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Fantasy Messiahs OOC Chat

so can you drop us any more details about the calamity and its participants? Are we going to be fighting the nine deadly sins? Leviathan? Will we be fighting evil by moonlight, and winning love by daylight? Do we have a power and a force that they've never seen before, possibly the ability to morph into even tougher forms or, in fact, even up the score? uh ... Dragon dragon, rumble dragon, Dragonball Z?


EDIT: Also, just so they all receive as many notifications as possible upon login;

Reinhardt Reinhardt Chachalotte Chachalotte Arael Arael blueawesomeness blueawesomeness
Hey, sorry about the hold up on my character. I work nights shifts so during the day I'm usually knocked but I drunk about two red Bulls and a monster so I'm wired and can get my cs up tonight for ya boss

NiflheimArisen NiflheimArisen
so can you drop us any more details about the calamity and its participants? Are we going to be fighting the nine deadly sins? Leviathan?

Well, basing on Niflheim's plot device character, Astrod, and all that has been shown so far in the IC thread, I think we're going to have a Persona-like world system.

Since Astrod is the Earth's (presumably collective) will to live, then we can only say that the Revenants are the Earth's resignation to the end. Because as much as people have their desires to live, there will also be those who wish to die and avoid further suffering. Basically, we're dealing with manifestations of the collective human desires - to live and see the future, and to die and avoid suffering.

As stated in Astrod's CS, he has been existing for who knows how long, guiding and assisting generations of Messiahs to prevent the Revenants from ever attaining success in their goals, which I assume is to end the world. That means that the battle between the Messiahs and the Revenants had been occuring repeatedly for a while now.

But that's just my far-fetched look on it.
I got more of a League of Shadows type feel from them, like they rise up every-so-often in judgement of humanity, and Astrod is the Zordon/Gandalf/Morgan Freeman type liason to the forces of good who proves that, with the proper guidance, humans are worthy of continued existence. But I don't know, your theory sounds just as credible, so I'm hoping our host will let something slip before the big reveal. Anyway, I have to sleep, it's been far too long since I had proper sleep.
Reinhardt Reinhardt Omg I love Persona. Though to clarify, by him being the embodiment of the Earth's will, think of the Earth as an entity of his own. Basically by the Earth's will to live, think like Gurren Lagann how everything runs off fighting spirit and shit. He's literally the Earth itself's will to live.
Reinhardt Reinhardt Omg I love Persona. Though to clarify, by him being the embodiment of the Earth's will, think of the Earth as an entity of his own. Basically by the Earth's will to live, think like Gurren Lagann how everything runs off fighting spirit and shit. He's literally the Earth itself's will to live.

Ah, I see.
Reinhardt Reinhardt Neon Valkyrie Neon Valkyrie Arael Arael Chachalotte Chachalotte Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
Thank you for asking that, Reinhardt. I'm calling this to everyone's attention because I just realized that the random train horn may have lead everyone to think that you're waking up in a train station. You're actually just waking up wherever your character was sleeping for the night (in bed, on the couch, on the floor, on their desk, etc...). The train horn was the most blaring thing that came to mind and I was going for the effect of an imagined sensory overload. If you look up sleep paralysis, effects like this tend to occur. So the train horn is completely unrelated. It's just a really really loud noise that happens in the dream with no connection to anything in the waking world.

EDIT: Also just noticed your questions from earlier Valkyrie. It must've slipped through my notifications and I just dipped straight past to Reinhardt's messages. I didn't notice that paragraph somehow. The Revenants, without spoiling anything, are of a divine/religious nature. I think I might've mentioned before that Messiahs has a very "sin and punishment" aspect about it. The plot overall sort of extends off the idea some philosophers have come up with that a world can only advance after being tested. If it fails the test, it's destroyed. Otherwise, it learns from that test and advances forward as a societal whole. This theme will be very heavily driving the plot. The Revenants are, again without spoiling anything, sort of like the Universe's way of trying to destroy us.

