Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

((Honestly I don't really remember where the heck Sebastian was so I'm just going to make him appear lol))

Sebastian finished cleaning up the table and walked outside in search for the guests. He hadn't seen them in a while and was curious what they were up to. He slipped on his gloves as he walked out the door.
(Omg same here)

Tabitha still remained in the garden,relaxing and enjoying the air. "The air is so much cleaner here..." she muttered to herself as she smiled. She stood and began to walk the small pathway that explored the garden.

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Sebastian came around the corner of a bush and was face to face with Tabitha. "Oh. Hello." He did a quick bow. "Have you seen any of the other guests?" He asked curiously.
Tabitha jumped very slightly in surprise when she saw Sebastian suddenly there,but calmed quickley.

"No,I havent." She replied. "I think they all went out." Tabitha added in. She giggled quietly to herself. "It's so quiet without the others,very peaceful." She muttered.

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Sebastian nodded, keeping a straight face. " Is there anything I could help you with?" He asked, utterly tired of having nothing to do. Ciel was working on some kind of paperwork and none of the others were around. AND all the servants had already taken care of everything else.
"Uhh...." Tabitha muttered. Was there anything she needed help with? "I don't think I need anything right now..." She replied,looking up to the tall butler. Suddenly, an idea struck in her mind. "Actually,do you have any art supplies around?" She asked curiously.

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"Art supplies..." Sebastian repeated, thinking for a moment. "Ah yes! I believe we have some stored away somewhere. Is there a certain place you would like it to be brought? I'll go fetch it for you."
"Ah! Great!" Tabitha said cheerfully. "Bring it back here, please." She ordered politely with a smile.

(ah sorry for one liner ;A;) 
(i might make another OC for this RP, it'll just be a servent character so sebastian has someone to order around and do stuff since no one else is on rping yet xP)
Sebastian raced away and into the mansion. After checking multiple storage rooms, he finally found the supplies and gathered it in his arms. Then he quickly made his way back to where he had left Tabitha. He set it down beside her and cleared his throat. "Anything else?"

((it's okay. I sometimes make one liners and I feel terrible. And okayyy... this should be funn. :) haha))
Tabitha waited patiently for Sebastian to return. She looked around with her eyes, deciding what she would use as a still life model to paint. When she saw sebastian returning, she looked towards him and gave a slight smile.

"That should be all, Sebastian. You're help is much appreciated!" Tabitha responded cheerfully.
Sebastian bowed once more before walking off to find another job to do. He went back inside and dusted the book shelves for the third time and made sure everything was straightened and clean.
((woo new OC made eue she is posted on the rp overview tab under tabitha))

Alice was cleaning off tables,shelves, for about the third or fourth time. She always went over cleaning things, even though the object is clean enough. Her purple eyes scanned these objects over and over again, checking for any specks of dust that would still be there. When the object was completely cleaned off, she turned and walked away. Alice noticed Sebastian also cleaning something, but she remembered that he had cleaned it a couple times before.

"Bored, are we?" She asked, chuckling under her breath as she approached Sebastian in a conversational distance.


Tabitha smiled as she sat down onto the soft grass and placed the canvas on her lap. She looked to the scenery in front of her and began to paint what she saw.

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