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  1. C

    WW - The New World

    Ins waved to Sam as he left, and went back to lazying around in his hammock. *Might go test the shadows later...* He thought to himself, as he mentally planned out how his room would look. By the time he was done with it, it would be a steamer/Mechanics heaven.
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    Just a Myth?

    Ins polished off the last piece of steak in a single gulp. With a sigh, he stood himself up, and brushed the sand off of his bac and jeans. The meat would hold for him for a few hours, but he needed blood. Badly. He was already super weak, and not getting any of the red stuff just tipped him...
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    WW - The New World

    Ins face palmed. There goes his plans... He still had the suitcase near him. "Welp. Since im awake, i may as well get this outta the way..." Ins muttered, as the brief case opened of its own accord. With the push of a small button, just on the side of the case, the rows upon rows of small...
  4. C

    WW - The New World

    Ins sat up, and thought for a moment. For the first time that day, he actually looked awake. An idea was forming within his head. Not a great idea, but an idea nonetheless. "What kind of internet does this place have" He asked, already reaching for his case of goodies. If he was lucky, he might...
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    WW - The New World

    "I do now." Ins muttered, still semi sleeping. He sat up, and concentrated for a moment, Not an easy task for a kid such as him. He pictured his old bed, made of large truck tyres, rusted chain and other things as such. Suddenly, ins was no longer on the overly soft and smushy mattress. Instead...
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    WW - The New World

    Ins cocked his head to the side for a moment, before shaking it. "No Miss. Bye!" He said as he turned around and left, gear in hand. He followed the directions he'd been given, and kept checking the map just to be sure he was going the right way. Eventually he reached his dorm room. With a sigh...
  7. C

    WW - The New World

    A small, relived smile crossed Ins's face for just a moment.*Finally, i thought i was gonna be here for ages...* He thought to himself, before answering Charlotte's Question with his usual sleepy tone, and shaking her hand. "Uh...Yeah, i think so. I was wondering where the dorms were, and where...
  8. C

    Just a Myth?

    "Bloooood..." Ins murmured as the red elixir dripped from the steak. He slowly lowered it to his mouth, making a noise like a cross between a high pitched yawn, and the meow of a kitten. It was a talent of his, making noises. It was something he was good at, and he prided himself on his ability...
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    WW - The New World

    The skinny teen dragged his bags through the doorway, and over to the reception desk. There was no one there, so, he waited. And waited. And waited. And Waited. After standing there for 30 minutes, he gave up. He knocked his knuckles against the wood desk, loud enough that SOMEONE had to...
  10. C

    WW - The New World

    Ins stared at the door leading to the reception. It only opened towards him. Which posed a problem. He tried using his feet, teeth, basicly everything. Except for his hands. It just didn't occur to him to use his hands. With a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching, he used his...
  11. C

    Just a Myth?

    Ins kicked at a can, his disapointment at the situation was obvious. He'd followed the human all over the dockyard, only to discover, at the last minute, the man wasn't as pure as first thought. So instead of some nice, delicous, warm human blood, he was stuck with the options of cold cow blood...
  12. C

    WW - The New World

    "Thanks! I guess i'll see you later, than." Ins picked his bags up, and headed towards the main doors. He pushed the doors open with his foot, and almost toppled over in the process. He entered the hall and followed the arrows, quietly muttering to his snake as it slowly coiled around his arm...
  13. C

    WW - The New World

    Ins gave a slight, kinda royal bow. Just for theatrics. "Nice to meet you." He stood back up, and scratched his head in a confused manner. "Uh...Do you know where i need to go? I was given instructions, but...uh...They were eaten." Ins said, a slight blush crossing his face. It wasn't a lie...
  14. C

    WW - The New World

    Ins shrugged at the remark. There was no reason for him to be late. Not a good one at least. He'd only just dropped out of normal school a couple weeks ago, after a particular incident. *Dunno why i got suspended. I only hurt a few people, and even than, those bones would heal back.* He'd...
  15. C

    WW - The New World

    Ins stared at the men, a look of mild surprise on his face. He shook himself out of it, and made a great show of emptying out his pockets. Rubbish and junk of all kind tumbled out, from a snapped magnet to a half repaired calculator. The only thing that wasn't there, was his ID. He moved to...
  16. C

    WW - The New World

    Ins scratched at the head of his Python. He stood just in front of the Large chasm, his suitcase and bag next to him. "I know your hungry. Just, chill. We'll grab some munchies later." He muttered under his breath, clearly to the snake. The way he talked to it you'd assume he could read it's...
  17. C

    WW - The New World! Sign-up/Info [[Join the site's longest running RP series!]]

    Name: Ins Rivela Age: 15 (He turns 16 during the later months) Gender: Male Appearance (I'll find/draw a pic later on): Ins's dark brown hair is kept short, and styled messily, but he usually wears his favorite Black beanie over the top. His spindly body is hidden by the large Clothes he...
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    High School RP

    OOC: I think we should wait a while, but its up to the OP to decide i guess.
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    Just a Myth?

    Ins leaned further back into the dark, dank alleyway he was hiding in. His stomach rumbled, distracting him momentarily. He was hungry. No, he was starving. He risked taking a step forward, closer to the sunlight, and was well rewarded. A particularly good 'specimen' passed by, heart pumping...
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    High School RP

    OOC-i think he'll be slightly oblivious to Olive's affections, whilst crushing on her Slightly himself. That alright?