. The Forest had always been relaxing to Kamira. After all, it was her kind's natural habitat. Kamira always went into the forest after a battle, it allowed her to vent, literally. She slowly released built up magical Energy by releasing small flames. After she had vented she wandered her way back into the castle.
           As Anastysia waited for the centaur, shifting her stance impatiently, the smell of cooked mutton brushed against her nose and her mouth watered. Now that she thought about it, did Xarles even have food for all of the guild members? Her stomach rumbled as the smell of mutton taunted her sense of smell and her desires for food. After taking a quick look at a thin stream of smoke in the air, she decided to follow where it came from. She came across another opening to the inside of the castle and went inside. After walking down the corridor for a bit, she turned into a room where Erebus sat. She was almost positive that she saw Kamira before Anastysia walked inside the castle, finishing up what looked like something delicious from afar. She looked at Erebus and saw the piece of roasted mutton he held.
     "Where the hell did you get that? You bring back a well-sized barrel of ale but only that much food?" Her voice gave off the mild impression of irritation, but of course it was more the hunger talking than her regular self.
     The comment about biting did nothing to sooth Bryce's nerves, in fact, it did the exact opposite. Biting? Did people usually bite each other? I mean, animals did it, so why wouldn't they? He nervously pondered over the possible chewing of flesh as Garrett lost his balance. The fairy hadn't realized what happened until the top half of the centaur was floating. He wasn't particularly fazed by it, as this wasn't the first time he'd seen someone fly, but it was still a weird sight to see. Once Garret landed on the bottom floor, Bryce figured that getting down stairs when half of your body is that of a horse can be a strenuous task, and deserves celebration. He applauded the centaur, figuring that that would be enough of a congratulation.

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