Angelic Wars


Diamond of the Universe








Weapon: (if other than human)
Name: Silia

Gender: Female

Species: Angel

Age: 1,500 (appears to be 13 as a human, but human age is 15)


Personality: Silia is a small, cheerful girl, but her appearance hides most of her dark personality. She is cruel when bestowing punishment on others, and is rather merciless when practicing to fight, usually intimidating her opponents with her solid attacks, but not before lowering their guard with her angelic charms. In general, Silia is a happy kid, and somewhat childish and clingy. She is also easily flustered, and is almost the exact definition of a tsundere.

History: -will edit-

Weapon: Large blast cannon
Name:"Tris" Tristan Silvers





Personality:He looks tall and thin, however despite this, he is very fast along with being very smart, even outrunning most track teams. He is usually very calm and honest with others, often even blunt with what he thinks of them. Although some do not talk or even help him, many do ask him for help with homework or for money, both of which he will instinctively do even though they never do end up repaying the favor. On the chance someone does befriend him, he will be very affectionate, thus him hugging, feeding, or even sleeping on those who he cares about. While he is usually calm, if someone happens to touch or even get near someone he cares about, he will get extremely jealous and possibly retaliate towards them.

History: -WIP
SilverAngel303 said:
Name:"Tris" Tristan Silvers




Personality:He looks tall and thin, however despite this, he is very fast along with being very smart, even outrunning most track teams. He is usually very calm and honest with others, often even blunt with what he thinks of them. Although some do not talk or even help him, many do ask him for help with homework or for money, both of which he will instinctively do even though they never do end up repaying the favor. On the chance someone does befriend him, he will be very affectionate, thus him hugging, feeding, or even sleeping on those who he cares about. While he is usually calm, if someone happens to touch or even get near someone he cares about, he will get extremely jealous and possibly retaliate towards them.

History: -WIP
thanks for joining! accepted!
Name: Shiruna Takemoto (Angel Name: Shina)

Gender: Female

Species: Angel (however, is unaware of what she is)

Age: 15 (no 'angel age' yet)





Shiruna is rather quiet, and avoids people as often as she can, which is why she is always seen with her phone and headphones as if to block out the world. Strangely enough, she uses a sketchbook to communicate instead of using her voice for reasons unknown, but many assume that she was born mute, though it is an incorrect theory. Shiruna is rather detached from the world, and rarely cares what others think of her, which is why many think that she has "hidden arrogance." Academics is her strong point while athletics is her weak, but she enjoys swimming, doing it so often that she has become quite skilled in that aspect.

Shiruna also likes to play the piano, usually mimicking the music she listens to on her phone, but hates performance since she has a terrible case of stage fright, literally freezing up and her knees giving away beneath her. She prefers 'yes' or 'no' questions where she could nod or shake her head, but doesn't necessarily dislike using her sketchbook to communicate either. Due to her always being alone, she is nicknamed "Solo."

Her mother and father (angels) were nearly murdered by close friends (also angels), though they managed to escape alive, but barely. Their were reduced to fallen angels since they killed the leader of the murder, and the one left alive was banished to earth for the crime, his social status also dropped to a Fallen. Shiruna's parents were on earth when they realized the danger of getting attacked again by the vengeful Fallen after they gave birth to Shiruna, so they sealed her angel origins to protect her from being traced. The seal was powerful, as it had to completely veil a 'holy presence,' and its ritual took her mother's life. (Shiruna is a fallen angel since she was born after her mother and father were exiled to earth)

Her father left Shiruna at a human's doorstep, as he knew that his presence would only attract more angels, and in his current state (over mourning his wife), he could not effectively mask himself. He was eventually killed by the other fallen angels who had joined the Fallen who had originally tried to kill the father and his wife. Shiruna grew up without any memory of her real mother since she died just after Shiru was born, and her father left the day after her birth.

As a human child, Shiruna was viewed as strange and odd since she would refuse to talk like a normal person, and resorted to using sketchbooks as communication. The children at her school would tease her about the very quirk and would often gather in gangs. Those who tried to make friends with her eventually left due to her being boring and uninteresting, and the teachers disliked her for her lack of participation and her defiance when they ask her to speak.

