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Fantasy Messiahs CS


Devil Summoner
Fill this sheet out to put in a character for the RP. :)

NOTE: First come first serve. Powers and colors are unique. Check if somebody has asked for your color first.

Taken Colors:
Hot Pink
Light Blue



Character Name:
[Don't forget, they're high-schoolers. Keep it between probably 15-18]
Appearance: [Picture and/or description; the more the better ^_^ ]
Mark (optional):
[If you'd like, put a hand-drawn pic of your mark. Think of it like a tattoo. Use the marks from Digital Devil Saga or tribal tattoos on google images for reference/inspiration.]
Signature Color:
Weapon Proficiency:
[sword, bow, crossbow, staff, unarmed, etc... just a bit more detail for combat style]

Character Name: Astrod
Gender: Male
Age: ???

The guide of the Messiahs, Astrod, is a wise spirit, well-versed in the history of the world and, most importantly, the lore of the Revenants. His sole purpose as an embodiment of the Earth's "will to survive" is to ensure that the Messiahs of each generation are able to defeat the Revenants and continue Earth's legacy. Despite being, at best, a very abstract spirit, Astrod retains a human form and personality in order to best assist the chosen Messiahs. Because of this, he's missed out on bits and pieces of the human experience of existence, making him, to a degree, cold and aloof towards human affairs. He often seems a bit lofty, perhaps even arrogant, to the humans around him, and his lack of human understanding tends to make him come off as a bit eccentric or bizarre. His knowledge of Revenants and divine history, however, is very much a force to be reckoned with.
Ability/Power: Divine Wisdom - Astrod doesn't necessarily have any real powers in particular. In combat, he's nearly useless. Being a spirit grants him global telepathy and the ability to blink or warp, sometimes carrying allies a short distance, but aside from this, he's little but a messenger. The full capacity of his power is drawn from his nearly endless stores of knowledge of the divine and of Revenants.
Mark: N/A
Signature Color: N/A
Weapon Proficiency: Astrod is essentially incapable of combat. He can't be hurt, but he can't hurt others. He does a great menacing glare, though. Unfortunately, it only seems to work on humans. Tragic. :L
Character Name: Nicole Stevens
Gender: Female
Age: 16

Nicole is, outwardly, the stereotypical shy girl that nobody actually knows. She tends to keep to herself at school whenever possible, though she'll chat here and there with the people around her, if only to blend in better. Away from the light of society, however, Nicole is a mess in progress. By this point, she's on the road to recovery, but she's struggled with loneliness and her own shy nature for years. Having known what it feels like to be alone and suffer, she finds herself compelled to reach out to the wounded, alone, and vulnerable. This generous and compassionate aspect of her personality is compounded by her natural submissive and openly giving nature. She's not very hard to push around and she doesn't even realize it. She'd much rather be polite and safe, than speak up when she's upset and cause a stir.
Ability/Power: Grace - Nicole's mark places her in the role of a defensive support, as it grants her the power to heal and protect allies. Her touch can heal even the deepest of wounds so long as she can feel compassion for whoever she is healing. If there is hatred in her heart, however, her touch becomes toxic and can only harm her victims. This healing aspect extends out to all of her capabilities, as well. Her words can calm the furious or terrified, to a degree, and her breath can conjure shields to block projectiles and some weaker physical attacks, or to hold back foes from attacking allies. But again, these effects only work so long as she's feeling compassionate toward her allies.
Mark: A heart wrapped tightly in vines and leaves, extending from her wrist up to her palm.
Signature Color: Green
Signature Weapon: Secretly a lover of fencing, and is, to a degree, well-versed in swordplay. At least, she'd like to think so.
Character Name: Nero
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Description/Personality: Seems to be your normal rich Catholic school-kid, but something about him seems off. His presence is practically tangible, even from several rooms away. There's definitely some kind of ill-meaning glint in his eyes too...
Ability/Power: None
Mark: None
Signature Color: N/A
Signature Weapon: As far as anyone knows, he's not much of a fighter.
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Leon EicherGender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: Leon is a ragged-looking, young man standing at 5'11. His dark blue (and almost indigo) hair goes quite well with his pale complexion. On top of his sky blue eyes, he wears gunnar glasses to assist in his consistent usage of various technology, mostly his laptop and his mobile phone. His clothes are usually dark-colored, with his common outfit consisting of a black shirt, a grey jacket, black pants, and black gloves.

