OHSHC: Welcome To The Host Club! [Inactive]

“Tsk.” Ryota scoffed as he pushed through the doors that led to the Host Club. It had been a requirement that he join something to graduate, why not spend it with a bunch of babes; if only they hadn’t all swooned for the other guys. Ryota didn’t care much; he simply just sat at his table in the back with his feet up and dozed or listened to music. Seeing as his uniform was already a tattered wreck, he let it simply retire for his grandpa’s old war jacket, threadbare jeans, fingerless gloves, and combat boots. Sometimes he wore something under the jacket, and sometimes he didn’t, it really depends on the weather outside. The Host Club wasn’t all bad, the guys you work with tended to grow on you, and the women who came in were cute enough. If it came down to the line, Ryota would most likely be the first to take a bullet for anyone there.

Ryota slung his schoolbag off his shoulder “Honey, I’m home!” he hollered just before slinging the pack across the room and letting it hit the wall next to ‘his’ table with a ”thump”, It was his usual entrance and as usual most gave him a nasty glare for being so careless. Ryota only smiled in reply and flipped a bird to each and every dirty look before walking on over to the small couch and plopping down on it, completely ignoring its current occupants.
Kai wondered his way into the Host Club, which was also known as the 'abandon band room' but now it's the boys hosting head quarters for those girls who need a boost of happiness.

"Good morning!" Kai stated opening the doors to the Host Club, he noticed a few people in there but he mostly noticed Ryota who was being his normal self, cocky and rude. Though, what can Kai do about it? Really what would he want to do about it, he's to chilled out to worry about it.

Kai soon to a seat at his designated hosting spot, soon getting a few girls company and that's when his job started.

He grabbed each of them a tea and cookie, starting casual conversation with them.

Mean while Mai, Kai's sister that no one knew about walked into the host club. Wearing the yellow ball gown 'uniform'.

"I hate this..." Mai mumbled. Don't get Mai wrong, she loved wearing dresses, but she hates the color yellow, so a giant goofy yellow dress isn't exactly her favorite thing to be wearing at this exact moment. As Mai walked in she noticed mostly every host had someone, someone that they are waiting on. She than noticed that Ryota didn't have anyone that he was hosting.

"Should I go talk to him..?" She asked herself. As Mai attempted to put one foot forward it didn't work out that way. She turned back right away, and hide behind one of the trees, peeking between the branches.
Hansel entered the room that the Host Club used and slipped into his usual seat. He pulled out a book while he waited for guests to arrive. He was having a hard time concentrating though. He had stayed up late studying and had barely woken up in time for school. He closed his eyes for a moment, not realizing that the exhaustion was taking over. He head dropped to the table and he fell asleep.

Niomi stared at the doors. Her choice was simple. Go in and have fun or go out with some friends. She glanced down both sides of the hallway and with a deep breath, she walked in. She immediately noticed a girl standing behind one of the decorative trees. She went up and tapped her on the shoulder. "Nervous?" She asked, smiling.
Jun was in a good mood. A very very good mood. Having been given a girls chocolate earlier that day and lucked out of having to take a test, he felt his luck was piling, and what better way of having fun was there then talking to girls and making them happy? Grinning and about to step into the room, he saw two girls outside, most likely interested in coming in and playing with them for a bit, as he liked to think of it. He smiled at them, green eyes sparkling over enthusiastically. Some think he over does his role, but Jun never even realized he was playing one. "Hi! If you'd like to hang out with us, please come in! I haven't met either of you before." He said kindly.
The couch near the entrance was getting just a tad too noisy. Between the newcomers, and the members of the host club greeting them, Ryota couldn’t tell which was worse. He got up from the couch, causing some girls who were sitting there previously to groan “Finally”. Ryota stretched, his arms reaching high up above his head and pulled up the back of his jacket to reveal that he was indeed topless underneath. After a few spine chilling pops coming from his bones he let his arms fall down to his sides and he ran a hand through his hair.

