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Fantasy Messiahs: Our Last Stand [CLOSED]


Devil Summoner
Character Sheet Link: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/messiahs-cs.340143/
Out of Character Chat Link: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/messiahs-ooc-chat.340171/
We'll be starting the RP once we have a few characters turned in and ready. Please take the character sheet link and submit your characters there. Once your character has been approved you'll be added to the player list.
The End is coming. And only a "lucky" few know. One by one, several high schoolers are visited in their dreams by a strange and unknown figure who tells them that their world will soon be under attack by strange beings known as Revenants. These teens wake up with unique colored marks on their bodies, completely unaware of the powers these marks hold. With only days to prepare, these teens are tasked with saving the world from the Revenants.
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Neon Valkyrie Neon Valkyrie Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide Chachalotte Chachalotte Reinhardt Reinhardt Arael Arael
Your sleep is interrupted by a distant drone and blindingly bright lights. Shortly after opening your eyes, you realize it's a dream. All around you is a world of pure, shining white. The ground is wet. In fact, it seems to be some kind of very shallow tiled pool of water, made invisible by the blank backdrop. Looking up, you see that the white walls surrounding you reach far off into the only contrast of color: a swirling blackness high overhead, almost too far away to see. The room, as a whole, seems to generate its own light on all sides. You look back down again to see a figure straight ahead. The light of the room silhouettes him. Strangely enough, however, you still are able to get a feel for him, enough to even know that it's a him, at least. What you assume is his voice suddenly rings out from within your head as if he were whispering in your ear.
"You have been marked. Soon, the world will need your power. You will be a messiah... Be prepared, child of Earth."
There is silence as the silhouette turns away and fades. As soon as he has dissipated, a violent gust like a hurricane fills the room and the white shreds into blackness. Your ears are filled with the sound of a train's horn going by. The gust tears your grip from the world and batters you into blindness until finally...
You wake up.
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Lucy Jensen

As the screaming horn roused her from the strange dream, Lucy woke to find herself bound, unable to move. Her mind was still thick with sleep, her limbs clumsy and her senses dull, but something certainly held her firm, and pinned one arm at her side. As her brain began to reboot, information slowly poured into her senses; The dampness of her pillow and her shirt, the clammy cold permeating her skin, the loud thump of her heartbeat in her ears. Fighting to free herself, the young redhead tumbled off her bed. Now fully away, she looked down to see her own navy blue bed sheet wrapped tight around her legs, coiled around her body up to her arm. Apparently she'd tied herself up during her nightmare, probably attempting to fight against that horrible wind. Sitting up beside her bed, she pressed her face into her hands, wiping away the beads of sweat on her forehead, and pushing back the matted curtain of scarlet tangles. She would have to brush them out before school.

Oh god, school!

Grabbing at her incredibly dated smartphone, Lucy thumbed the screen to life and checked the time; She was going to be late. Stumbling to her feet, she snatched up a rudimentary outfit and dashed to her door. Slipping it open quietly, she slunk out into the hallway, bound for the bathroom, bound for the shower. Just past the bathroom door she could see the small den, and the attached kitchen. Between the two rooms, at the dinner table, her father lay slumped over on a newspaper, an empty tumbler sitting toppled on the carpet beside him. Lucy sighed, tip-toeing the rest of the way to the bathroom and quietly closing the door. Once inside, she pulled free of her drenched sleeping shirt and hopped into the shower.

As soon as the water hit her skin, the back of her neck began to burn. Her hand flew up to cover her neck, to search for any sign of injury. It felt normal, smoothe, just ... strangely tender. She remembered the voice from her dream, her fingers trailing absentmindedly over the area for a moment. No ... it couldn't have been, it was just a dream. Ignoring the pain, Lucy quickly fought a few handfuls of dollar-store conditioner into her tangles. She had just rinsed the soap free of her body when a loud thump on the door made her jump.

"Lucy?!" An angry voice called from the other side. It was her father, groggy and slurring.

"Do you know what the hell time it is?!" She knew, but she didn't say anything back. He was still drunk.

Another few thumps on the door, Lucy turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around her body. Biting at her lip as she tucked soggy strands of red behind her ears, she addressed her father through the door, trying not to sound confrontational.

"I know, I'm sorry, I overslept. I'm almost done, and I can probably get a ride with Cassie ..."

There was a long silence, then a deep, rumbling groan as her father stumbled back off down the hallway. She heard the door to his bedroom slam shut and the thud as he fell heavily into bed. Heaving a doleful sigh, Lucy began to towel off her hair again when she brushed the tender spot on her neck, earning a light wince. Glancing to the mirror, she pulled her damp hair up and away from her neck to find once and for all what she'd managed to do to herself.