Personality: Leon is a man of resolve. When he wants to achieve something, he will do everything in his power to do so. Even if it means tapping into the dark and dangerous parts of society. His social skills may not be as good as that charming guy or that student council president, but he sure can work his way around people. Not through his charisma, nor his aura, but through his intellectual creativity and his way with his words. Last but not least, he rarely turns down any form of challenge, although he has rarely won physical competitions against his friends.

Ability/Power: Constructs Creation - Leon is able to create various mechanisms, be it automated or even living objects, and control them at will. The creation of such things occurs at an immeasurable speed, and usually along with a sudden burst of smoke, which dissipates rather quickly. The damage that these creations take will be reflected to Leon, harming him as they are damaged and destroyed.

Mark: A gear-like marking with lines and a pointed arrow connected to the core. Located on the center of his chest.

Signature Color: Light Blue

Weapon Proficiency: Leon prefers to leave the fighting to his conjured constructs, and is therefore, quite useless in combat by himself. Although, he has some experience in chaotic brawls.
Reinhardt Reinhardt
Seems good to me! Consider Leon approved. Nothing in particular sticks out as an issue. I'll add you to the player list shortly. Though I'm just curious, can Leon only manipulate his own constructs or will he be capable of some degree of technomancy? I think that'd be an interesting feature as it would allow you to be a bit more crafty outside of combat scenarios without eliminating your character weaknesses or making Leon overpowered. Think of it as a bit of added versatility if you're interested in that type of thing. :p
Well, he could create constructs that may potentially tamper with real technology, but still reamin outside the scope of technomancy.

I think it would be better that way so he does not automatically reign over the technology field of the story.
Character Name: David Wright



5"10, weight 140 lbs.


David is a trustworthy man acting always on the good side despise his power looking evil. He is also courageous and tend to help his friends whenever he can, sociable as he is. He also never get frustrated easily unless someone is provocating him really hard or/and one of his chum.

However, he can be impatient and don't likes sarcastic jokes.

Blood manipulation

With this power, David's bloods is going faster than an usual human, regenerating his wounds faster. Furthermore, he is capable to suck up the bloods from open wounds as trails will floated fast inside his own body (A few meters away from his current position) in order to enhanced his overall strenght, agility and speed. However, he can't absorbed too much bloods from his opponents, only a little package, but enough to make them feeling exhaust. His maximum boost would be around 50% his human capacity, but it will needed several stocks, i mean a lot.

In critical situation, David is capable to release his own blood in multiples chains around him, impaling the ennemies and plagued them. (Reduce their st
renght and increased the pain they received) Using this power can't be fatal but will greatly reduced his overal capacity and in the worst case, passing out from exhaustion. He will still have enough blood left to let him survived.

Signature Color: Red

Weapon Proficiency:
Retractable spear
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Character Name:
Reed Holmes

Height: 5'9

Weight: 154 lbs

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Reed is a delinquent if a bit quirky. When he isn't in school, he's graffitiing some alley, or roughing up some punks who mess with him or his graffiti. Although even though he does this, he still attends school, if with below average grades. If by chance you do become something more than a stranger, he'll warm up and become rather amicable.

Ability/Power: Neon Light Manipulation - Reed can generate and manipulate neon light, which can be used in a myriad of ways; creating constructs and creating bolts that deal concussive force, depending on how long he has to generate neon. Generating this neon creates a residue, which dissipates in 1-5 hours depending on how much there is.

Mark: His mark is placed on right above his heart.

Signature Color: Hot Pink

Weapon Proficiency:
He has no formal training in any martial arts, but has experience in street brawls.