EDIT TO THE EDIT: Missed the second question. Fighting evil by all light and winning love whenever we occasionally have a coffee break most likely. As individuals, none of you could even remotely take on a single Revenant, especially not some of the strongest. So a large focus is going to be placed on teamwork. This is another reason I made Nicole. She adds a very strong support element to the team, which is critical for this kind of setup imo. I mean seriously imagine trying to play any JRPG with literally no healer. I'm sorry, but Seymour in FFX is impossible to beat without using Yuna and that's just a fact. (Plz no spoilers I'm only up the dragon fight over Bevele on the Al Bhed airship.)
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Arael Arael Ugh, your social life passes you by, you live by night, The days blur together because you're always awake at the turn of the day ... Vitamin D deprivation.

NiflheimArisen NiflheimArisen Okay, that does it for my main question, the type of enemy the remnant will be; Very large, Godzilla/Power Rangers/Ultraman-esque. I do apologize for having oh-so-many questions.

To everyone else, what do we think then, about having like ... five mini lion bots? Since Astrod is the personification of the planet's will to live, we could easily say ... (let's do it with a little gravitas)

(In her best Zordon voice)
In times of great need, and at moments of great peril,
the messiah can call upon the very powers of nature itself,
augmenting their abilities, and calling forth immense fighting machines
to further enhance their powers. These mighty combat-forms are called;

Heaven's Arks

To Nicole, the Healer, the winged and ethereal Radiant Wind
To Leon, the Builder, the versatile and staunch Golden Dawn
To David, the Warrior, the agile and far-reaching Glorious Star
To Reed, the Light-Bringer, the blinding and impenetrable Blazing Sun
To Lucy, the Sepulchre, the absolute and bolstering Resplendent Sky
To Natalya, the Priestess, the potent and forceful Luminous Moon

... or that's totally lame and we could forget I suggested it.

EDIT: ... and they could join together to form "Celestial Might" which only operates in space due to how immense it is ...
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Neon Valkyrie Neon Valkyrie And this is why I love this group already

IKR! Everyone you got is so awesome! Just wait until I drop the inglorious text-wall that is my first post. I'm wondering if I should send it to you first so you can tell me to trim it down now, before it breaks everyone's eyeballs. -_-

EDIT: I'm just so excited to interact with all these awesome characters! *frothfrothfroth*
Neon Valkyrie Neon Valkyrie I don't mind length if anybody else doesn't. I love excessive detail most of the time so I'd probably just tell you to post it as is. lmao Though don't take that to mean I expect a novel every post, just that I don't mind when it makes sense to write a lot. Which it does here. Because it's kind of just exposition atm.
Neon Valkyrie Neon Valkyrie Arael Arael Chachalotte Chachalotte Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide Reinhardt Reinhardt Feel free to post whenever. I figured you guys would just start from either the moment you wake up or when you go to school or whatever. I was hoping to put my first non-opening post somewhere in between you guys for Nicole and maybe something with Astrod or "something". :P Sorry. I just realized I was really vague about what I expected you guys to open on now that I read over it again. For now, it is a school day so that's probably where your characters should be headed. Feel free to use OOC chat to set up any character relationships or whatnot in advance. As long as both players agree, I encourage building connections or even just having characters meet now. It'll probably be a bit harder once Armageddon comes and the fighting starts. :P
Ooooh, it's weeeenter, I missed that. Lemme just edit her clothing.

EDIT: NiflheimArisen NiflheimArisen lol, just noticed the spoiler, I don't mind at all! I'm rather flattered actually.
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Hello hello ~

I will do my best in order to post tomorrow, i have an exam coming tomorrow. Also i will be busy next week but i should be able to post one time per day (Last week of work and i'm finally on vacation)
Chachalotte Chachalotte No worries, friendo. :P There's no rush to post here. Quality > Frequency/Haste. Thanks for letting us know regardless, so we'll know what to expect. I think that we have a lot to look forward to as a group with this RP and I've got some big stuff planned for you guys. ^_^
I'm sorta confused about the power shtick. When do the marks appear on our bodies, or is it just earlier for some and later for others?

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