Staring back at her in the mirror was a modestly sized mark, or tattoo, scrawled in thick black lines. A look of confusion and horror met her in the mirror ... what could possibly have left such a mark. Rubbing at the skin despite the pain, she quickly found that the mark didn't fade like ink, wouldn't wipe away ... it was IN her skin. Recoiling from the sink, she knocked knocked most of it's contents to the floor. Thankfully her father was already passed out, and didn't come storming over to demand an explanation for the noise. She inspected the mark in the mirror again before a chirp on her phone drew her attention. Is was Cassie demanding to know why she wasn't at school yet ... looks like she would have to find her own way to campus.


Lucy disembarked from the old city bus and bolted up the school's front steps. It was halfway through first period, she had no hope of sneaking in unnoticed. Her anxiety was clear on her face, her hair pulled back into a low, loose ponytail to hide her new and inexplicable mark. She made it up to the second floor and came to a stop just outside the science room. Clutching her coat to her chest, she straightened out her light grey, slouchy long sleeve, and smoothed the wrinkles in her jeans. Unable to put it off any longer, she lowered her head and stepped into the classroom, scurrying to her seat. Mrs. Whattmore's scratchy, irritated voice rang out behind her.

"Ms. Jensen, Since you clearly have a solid enough grasp of chemistry to skip the first half of my class, perhaps you'd like to tell everyone what the chemical formula for salt is?"

Slipping into her seat, her face was beginning to turn red. She wasn't usually late. In front of her, Cassie coughed, she had a bunch of letters written out on the open page of her notebook in thickly drawn lines of black pen; NaCl.

"Uh ... Nackle?" Lucy offered a weak smile to the teacher, whose long silence and gargoyle-peaked brown suggested she wasn't impressed.

"Ms Jensen, if I had wanted an answer from Ms. Williams, I would have asked her. Now, if you're done interrupting my class ..."

Lucy nodded defeatedly, already feeling the stares burning into her shoulders. She quickly fished out her notebook and her ratty, second-hand science book ... it was going to be a long day.
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Nicole Stevens

Nicole woke up freezing and blanketless. Not only had she left her window open, but somehow she'd kicked off her blanket during the night. Shivering, she got up, threw on a sweater from her closet, and dipped into the bathroom to clean herself up.

Her hair was a nightmare. "Oohhh..." She bit her lip and began running her fingers through her hair. "That's what I get for taking night showers, I gue-" She stopped as she noticed something strange about the palm of her right hand. There was some kind of tattoo running all the way up from the lower end of her wrists to the very center of her palm. Nicole just stood there, glancing back and forth between her face in the mirror and her palm.

She shook her head, trying to pretend she saw nothing. After fixing up her hair and putting on her makeup, she dashed past her sleeping parents' room and out the front door. Outside, the early winter air was frosty and stuck to her like glue. Having to ride about a mile to school meant she had to wake up especially early every morning, so the sun was barely peaking over the horizon. She pulled her sweater tight around her, remembering to tug her sleeve over her wrist to cover the marks, and hopped on her bike.

Typically, the ride to school was little but a daze from the moment she left to the moment she was chaining up her bike to the rack. Today was just the same. Aside from the mark, she thought, just about everything today was going as per usual. She arrived early to Mr. Hahn's class just like every other day. Nobody else was there.

She stepped quietly into the room and sat in her cozy, little corner seat as Mr. Hahn greeted her with a smile from his desk.
"Good morning, Nicole. You doing alright today?" Still maintaining his energetic aura, he shot her a look of concern.
"Umm... Good morning, Mr. Hahn. Yeah, I'm fine." She played with the sleeve covering her wrist nervously and tried to avoid eye contact. Mr. Hahn continued to pause for a moment before finally returning to his busy paper rush.
And until everyone else arrived, there was little but silence.

Hope you don't mind a stole a tad bit of your style. I realized I really like the way you organize your posts. They're very easy to read. Thought I'd snag a bit of your technique. :p
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Leon Eicher
"Ugh.", Leon said, as he raised his head. His eyes were still partly closed, but from what he can see, the computer screen was just in front of him. He must have fallen asleep in the middle of whatever it is that he was doing. He pressed two buttons on the keyboard, and kept pressure on them.

A small dialogue box appeared on the screen, as a feminine monotone voice spoke through the computer's speakers.

"Hello, User Leon. You are 1 hour, 43 minutes, and 54 seconds late to your next event, entitled 'School'."