((Bleh. Not my best character to date, but some real life stuff is making this surprisingly difficult.))
Character Name: Lucile Marie Jensen
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Standing at 5'7", Lucy is narrow and lithe, but wiry, her physical strength belying her appearance. She is quite pale, despite any effort to tan, and the only good it ever does is emphasize the freckles smattered across the bridge of her nose and her cheeks. Her eyes are a deep mix of forest greens. She rarely wears makeup, and aside from a single set of demure silver hoops, she has no piercings or tattoos to speak of.
Description/Personality: Lucy is a person in whom two natures are in constant conflict; the hopeful, positive, loyal, creative, intuitive, charismatic person that she was born to be, and the spiteful, over-critical, jaded, analytical, anti-social, selfish person that life has taught her to be. The latter she tends to keep hidden, never letting anyone get close enough to see her vulnerable, damaged side. Only occasionally does she reach a point where she'll lash out, where-after she immediately regrets it, and withdraws to be alone.
Ability/Power: Physio-Kinesis - Lucy has the ability to project a pocket dimension around herself inside of which she can control physics. The pocket dimension overlaps with our own, so no one actually moves anywhere, but the overlap allows her powers to affect control over physical laws within the area. At her ultimate level of concentration, the pocket extends out to 100 meters, though at this level she is unable to break concentration for even the simplest of tasks. Practically speaking, in a combat situation, the area is about 10 meters. Inside, she can essentially rewrite the laws of physics, though the natural order reasserts itself once the pocket is closed or in a different location.
Ω on the back of her neck in black.
Signature Colour: Black
Weapon Proficiency:
Living in a poor neighbourhood, and able to afford few other hobbies, Lucy attends free self-defence courses at a local YWCA, where she's learned hand-to-hand combat, and how to fight with the Meteor Hammer (A rope connecting two small weights, similar to a rope dart.)
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Neon Valkyrie Neon Valkyrie
I just threw them up. Check the first post in this CS thread now. I made two, partially because Astrod is more of a spirit guide and less of a REAL fully-developed character (he still has a personality, but being the embodiment of an abstract concept tends to make you a bit of a stiff human) so I wanted something a bit more interesting. That, and I think Nicole adds a bit of diversity to the party and allows me to get more hands-on, both in and out of combat. :P
Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide Reinhardt Reinhardt Chachalotte Chachalotte I'll be making the first post soon, and once I do we'll begin the RP. The first few days are going to be mostly for setting up the plot and our character's relationships before things get intense, so you may want to check out the out of character chat and discuss with each other if there's anything you guys want to collaborate on (ships, whatever). Of course, you can always wing it, though visiting the OOC thread and getting friendly with each other out of character can't hurt either. ^_^ And of course, any more questions you have, I can answer there.
Arael Arael blueawesomeness blueawesomeness You guys still have your spots if you'd like to join. The main thread will say the RP is closed, but if you're still interested, please do send in your character sheets anyways. You guys can feel free to drop in at any time whenever you're available. :D
Character Name: Natalya Foster
Gender: Female
5'6" 135lbs.
Description/Personality: Natalya is very nonchalant and well composed, she tends to move at her own pace and prefers to stay inside of her comfort zone rather than working to please others. She is a good friend and extremely loyal to those she trust but also isn't afraid to disagree or stand up for her beliefs or anyone to shy or unsure to defend themselves.

Ability/Power: Gravity Manipulation. Natalya can bend gravity to make the environment very “heavy” or “light”, cause objects to fall toward another object instead of the earth, she can repel and attract matter and energy depending on its size or move objects in a manner similar to telekines.

The weight and distance of an object can impact how far and if she can move it. Overworking and forcing an object with greater force could leave her drained completely and she'd need time to recover.
Mark (optional):
placed between her shoulder blades
Signature Color: Violet
Weapon Proficiency:
Anything that can be thrown, due to her great accuracy she'll most likely stick to small projectiles before settling on one weapon.
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Arael Arael Omg can't believe I forgot to tell you that your char is approved. lmao I just kind of read it when I was really tired, nodded, and went to sleep, but forgot to tell you you're set. lol Feel free to post Natalya's opening whenever. ^_^
Character Name: Illiana Moroy
Gender: Female
Age: 16

Description/Personality: Illiana is a goody two shoes who likes to think she's bad. She's fiercely loyal to her friends and family, and she's the person you would most likely count on when you're in trouble. She pretends she doesn't take anything to seriously, but secretly struggles with self doubt about her abilities and her self as a whole.
Ability/Power: Persuasion/telepathy Illiana is able to bend a person's thought process to her will. Whether that means making them see something that isn't there or planting an idea in their head.
Mark (optional): Located on her right shoulder blade

Signature Color: Orange
Weapon Proficiency: Twin revolvers (kind of like the one Idris Elba's character uses in the Dark Tower trailer)

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