After hearing of this, Shiruna's foster mother has her diagnosed with being mute (as she was a doctor) so that she wouldn't have to see Shiruna go through such things, and luckily, it got a little better after entering a new school. The students continued to pick on her, but the teachers were more understanding and actually grew fond of the girl since she did well in school (except the gym teacher who would always speak with her after class about her inability to hit a ball).
Weapon: Anything equipped with a blade
macaron said:
Name: Shiruna Takemoto (Angel Name: Shina)
Gender: Female

Species: Angel (however, is unaware of what she is)

Age: 15 (no 'angel age' yet)





Shiruna is rather quiet, and avoids people as often as she can, which is why she is always seen with her phone and headphones as if to block out the world. Strangely enough, she uses a sketchbook to communicate instead of using her voice for reasons unknown, but many assume that she was born mute, though it is an incorrect theory. Shiruna is rather detached from the world, and rarely cares what others think of her, which is why many think that she has "hidden arrogance." Academics is her strong point while athletics is her weak, but she enjoys swimming, doing it so often that she has become quite skilled in that aspect.

Shiruna also likes to play the piano, usually mimicking the music she listens to on her phone, but hates performance since she has a terrible case of stage fright, literally freezing up and her knees giving away beneath her. She prefers 'yes' or 'no' questions where she could nod or shake her head, but doesn't necessarily dislike using her sketchbook to communicate either. Due to her always being alone, she is nicknamed "Solo."

Her mother and father (angels) were nearly murdered by close friends (also angels), though they managed to escape alive, but barely. Their were reduced to fallen angels since they killed the leader of the murder, and the one left alive was banished to earth for the crime, his social status also dropped to a Fallen. Shiruna's parents were on earth when they realized the danger of getting attacked again by the vengeful Fallen after they gave birth to Shiruna, so they sealed her angel origins to protect her from being traced. The seal was powerful, as it had to completely veil a 'holy presence,' and its ritual took her mother's life. (Shiruna is a fallen angel since she was born after her mother and father were exiled to earth)

Her father left Shiruna at a human's doorstep, as he knew that his presence would only attract more angels, and in his current state (over mourning his wife), he could not effectively mask himself. He was eventually killed by the other fallen angels who had joined the Fallen who had originally tried to kill the father and his wife. Shiruna grew up without any memory of her real mother since she died just after Shiru was born, and her father left the day after her birth.

As a human child, Shiruna was viewed as strange and odd since she would refuse to talk like a normal person, and resorted to using sketchbooks as communication. The children at her school would tease her about the very quirk and would often gather in gangs. Those who tried to make friends with her eventually left due to her being boring and uninteresting, and the teachers disliked her for her lack of participation and her defiance when they ask her to speak.

After hearing of this, Shiruna's foster mother has her diagnosed with being mute (as she was a doctor) so that she wouldn't have to see Shiruna go through such things, and luckily, it got a little better after entering a new school. The students continued to pick on her, but the teachers were more understanding and actually grew fond of the girl since she did well in school (except the gym teacher who would always speak with her after class about her inability to hit a ball).
Weapon: Anything equipped with a blade

accepted, thank you for joining!








600 (Human age- 17)




Gringo is very dramatic, almost to the point of ridiculousness. She loves when she makes people laugh(even if she complains about it). She likes to sound intelligent when she speaks, and so will attempt to use more fancy words. When it comes to people closed to her, Gringo is very protective and loyal and would do anything for them. She is a generally happy and silly girl.


Gringo lived in a small town when she was still alive. She had been out with her friends one night, when a drunk driver crashed into them. She was the only one killed. At first, she watched her friends and family deal with her death, hovering over them and wondering if there even was a heaven. It was when she finally understood that in order to go to heaven, she had to let go of those she cared for on earth, that she was able to leave it all behind.


Small Daggers

DarkHuntressFaye said:








600 (Human age- 17)




Gringo is very dramatic, almost to the point of ridiculousness. She loves when she makes people laugh(even if she complains about it). She likes to sound intelligent when she speaks, and so will attempt to use more fancy words. When it comes to people closed to her, Gringo is very protective and loyal and would do anything for them. She is a generally happy and silly girl.