Upon hearing those words, his eyes immediately opened wide. "What?!", he yelled at the screen, and removed his fingers from the buttons. "I knew I should have made an alarm function on I.S.A." He stood from the chair and went away from the computer, leaving it turned on.

Leon then, rushed his usual morning routine - he had taken a bath in merely two minutes, or perhaps less. He dressed up quicker than usual, causing his clothes to be ruffled despite being ironed the past night. He looked messy, but it sure ain't that bad. He got a slice of slightly burnt toast as exited his apartment and ran off to the distance, heading towards his school. He did it all in a hurry, that he did not even notice an obvious change in himself.

Minutes later...

After a troublesome conversation with the school's security guard, and a not- so-long sermon from a teacher making rounds, he finally arrived at his destination - his first class of the day, Mathematics. Yes, you read that right. Mathematics is the subject that welcomes his morning every single day that he has school. Although the field itself is technically difficult, the way that his professor lectures them makes it much easier to understand.

Leon entered the room, without any attempt on being sneaky. He pushed the front door open, and entered the room, as if he was just in time. Unfortunately, he had been two hours late, and the class was already finished. The students were packing up, and some were already leaving through the rear door. The professor, who sat down in front of her desk, gestured to Leon that he should approach her. Of course, he did so as ordered.

"Mr. Eicher.", she said.

Leon simply looked at her in silence.

"Just because you've perfected every test so far does not mean you can skip my class.", she continued, with her gaze fixated upon him. "I cannot have you setting a bad example for the rest of my students. They might think that I allow such actions as long as they attain high marks in this class."

"Sorry, Professor Lauren. Won't happen again.", he said.

"It better not, or your grades will be suffering consequences.", she replied.

Leon left the room in silence, leaving the professor in the empty room.

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David Wright

David was the kind of man who experienced all kind of dream, including lucid one. However, the last one was more than an usual dream, it was real and David was certained.

"?!" Jumping out from his bed, his cat was pushed away on the carpet inside the bedroom. "Thompson !" He exclaimed before approaching the tiny animal, petting him. The cat soon leaved the bedroom by the window, getting outside. At this time, the morning, he felt something different inside him. Not knowing how to explained this feeling with rational thought after this shocking dream, he decided to do his usual routine. As he'd reached his shower, the removal of his shirt revealed a sort of symbol placed on where his heart was. A red tear. "You have been marked..."

The sentence echoed through his mind. Maybe he was still dreaming after all... Instead of focusing on the symbok, David took his shower trying to sensed on what was happening until he just focused back on his objective : going to school like the teenager he was.
His mother and father's job were taking his family activities away. His father was always a country away during school time and his mother leaved home early only to came back late at night. Taking food prepared from mom, David went on his bicycle, riding toward his school. As always, the school was full of life, and the climate was pleasant for almost everyone. It wasn't a renowned school, but it was still enough to settled a great futures for David.

He directly went talking with his group of friends about anything, completely forgetting what had happened when he woke up. When the ring had belled, he'd waved at his friends before reaching his classmates walking through the long hallway, range of of locker placed on the right. He wasn't talking a lot with them, but there was still some bounds. The first class of the day was science. "Good morning". Entering into the classroom, the professor nodded with a smile at David usual respect. He sat near Jack, his favorite friend on the class. However when the class had started, he couldn't help it but felt back the strange sensation inside him... Even if it was looking like it, this day was unusual.

The air of Ms. Whattmore's class was filled with her droning on about chemical equations and balancing formulas. But very suddenly, a new sensation began to flood the room. Very few people took much heed of it, but the air began to seem heavier, weighed down by an immense force. If one paid enough attention, they could feel something powerful approaching.

The door opened slowly. A new student stepped into the room with a bold stride, as if he owned the place. There was an almost smug grin on his face as he waved to the class in his preppy rich boy outfit.

Ms. Whattmore met him eagerly and shook his hand. "Welcome, Nero. Class, this is the new transfer student, Nero. He just transferred in from another country. Make sure to treat him with the same respect you would show your other classmates." She pointed to a desk and had him sit down. On his way to his desk, he passed close by Lucy. As he walked by, he looked straight into her eyes as if everyone else were invisible. The air became much, much heavier, almost suffocatingly so. The mark on Lucy's arm began to heat up slightly as he did. He held that gaze all the way back to his seat, before smirking and then assuming a prim and proper pose and going about things as if nothing had just happened. The air lightened up almost immediately after, leaving about 10 more minutes of Ms. Whattmore's seemingly endless prattling in its place.
Natalya Foster
Natalya lunged from underneath her covers at her alarm clock which was screaming for her to wake up. Which she reluctantly did before slamming her hand down on the snooze button and groaning before rolling off the side and onto the floor with a loud thud that echoed throughout the entire house. She hissed at the pain before standing with the blanket wrapped around her as she shuffled into the bathroom.

