WW - The New World! Sign-up/Info [[Join the site's longest running RP series!]]


Evil Overlord of the Rebellion
RPNation, and it's former self, GGRoleplay, have always been proud to host the popular 'WW' series of Roleplays.

Part magical tale of epic, part drama, part action series, WW has always been a fast and expansive role-play to partake in, and is always fresh and fun, with a creative 'make your own adventure' motto. As the role players, we manipulate the plot ourselves through our character's actions. It's easy to get used to, and epic to pull off.

Since the latest generation of the WW (Witches and Wizards, for the curious) has come to definitive close with a climactic battle and the deaths of a few characters, the next in the WW series will begin shortly, after minor details are wrapped up.

Now's your chance to join this incredible series of RP's!

It's very simple, just post a quick sign-up, have me, Bettsyboy, or Esme check it to make sure it's cool, and jump right in!

Here's a template.



Bio: (be brief, but don't scimp on good details. We don't mind reading something interesting.)

Talent for Magic: (List a few types of magic your character will be adept in. Examples include Elemental Manipulation with Wind and Lighting, Illusions, Telepathy, Physical boosts, and even twisting Time and Space! Of course, this will be limited by the mods, so have fun but don't go overboard.)

Pets: (Optional)

Trinkets: (Optional)


The next WW RP will be set in a magical academy, the Highland Institute For the Study of Magic. Since Magic is now a worldwide and common utility, the characters of the last RP have set up a school to teach the next generation on how to properly use magic after saving the world for the umpteenth time.

Former characters will be implemented as teachers, with specific positions available to specific characters (you guys know what I'm talking about ;D) and are automatically approved. This is only seven years after the last one, so your teachers will be young!

New players are asked to only make one character to begin with. A fun part of the WW is creating your own villains, or even other heroes, but you need to learn the swing of things first.

Happy Rping!
Name: Slasher Ryūgamine


Bio: slasher was 5 when his parents were killed he was giving a sword by his father and he has put in a foster family he killed his foster parents and ran away from them he swore he would kill who ever stepped in his path to kill the person who killed his family

Talent for Magic: wind

Pets: (Optional)

Trinkets: the demon wind

Personality: he fights for many things love hate vengeance as long as he is alive then he has a reason to keep on fighting he is in search of the person that killed his parents and whoever steps in his way if you cross him consider your self dead
Name: Jirocho Yan


Picture him in that outfit, with the pipe but without the sword.



Bio: Jirocho comes from a long lineage of Gatherers, sorcerers who wield their magic through contracts and cards. The cards are used by connecting them to blood of the contracter, the sorcerer. By doing so, they are able to cast spells or summon creatures of other dimensions to do their bidding. Gathering Spells, as the cards are called, are rare and always guarded by guardians. Which take shape in either spells, creatures, guardians, etc. etc.

Most Gatherers roam the world and beyond to find Gathering Spells to expand their arsenal of spells, sometimes they encounter other Gatherers with usually desastrous results for one of them. If they battle it is usually to the death so that the other one can get a hold of the original owner's Gathering Spells. It's a dog-eat-dog world.

Jirocho has yet to travel the world, nor other planes. But he is in the possession of 4 Gathering Spells, none of them specificly rare or powerful but he is a target to other Gatherers nonetheless, for reasons that can not be clarified by anyone other than Jirocho although it is rumored he has backstabbed a fellow Gatherer and by doing so, obtained his/her Gathering Spells. It is also rumored that he is in possession of a rare Gathering Spell but none has been able to confirm it with absolute proof.

Jirocho is currently looking for fellow magicians who he can trust and vice versa. So far anyone who has learned of his clouded past has been unwilling to stay by his side. Much to Jirocho's dismay and sorrow.

Talent for Magic: Gathering Spells ( Mixture of Card Magic / Bloodcontract Magic )


Miniscule version of the creature in the picture, usually sits on Jirocho's shoulder or head. Uses telepathic communication to inform Jirocho if a Gathering Spell is present when it's within a certain radius. It's only use is amusement and Gathering Spells - intel.