Gringo lived in a small town when she was still alive. She had been out with her friends one night, when a drunk driver crashed into them. She was the only one killed. At first, she watched her friends and family deal with her death, hovering over them and wondering if there even was a heaven. It was when she finally understood that in order to go to heaven, she had to let go of those she cared for on earth, that she was able to leave it all behind.


Small Daggers

Name: Azrael/?????

Gender: Male

Species: Fallen Angel (do die when they are found out like norm angel or are they part of evil force or just neutral?)

Age: 2006

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.d30844c3c9d57e3065b7eda130af1c65.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.d30844c3c9d57e3065b7eda130af1c65.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Calm, Reserved, Calculating, Patient, Friendly

History: Azrael was different from the other angels, his wings were black like a fallen angel's and he loved to kill and was eventually cast out from heaven. Afterwards he possessed multiple humans throughout history that are now well known serial killers though he eventually became bored of it and yearns to go back go Heaven.

Weapon: Katana<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.50d335953e0b6c082f9e80359dd8a57e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36383" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.50d335953e0b6c082f9e80359dd8a57e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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900 (but appears as 17 year old girl)



Anpiel is a bubbly and a bright young angel, she has a pure heart and hates to hurt anyone. She is very logical and uses her logic when in danger. She lives to make people happy. She has a odd sense of humor and laughs at unnecessary times. She can make anyone happy, even if they are in the worst mood. She is a eat freak and everything must be in it's place or she will go insane.


Anpeil comes from a long line of warriors. She lived in a small village when she was still alive and she loved to care for the birds. She is known as the bird protector in heaven. Her family was killed well she was out, when she returned he was still there and he took her life. Anpiel was sent to heaven to become a brave angel and to protect others from this danger.


Angelic Staff

Verdas said:
Name: Azrael/?????
Gender: Male

Species: Fallen Angel (do die when they are found out like norm angel or are they part of evil force or just neutral?)

Age: 2006

Appearance: View attachment 90283

Personality: Calm, Reserved, Calculating, Patient, Friendly

History: Azrael was different from the other angels, his wings were black like a fallen angel's and he loved to kill and was eventually cast out from heaven. Afterwards he possessed multiple humans throughout history that are now well known serial killers though he eventually became bored of it and yearns to go back go Heaven.

Weapon: KatanaView attachment 90460
accepted, welcome!

to answer your question, you can choose either one, as in, you can choose whether to be evil, normal, or 'good'

@Verdas[/URL] tagged me! thanks so much, @Verdas !

thanks so much for joining!!


i forgot to answer the other part! xD

yes, they do 'die' like regular angels, but it takes a little longer, as in it may take 5 minutes to disappear after being found out rather than 2 minutes like a regular angel

a fallen angel is a little closer to 'humans' than the pure, regular angels, so the fallen angels last a little longer...i wonder if that makes sense...

this is only an idea/theory, so if you have an opinion about it, or want to change it, etc., you can tell me. :)

i value your opinion~
Ok thanks. It makes perfect sense.

@Kuu what if the human finds out that the one they know is an angel an says it out loud but doesn't believe it and considers it their imagination or a dream of some sort when they see and recognize?
Verdas said:
Ok thanks. It makes perfect sense.
@Kuu what if the human finds out that the one they know is an angel an says it out loud but doesn't believe it and considers it their imagination or a dream of some sort when they see and recognize?
ahhh, you think of such situations that i can't think of! uhmmmm, as long as the angel doesn't go into a panic.... xD

do you have any ideas on how to deal with this situation if it ever happened? xP
Hmm... I'd make my char try to stay calm and act natural try to make the human even less certain that it is an angel. I'd first start by saying something the body it was using might say to lessen suspicion. The other rper might play along as well if I tell them that I don't want my char to die yet.
Verdas said:
Hmm... I'd make my char try to stay calm and act natural try to make the human even less certain that it is an angel. I'd first start by saying something the body it was using might say to lessen suspicion. The other rper might play along as well if I tell them that I don't want my char to die yet.
true, true....that makes sense. :)

i guess if they don't believe it, then the angel won't die...though they might get a little ill since they were nearly found out. xD

depends on how the RP-er wants to make their character :D

nice idea!

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