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  1. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

    @Arael I noticed Natalya is in Mr. Hahn's as well. Not that I want to force or rush anything, but this may be a good opportunity to have Natalya and Nicole meet if you'd like. I was thinking maybe a class assignment comes up and the two end up being partners or something? Just a suggestion. That...
  2. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

    It's funny. I mentioned the Power Rangers once and now everybody keeps mentioning the power rangers. But I've literally never watched it in my life. As a kid I thought their suits looked kind of stupid and I didn't like the way they fling their arms around (I can appreciate now the story of the...
  3. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

    Just to let everyone know, once you read the next post in the main thread, there's been an update to the main character sheet thread post as well. :P
  4. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs: Our Last Stand [CLOSED]

    ??? The air of Ms. Whattmore's class was filled with her droning on about chemical equations and balancing formulas. But very suddenly, a new sensation began to flood the room. Very few people took much heed of it, but the air began to seem heavier, weighed down by an immense force. If one paid...
  5. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

    @Reinhardt @Neon Valkyrie @Nick Ton Cutter Hey, so is everyone at the same school, just in different classes? I kind of figured that was the way it would pan out as that would make it easier for our characters to connect at some point, but if anyone has their character set on something else, I...
  6. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs CS

    @Arael Omg can't believe I forgot to tell you that your char is approved. lmao I just kind of read it when I was really tired, nodded, and went to sleep, but forgot to tell you you're set. lol Feel free to post Natalya's opening whenever. ^_^
  7. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

    @Love of Cyanide I'm gonna assume you're referring to Leon. Look at this line: "He did it all in a hurry, that he did not even notice an obvious change in himself." This (I assume, at least) is referring to his receiving a mark. So it's new. The fact that he already is adept with technology I...
  8. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

    @Love of Cyanide It's upon waking. The mark was placed on you guys during your sleep. :P
  9. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

    @Nick Ton Cutter No worries, friendo. :P There's no rush to post here. Quality > Frequency/Haste. Thanks for letting us know regardless, so we'll know what to expect. I think that we have a lot to look forward to as a group with this RP and I've got some big stuff planned for you guys. ^_^
  10. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs: Our Last Stand [CLOSED]

    Nicole Stevens ================ Nicole woke up freezing and blanketless. Not only had she left her window open, but somehow she'd kicked off her blanket during the night. Shivering, she got up, threw on a sweater from her closet, and dipped into the bathroom to clean herself up. Her hair was a...
  11. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

    @Neon Valkyrie @Arael @Nick Ton Cutter @Love of Cyanide @Reinhardt Feel free to post whenever. I figured you guys would just start from either the moment you wake up or when you go to school or whatever. I was hoping to put my first non-opening post somewhere in between you guys for Nicole and...
  12. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

    @Neon Valkyrie I don't mind length if anybody else doesn't. I love excessive detail most of the time so I'd probably just tell you to post it as is. lmao Though don't take that to mean I expect a novel every post, just that I don't mind when it makes sense to write a lot. Which it does here...
  13. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

    @Neon Valkyrie And this is why I love this group already
  14. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

    @Reinhardt @Neon Valkyrie @Arael @Nick Ton Cutter @Love of Cyanide Thank you for asking that, Reinhardt. I'm calling this to everyone's attention because I just realized that the random train horn may have lead everyone to think that you're waking up in a train station. You're actually just...
  15. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

    @Reinhardt Omg I love Persona. Though to clarify, by him being the embodiment of the Earth's will, think of the Earth as an entity of his own. Basically by the Earth's will to live, think like Gurren Lagann how everything runs off fighting spirit and shit. He's literally the Earth itself's will...
  16. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

    @Arael Alright, sick. :P Can't wait to see it ^_^
  17. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs: Our Last Stand [CLOSED]

    @Neon Valkyrie @Love of Cyanide @Nick Ton Cutter @Reinhardt @Arael Your sleep is interrupted by a distant drone and blindingly bright lights. Shortly after opening your eyes, you realize it's a dream. All around you is a world of pure, shining white. The ground is wet. In fact, it seems to be...
  18. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs CS

    @Neon Valkyrie I just threw them up. Check the first post in this CS thread now. I made two, partially because Astrod is more of a spirit guide and less of a REAL fully-developed character (he still has a personality, but being the embodiment of an abstract concept tends to make you a bit of a...
  19. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs CS

    @Neon Valkyrie Approved! ^_^ Your writing is excellent, by the way!
  20. NiflheimArisen

    Fantasy Messiahs CS

    @Love of Cyanide Approved :) I love his ability. That's definitely an interesting one.