As Natalya stepped out the shower she began drying her hair before pulling it back into a ponytail before noticing two small black markings flowing over from her back and onto her collarbone. "What the hell?" She slowly turned around only to find a complete black tribal star in between her shoulder blades, it was definitely a tattoo but how? She poked at the mark but it seemed to retaliate with a burning sensation that made her jump and knock over the shampoo bottles on the sink.

"Dammit..well at least it's cool and free..I hope." She chuckled while trying to make light of the situation before getting dressed and heading downstairs, throwing on a hoodie to cover up her new tattoo as she walked up the street to school. One of the perks if living close by was she could sleep in and not worry about being late, besides both her parents were gone early for work at the hospital so she only saw them in the evening.

And at least it wasn't too bad outside and she wasn't really one for the cold weather especially when it was hard to see or get anywhere for that matter. But for now she she decided to enjoy the cool air as a few snowflakes fell to the ground.

Once she arrived to school, Natalya made her way down to her locker to grab a few book as the halls were filling with students and a few teachers making their way into their classrooms. And Natalya decided to do the same as she headed to Mr. Hahns classroom which was still partially empty and without a word she made her way into one of the seats by the window while rubbing the back of her neck, still thinking about her dream and how she woke up with this tattoo.

Nothing was making sense so far...but maybe she'd figure it out soon.
Lucy Jensen


Lucy was scribbling down notes in her book, desperately attempting to ignore the note Cassie was waving at her when a strange feeling began to come over her. It wasn't something easy to describe, like a sudden gravity, a sensation of dire consequence washing over the room. She peered around as her foot began to bounce, but no one else seemed to notice. Despite the subtlety of the occurrence, the sound of the classroom door opening nearly sent her jumping out of her skin. Thankfully Mrs. Whattmore was too busy fawning over the new guy to notice, but the flinch earned her a quizzical stare from Cassie, and the hushed comment of 'spaz' from somewhere behind her. Lucy just sank lower into her seat.

Up at the front of the class, Nero, as he had been introduced, stood for his brief welcome, and then headed back to the seat he'd been assigned. Again it seemed Lucy was the only one affected by the strange aura that he'd brought with him. As he strode closer and closer, time seemed to dilate, each moment stretching out ominously before her. What was it about him? He hadn't taken more than a few steps when he locked eyes with her, causing another momentary flinch. She looked down to her notes ... why was he looking at her? Being a ginger, it was normal to get a glance ... but this was different. She looked up again, he was still staring at her, unblinking, looking right through her.

The mark on the back of her neck began to burn and itch, her already apprehensive expression contorted with confusion, pain. She tried to maintain her resolve, but this morning was proving more than she was prepared to deal with. Holding his gaze until he passed her, Lucy could feel his eyes burning into the back of her head. Her breath came in short, shallow flutters, her sweaty hands clutched in her lap. What was wrong with her?! A few hushed whispers echoed through the room as Mrs. Whattmore began scrawling notes across the chalkboard again. She heard him settle into his desk, and just as suddenly as it had arisen, the feeling of impending doom vanished.

Her lips pulled into a line, her brow weighing heavily over her eyes, Lucy tried to be inconspicuous as she pressed the back of her hand to her forehead. She wasn't feverish ... maybe she was just going crazy. The next ten minutes lasted an eternity, every moment a new battle against the urge to turn and peer back at the new guy. When the bell finally rang, she gathered up her things in her arms, not bothering to tuck them into her bag, and bolted past Cassie to the door. She heard her friend call out from behind her, but she needed to get out of there fast.

Dodging and weaving through the other students that exploded into the hallway, Lucy moved to her locker on the first floor. Pulling it open, she was about to stash her unneeded textbooks when Cassie appeared to her left. Intent on confronting her friend about her strange behaviour, all thoughts of what to say evaporated when Cassie saw the black mark on the back of Lucy's neck. Seizing a fistful of red hair, Cassie lifted it up and out of the way.

"... who are you, and where's Lucile?"

Lucy snatched her hair from her friend's grip and pulled it back into place, swatting her friend's hand away before she knew what she was doing. She regretted the move immediately, an apology written across her face, but unspoken as Cassie shook her head indignantly and stormed away. She was all alone with her problems again, the mosh-pit of students filing past her to the exits for a few brief moments of winter-fresh freedom before next period.
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