“Well was it as good for you as it was for me, ladies?” Ryota stated with a rather crude chortle as he turned his head to glare at them from the corner of his eye, his gaze almost like daggers. “Guess not.” Ryota scoffed as he turned back around and pulled some strands of his stray shadowy tresses and tucked them behind his heavily pierced ear, the silver gleaming in the light as he strode towards his empty table. “Kai, gimme a holler when it’s time to go. I didn’t get much sleep last night.” Ryota called out, overstepping some of the softer spoken girls before plunking himself down in his chair and taking out a set of ear buds.
Ren was on his way to the host club as usual and he saw some ladies were already there along with Ryota, Hansel and Kai he was pretty used to host life by now and he walked in with his usual smile and almost perfect posture, this wasn't all that surprising considering his role model was Tamaki he was only a child when the old hosts were here but he remembered the prince and how he wanted to be just like him and in many ways he was close to that goal except in a sense opposite Tamaki had blonde hair and blue eyes, he had black hair and brown eyes, Tamaki exaggerated every gesture, so did Ren but in different ways. Tamaki in comparison to the Casanova was innocent, The prince would give a girl a rose and say she was beautiful or something of that nature, The Casanova would give the girl one of his chocolate hearts and then might tell her she has kissable lips, or something of that sort. Long story short the main differance is that a Casanova is just that, a Casanova and he's to put it in simpler terms a player with a need for attention.

He walked up to his table and just kind of chuckled at Ryota's little display of his upper body and getting his music out as usual, almost immediately after he got to his table ladies came seconds after him smiling and looking as full of himself as ever as he received his daily dose fangirl squeals and whatnot. "Hey there girls, your looking as great as ever." everyday was valentines to this guy, and he had chocolate with him every day, he had two boxes today. Of course these didn't come out of the club's budget though, all of his chocolates were actually made by himself, a family recipe that his mother taught him. "Alright you know the rules, one each."

Jade hated Ourans female uniform just like most of Ouran's female population. It was times like these she wished she was a guy... things would just be so much easier! (not to mention the school's poor fashion sense) at least she always had the host club to look forward too, at first she found the whole idea of the club pretty stupid... I mean she really didn't need guys to tell her shes pretty and the whole thing sounded like a scam but somehow or another she was conviced to try it out and she found that it was better than what she expected and she actually got to know the people and made friends, Jade was in kendo club and knew martial arts. She was a complete tomboy and yet even she liked it here. She looked around and decided to talk to Kai first (since Ren was busy and Ryota didn't look like he wanted to be talked too, she could tell he was tired) "Hey Kai how are you doing?" she grinned "Staying out of trouble?" she chuckled teasing him. Jade's relationship with the hosts was more friendly than anything, unlike most of the girls she wasn't there to gawk at the hot guys all she wanted was to get to know them. She never had many friends so the host club was an escape for her to feel accepted, she wasn't interested in some pointless teenage love that would never last she would know it if and when that person came along so she enjoyed the host club as almost a social club for now.
Ryota was all but settled, ear-buds in with a few older grunge bands battling it out in his lobes, and then a random set of squeals sounded off, alerting him to the entrance of the infamous prince incarnate; Ren. While Ryota loved his relaxation and music he couldn't help but let a smile cross his lips and pop an eye open to keep tabs on things. Without a doubt, there Ren was, surrounded by his female followers and passing out the chocolates he made himself. Ryota spotted Jade, who surprisingly enough wasn't all that bad for a girl. She kept her cool, and didn't fawn over everyone; which by all means got the right away from him. The disgruntled and seemingly chipper Ryota stopped leaning back in his chair, and removed his feet from the corner of the table before starting to stand; it was when he looked up again that he noticed a younger girl approaching his table. As per club rules Ryota greeted her with a smile, no matter how wolfish it seemed on his part. Whether it was his smile, or the icy glare he gave her as she approached, she scurried off over to one of the tables of the other host's. Which didn't bother Ryota at all, seeing as he had other plans. He left his table, kicking his chair back into place when he left and headed towards Ren with arms limply at his sides. When it came to approaching Ren, Ryota had to do some pushing, shoving, and a little cleverly placed hands to make the girls move enough that he could actually get in contact with the man. Once close enough, Ryota slung his arm over Ren's shoulder, the crook of his elbow latching onto the man as Ryota clung to Ren as if he were a drunkard with no balance. Ryota turned his head to face Ren, the sweep of his shadowy rose-dipped tresses covered most of his face "Mind if I get out of here? Table's empty as per. It's also a bit too loud for my liking." Ryota rasped in a hushed tone, ignoring the glares from girls who no doubt wished to burn holes in his back for touching their 'Prince'.
Ren thought it out... "Sure, but if one of the ladies want you I'll have to call you back in here immediately understood?" the reincarnated prince didn't take himself too seriously authority wise. Even though he was considered the leader of the host club he didn't envision himself as a king, another difference between him and the previous host. The Casanova went along with the conversations as normal afterwards and ended up having to help some girl with the chocolates which he did gladly not really caring about the indirect kiss from using his mouth. He knew she could eat fine and it was an excuse but he didn't mind.
Ryota slipped from the girls and Ren's line of sight within moments, and just as quickly retrieved his bag. Ryota lifted his cell from his pocket and opened it, making sure to flash it in Ren's direction on his way out. Letting him know he was just a phone-call away. Pack slung over his shoulder, and quite obviously relieved to be released from club duties for now Ryota opened the doors leading to freedom. Sadly, he almost knocked Jun and his guest over in his haste get out of the room. "Ciao, suckers." Ryota called back 'apologetically' as he sped off into the school.
Niomi suddenly became nervous. "Well... uhhh... you see... I don't quite understand how this whole "host" thing works." She gestured around the room as she talked. She turned back to the guy and flashed a smile. "My name is Niomi." Her heart pounded. This was new. Boys didn't really pay attention to her, let alone talk to her. She crossed her fingers behind her back, hoping she could keep her cool.
Ren was so busy with his usuals he hadn't noticed the new guests, "Excuse me girls, I'll be right back I promise I just need to greet some new faces" some seemed upset their "prince" was leaving but nodded. He approached Niomi and the other girl with a friendly smile "How nice to welcome two lovely new faces to the host club!" he was actually rather excited, he really did love meeting new people. "My name is Ren Agatsumi and I just wanted to make sure to introduce myself to you, I'm in charge here so if there is anything wrong or you have questions or anything please feel free to ask anytime. I hope you enjoy your visit and maybe we'll see you ladies again" he looked at the two warmly with his usual charm, "And may I have your names my dears?"
Hansel slipped back onto consciousness and rubbed his eyes. He stared at the table for a moment until the world stopped spinning and stood up. It seems I'm not getting any guests today..he thought to himself with a shrug. He would feel bad if he did have a couple guests and wasn't able to focus on what they were saying. He stretched and then sat back down with a content sigh. Feels much better.

