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Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

Well that's where I'm confused as some characters seemed to have had them for a while, or just one. So I'm confused if I just do it as if he just got it.
Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide I'm gonna assume you're referring to Leon. Look at this line: "He did it all in a hurry, that he did not even notice an obvious change in himself." This (I assume, at least) is referring to his receiving a mark. So it's new. The fact that he already is adept with technology I believe is just a part of the character. His power is a little more than just being good with tech though. It just happens that his power and natural talent are very similar. For the sake of a simple answer, go about things as if he's just received it. The idea is that all of the characters were marked in their sleep by Astrod. So the whole mark/messiah thing is pretty much new to everyone.
Ah. Well. Blame it on my delirious state!

Sorry for that though, just been having a bit of trouble sleeping for the last week or so, haven't slept last night at all either.
It is exactly what Niflheim said.

Leon was in a hurry that he had failed to notice the mark on his chest. This is a common occurence, akin to the real world. People who are in a hurry tend to not notice, or even forget various things. One may forget to put on one's glasses if one is late to their class, or they might even forget to turn off the stove because they were trying to catch the last train.

Although his power may be to create various machinery and automaton, his innate technological aptitude is separated from his "gift". It is something that has been acquired throughout the years, by tirelessly exploring the vast field of technology.

If the term I.S.A. is bothering you, then let me clarify it for you. Although, it was supposed to be foundation for a planned character development subplot.

I.S.A., or Interface and System Assistant, is an A.I. that Leon is attempting to create. By dismemebering and reassembling Cortana (sorry Mac users, I prefer Win10's coding diversity), he has created his own desktop A.I. However, he has not progressed far. I.S.A. can only do a small number of commands, and most require keyboard input, unlike the original ones (such as Cortana and Siri) who can simply use the easier voice input feature. And since the A.I. is incomplete, the computer often experiences errors and crashes when it encounters blank command scripts that should have been there.
Reinhardt Reinhardt Neon Valkyrie Neon Valkyrie @Nick Ton Cutter
Hey, so is everyone at the same school, just in different classes? I kind of figured that was the way it would pan out as that would make it easier for our characters to connect at some point, but if anyone has their character set on something else, I can work around it anyways. Also, I'm assuming that the teachers are sort of mutually controlled entities? At least, to a degree. In the case that say, Leon were to walk into Ms. Whattmore's class, would Reinhardt be free to write her saying something to Leon (so long as it makes sense with the character so far established by everyone else for that teacher)? It only came into my mind because there's actually something I wanted to make happen in Ms. Whattmore's class. I started writing her as the classic bitchy, old lady kind of teacher, but then realized she's not technically my character even if nobody specifically is "playing" her per se.
Tl;dr - Are we all going to the same school? And how are we handling non-story central npc's that aren't related directly to any of our characters? (such as the teachers or, say, some random blondie named Stacy in the hall or something. idk lmao)
Yes, I think we're all in the same school. Otherwise, getting all these characters to band together is going to be extremely difficult. Of course, with the exception of the delinquent character, who I assume would be frequently staying out of the school. Or maybe not, depends on how they are going to play him out.

As for handling the NPCs, I think the best way would be to establish a certain personality upon said NPCs. Of course, control over them is not limited to the player who made and molded the NPC, everyone else can use the said NPC, provided that they are able to keep the said NPC in character, and using them is necessary to progress the plot.

Besides, you are the GM. Most of the time, a GM's job is to control NPCs and make it so that they will complicate situations and make room for character, if not plot development.
Just to let everyone know, once you read the next post in the main thread, there's been an update to the main character sheet thread post as well. :P
It's funny. I mentioned the Power Rangers once and now everybody keeps mentioning the power rangers. But I've literally never watched it in my life. As a kid I thought their suits looked kind of stupid and I didn't like the way they fling their arms around (I can appreciate now the story of the show and all. I hated a lot of shows that were actually awesome as a kid, like Code Lyoko and Fullmetal Alchemist. I have no idea why.) But after looking up who Tommy Oliver is, no, as far as I can tell. Nero is set to play a very very very different role.
Arael Arael I noticed Natalya is in Mr. Hahn's as well. Not that I want to force or rush anything, but this may be a good opportunity to have Natalya and Nicole meet if you'd like. I was thinking maybe a class assignment comes up and the two end up being partners or something? Just a suggestion. That and I plan to use Nicole as a sort of catalyst for the plot at first here, so having Natalya at hand might make her life/your rp'ing a tad bit more interesting. :p

Oh, and on Reinhardt's point about establishing a character for, for lack of a better term, "secondary NPC's", or anyone who's not directly "ours"... Think of Mr. Hahn as that sort of young, really cool English teacher everybody seems to have at one point or another. He's one of the few people Nicole actually talks to consistently, not because she's anti-social, but just because she's too afraid to start conversations with people she doesn't know that well.
Apparently life adores kicking me in unfortunate places and burying me alive, but I live!

In all seriousness sorry about missing alot of well. Alot. and if it's ok I would like to pm you NiflheimArisen NiflheimArisen to ask what I can and cannot do.

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