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  1. CalderTheApprentices

    Colosseum Infinity Sky

    Name: Raidriar Gender: Male Race: Deathless Class: Knight/Mage Weapons/items: The infinity blade, a sword made by the worker of secrets to grant the deathless a true death. Is wearing a Helio Armor Set along with the shield called epsilon Abilities/Skills: he attacks faster than any...
  2. CalderTheApprentices

    Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

    *i see the crystal gems as I go onto the portal, knowing I might get somewhere else, but the gem portal malfunctions and it sends me and the crystal gems to different worlds.*
  3. CalderTheApprentices

    Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

    *i tap on the strange formation, but a bright light shines and I see 4 figures appear* (I was very late)
  4. CalderTheApprentices

    Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

    Calder goes to a mysterious rock formation, which is a gem portal. "Wh-what is this... This is very oddly shaped..."
  5. CalderTheApprentices

    Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

    (I'm actually going to the Steven Universe one) Calder tries to keep his most powerful Mars psynergy under control as he accidentally melts a machine in the gem kindergarten. "What... Is this place... This is nothing like Lalivero..."
  6. CalderTheApprentices

    Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

    (Whoops, what universes are available?)
  7. CalderTheApprentices

    Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

    Calder starts approaching the doors to alphys's lab, he was confused and did not think it was automatic, out of confusion, he uses the force psynergy to knock on the doors. "Uh, hello?" (Calder is in the undertale universe)
  8. CalderTheApprentices

    Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

    Calder falls from the ceiling, his djinn cushioning the fall. "That was a soft landing eh?" he realizes he was sitting on his djinn and quickly gets off them. "Sorry little fellas..." Calder gathers his djinn, then he sets off, looking for people to help.
  9. CalderTheApprentices

    Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

    Calder Calder was tending to his djinn and training his psynergy at the top of the Mars Lighthouse. Using a revival spell to try and resurrect saturos, he instead had saturos's body blow up, then a mysterious portal appears as an insult to injury, fueled by determination to help people, he...
  10. CalderTheApprentices

    Fandom Essence - A Multi-Fandom RP

    Name: Calder Dagon Fandom: Golden Sun Gender: Male Age:13 Species: Human
  11. CalderTheApprentices

    Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

    Name:Calder Character alignment: Lawful Good Universe From: Golden Sun Gender: Male Age: 15 Personality: Hot-Headed, Brave, Heroic. Calder always helps people in need, He never backs away from a fight, but his temper mostly gets the best of him Backstory: Calder was orphaned when he...
  12. CalderTheApprentices

    Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

    I go crashing down to the floor as my 7 Mars djinn cushion my fall. "That was a rough ride." I then see GLaDOS, Bill, and Peridot. "Hey..."
  13. CalderTheApprentices

    Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

    as I train my Mars psynergy with garet and Tyrell, a mysterious portal goes up behind me, out of curiosity, I go through the portal.