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  1. Dweeb Princess

    Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

    Is it too late to join?
  2. Dweeb Princess

    Angelic Wars

    Name: Gringo Gender: Female Species: Angel Age: 600 (Human age- 17) Appearance: Personality: Gringo is very dramatic, almost to the point of ridiculousness. She loves when she makes people laugh(even if she complains about it). She likes to sound intelligent when she speaks, and so...
  3. Dweeb Princess

    Steam punk RP (People needed)

    Name: Elliot Age 18 House you belong to House Barnes Sexuality Pansexual Personality Elliot is shy and has a hard time with social interaction. He can be very sweet, though, and believes in always being polite, even if the other person isn't. He doesn't like causing tension or problems...
  4. Dweeb Princess

    Fandom Outasts {Hogwarts RP}

    Naomi was busy practicing spells. Her wand kept sending sparks and making cracking noises. Not only that but she kept getting distracted by other people and finally she fell to the floor. "I don't get it!" She complained loudly. That's when she looked up and noticed a new face. Naomi's face...
  5. Dweeb Princess

    Steam punk RP (People needed)

    I want to join but I'll have to post mine tomorrow.
  6. Dweeb Princess

    Outasts {Hogwarts RP}

    I hope there's still room! Name: Naomi Ross Year: 6th Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Naomi is a bit of a goof and can always be seen with a smile on her face. She doesn't like to be in serious situations and can barely take anything seriously. She likes to spend...
  7. Dweeb Princess

    Its my birthday. *sigh* here's to another year of regrets

    Its my birthday. *sigh* here's to another year of regrets
  8. Dweeb Princess

    Well.. now I'm for sure back. Any rps I should join?

    Well.. now I'm for sure back. Any rps I should join?
  9. Dweeb Princess

    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack

    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack
  10. Dweeb Princess

    OHSHC: Welcome To The Host Club!

    ((I'm sorry, I'm deleting my account so I won't be able to post anymore.))
  11. Dweeb Princess

    Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

    ((I am soooo sorry! I have to delete my account due to stupid reasons so I won't be able to rp anymore. Goodbye!))
  12. Dweeb Princess

    All Out War

    ((I would like to join but it will have to be later like tomorrow))
  13. Dweeb Princess

    Ahhh the sweet smell of freedom.

    Ahhh the sweet smell of freedom.
  14. Dweeb Princess

    Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

    Sebastian turned around. "Just a little." He admitted. His eyes glanced at the shelf one more time. "Though I do not understand why you are cleaning the same objects repeatedly as well." He tossed the cloth he had been using to clean aside and wiped his gloved hands on another cloth. "Perhaps...
  15. Dweeb Princess

    Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

    Sebastian bowed once more before walking off to find another job to do. He went back inside and dusted the book shelves for the third time and made sure everything was straightened and clean.
  16. Dweeb Princess

    Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

    Sebastian raced away and into the mansion. After checking multiple storage rooms, he finally found the supplies and gathered it in his arms. Then he quickly made his way back to where he had left Tabitha. He set it down beside her and cleared his throat. "Anything else?" ((it's okay. I...
  17. Dweeb Princess

    Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

    "Art supplies..." Sebastian repeated, thinking for a moment. "Ah yes! I believe we have some stored away somewhere. Is there a certain place you would like it to be brought? I'll go fetch it for you."
  18. Dweeb Princess

    Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

    Sebastian nodded, keeping a straight face. " Is there anything I could help you with?" He asked, utterly tired of having nothing to do. Ciel was working on some kind of paperwork and none of the others were around. AND all the servants had already taken care of everything else.
  19. Dweeb Princess

    OHSHC: Welcome To The Host Club! [Inactive]

    Hansel slipped back onto consciousness and rubbed his eyes. He stared at the table for a moment until the world stopped spinning and stood up. It seems I'm not getting any guests today..he thought to himself with a shrug. He would feel bad if he did have a couple guests and wasn't able to focus...
  20. Dweeb Princess

    Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

    Sebastian came around the corner of a bush and was face to face with Tabitha. "Oh. Hello." He did a quick bow. "Have you seen any of the other guests?" He asked curiously.