"It's nice to meet you! I'm Niomi." Niomi giggled nervously, an old habit of hers. "Thank you." Her smile remained as she looked behind him at the other hosts. "So... umm... do we just choose?" She was afraid of sounding like an idiot but who could blame her? It was her first time going to anything like this.
"Well, yes don't feel shy just approach whichever you like darling" Ren told her "Now if you don't mind I'll be returning to my table" and with that he went back to his impatient fangirls as friendly as ever. Meanwhile Jade turned around seeing Ren moved she noticed the new girls too. Normally she hung out with the guys but this was a chance to make more feminine friends, she walked up to them with a nervous smile "Hey my name's Jade, you must be feeling pretty nervous don't worry that's normal for a first visit." she was taking the role of tour guide "You just met Ren" she pointed out each host by name "Over there's Hansel, he's pretty nice and a bit of a daydreamer, overall he's pretty easygoing. Then there's Ryota whose taking a break, he's more of the bad boy character if your into that... to tell you the truth though I just think he's a big teddy bear. And that blond over there is Kai, he's a pretty laid-back "the boy next door" type of guy"
Akira stood by the door, peeking in. She had a odd color for her hair, which was blue. Not many people commented but she felt like they were mentally commenting. She watched the hosts in the room with all the ladies with them. She found it a bit weird, but knowing this was a host club, it wwas a good excuse. Her blue eyes kept scanning the room, feeling somewhat drawn in. But her eyes stopped on a black-haired boy. He was cute from where she seen him. And this caused her to have her cheeks turn pink. I wonder what his name is...? she thought, still standing by the door.
Ren felt a prescence enter the room. Another new guest?, this was the host club's lucky day three in a row. He felt bad leaving the ladies again but he had to introduce himself to new faces, it was his responsibility as head of the host club. He excused himself properly before turning around to see who this person was with a smile, it was a girl with blue hair and matching big, bright blue eyes. Ren had seen many girls hosting but this one just seemed to stand out from the rest. He felt the need to make a good first impression on this one so he worked his charm.

