Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

Sebastian turned around. "Just a little." He admitted. His eyes glanced at the shelf one more time. "Though I do not understand why you are cleaning the same objects repeatedly as well." He tossed the cloth he had been using to clean aside and wiped his gloved hands on another cloth. "Perhaps boredom is taking all of us by surprise."
"Well...second time was habit. Third,perhaps it was boredom." Alice responded as she looked around. She returned her gaze back to Sebastian. "I guess we all actually have time for ourselves...although with all the work everyday,we don't even know how to sepnd it." She chuckled quietly. "The Young Master has been laying low lately, and not really asking for many things...I wonder why..." she muttered quietly.

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