He bowed in courtesy and like something straight out of on of those Cliche movies he kissed her hand still smiling. "Hello there, let me introduce myself. My name is Ren Agatsumi and I'm currently in charge here so if you have any troubles please don't hesitate to ask dear, Welcome to the host club we hope you enjoy your visit and have some fun while your here." He winked at her making some of the waiting girls glare, jealous. "And what may your name be?"
Akira watched as the black-haired male approach her. She seemed to get even more shy as he came closer. And what had happened was not something she expected. He took her hand and kissed the top of her hand. Instantly, her face went red because she was never used to something like this. "I-Im..." she was already studdering. Biting her lip she spoke softly "Akira..." Ren was his name...it was a perfect name for the way he looked. It fitted him so well.

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Eury entered the Old music room, a regal, yet inviting air around him and for a moment most of the girls turned his way. Giving him a shy smile, or a lustrous look. He returns the smiles and greets the other hosts in a slight nod, but walks over to his table by the open window where he finds his usual's waiting for him, all standing. Bowing deeply to the beautiful gals he speaks," My Princesses I humbly apologize for my absent. I know beautiful fairies like yourselves do not wish to be kept waiting." His voice was smooth like dark chocolate and seemed to resonate inside his chest before he spoke. The girls smiled at him, and he allows them to sit before sitting himself. Like Ren he was one of the more popular, and was often compared to the comical prince and his dramatics, But Eury was often more humble and was nicknamed the Knight of the Prince's table.

Nia walks into the host club only moments after Eury, looking quiet distraught. His brown, curly hair was un-brushed, uniform crooked and tie undone. Like he had just been in a fight, or had gotten out of bed in a hurry. In truth that was just how the singular male guest of the host club looked on a twenty-four hour basis. As, he entered the Host club some of the newer girls gave him strange looks, in which he returned with a smile, but he seemed too occupied in his choice of host today to even care, and or really notice that those girls were actually staring at him. Hmmm. He thinks overlaying his options. Do I want to fight for the prince today, or does Kia seeming more interesting?
After her daily violin practice was over, Sayuri walked to the Host Club room. She didn't even have to think about where to go after the many times she's been there already. Like always, she carried her violin case in front of her. Soon, she stood in front of the doors. She opened the door and walked in slowly, looking around. Her favorite hosts, Ren and Eury seemed busy already. Unsure of what to do, she simply stood by the door.
Eury hears the door open with a small click, and by the door stands a sight for sore eyes," One moment princesses there seems to be a damsel in distress," The girls frown, but nodded politely knowing that Eury could not leave a lady all by herself. So, he made his way over to Sayuri, giving her a polite smile," Milady why does one of such beauty stand all by herself," He ask, taking one of her hands and lightly kissing it," Would you not be pleased to join me and the other princesses."
Sayuri's cheeks turned a light shade of red as he kissed her hand. Finding it hard to reply in words, she simply nodded. In her other hand, she gripped her violin case handle tightly out of shyness. She was wondering if it was okay to intrude on him and the other girls who were already there for him, but couldn't quite put her thoughts into words. Instead, she gave him a shy smile and said, "Thank you very much."
" Do not thank me Princess for any man with wits would want someone as lovely as you at his table," He guided her over to the table and held out his chair allowing her to sit while he stood," Now my darlings this is Sayuri, be nice too her, as you would a sister or best friend" He says, flashing them all a grin," As I think we agreed last time that you would all get a dance with me is that not true," The girls giggled and nodded," But first where are my manners. Sayuri would you like something to eat or drink?"
Sayuri took the seat offered to her hesitantly. "N-no... it's okay. I don't need anything. Please do not mind me." She set her violin down beside her and looked at her hands on her lap. She was quite uncomfortable with so many people around, but since he was kind enough to personally invite her over, she tried her best to bear with it.
Eury quirks an eyebrow, staring at Sayuri as if she a particular specimen ready to be dissected, but only for a second before one of the girls a small blonde tugs at his sleeve," Umm, Eury may we please dance now....please," The girl asks, her tone showing how she was obviously annoyed that Eury was talking to someone other than herself.
As she heard another girl speak to Eury, Sayuri couldn't help but think about how popular he was. Of course he's popular. He is a host. She let out a quiet sigh, wondering why she still comes here. She could always practice more. With that in mind, she tried to decide whether to leave to practice, or stay.

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