Trinkets: On the inside of Jirocho's wrist is a thin and small deckholding device. It's slightly decorated and made of red copper, it's a standard item used by Gatherers but of low quality and magic power. It's use is meant to increase the power of the Gathering Spells if they're placed in the Trinket, but only special versions of this Trinket are able to do that and this one is the equivalent of a WalMart-quality Trinket. So basicly it's just to keep his Gathering Spells in place and safe.

Personality: Once someone gets to know Jirocho it becomes apparent he is a friendly, trustworthy and cheerful person. Unfortunately not many people have been able to see that side of Jirocho since he is mistrusted and relatively outcasted. He is a traveller and explorer by heart and enjoys hiking and such, he is waiting for a way to travel between planes/dimensions and wordly places to explore, experience adventure and expand his Gathering Spells-arsenal.
Name: Lola Isle

Age: 17



Bio: She came from a higher class family, but that never affected her kindness, even though it has to her other family members. She always had a love for animals and the wilderness, and would go into the forest every chance she had. There, she discovered her powers. Her parents never understood why she would wander off into the forest, let alone her "strange" kindness. Once they had found out about her abilities, they had put her up for adoption. She was adopted by a man who was a former wizard who helped her build her abilities, as well as discover more. Now that she is older, she is willing to build her magic somewhere else.

Talent for Magic: Earth, Communication with animals, Healing, knowledge of any and all fauna and flora.

Personality: She is very kind and willing to help someone out, and very ambitious.
Carl and Marira, definitely approved! (You could also bring back your old charry, Carl)

Slasher, approved conditionally. To be blunt, your grammar and punctuation seem to be a little lacking. To keep the flow and have everyone understand as best as possible, try your best to use proper grammatical rules and such.

Not to be a grammar Nazi, but we like it clean, so to speak.

All your characters have been accepted to the Academy, and your opening posts can occur when I start the thread. :)
Name: Victoria "Vicky" Sinclair


Age: 18

Bio: Vicky has vague memories of living in an orphanage until the age of five when she was finally adopted by a kind couple who were unable to have children of their own. It was because of the couple's inability to have children of their own that Vicky was showered with love and was given whatever she wanted. Unfortunately her adoptive parents spoiled her and she grew to look down on the kids at school who didn't wear the latest fashions or have the newest toys.

Vicky was unaware of her magical powers until she was in her teen years. This only helped to add to her ego and she quickly rejected what few friends that she had, claiming that she didn't want to have any involvement with humans. She viewed herself as a superior being to the point where she felt could no longer live with the parents who had loved her and cared for her and subsequently moved out.

Talent for Magic:

Mind Reading - She is able to read the minds of the people around her within a 20 yard radius, but if a person is strong willed enough/ aware of her attempting to do so they can easily block her out.

Body Control - She is able to control the body of another person for a few minutes though their shadows must be connected and whatever happens to the body she is controlling also happens to her body.

Aura Reading - She is able to tell the aura of a person by looking at them, though this isn't nearly as useful as her other abilities because aura changes frequently like a mood ring.

Fortune Telling - This last ability is not taken very seriously, not even by Vicky. It goes back to traditional witchcraft with reading tea leaves, palms and using either tarot cards or a crystal ball to predict the future. All that can be said is that she is always at least 95% accurate with her readings.

Pets: As perhaps Vicky's only humane act after learning about her powers, Vicky is currently nursing a bird back to health after finding it outside the balcony of her apartment. It's one wing is injured in such a way that it is unable to fly and she is currently trying to learn how to use healing magic though she isn't having much luck. Despite what she says Vicky cares dearly about this bird and has named it Poppy.

Trinkets: A silver necklace which she has had as long ago as when she used to live at the orphanage. The pendent is a crest which she believes to be her biological families symbol, though she is not sure.

Personality: Vicky has always been a bit of a snob towards people due to her adoptive parents constant doting and spoiling of her. After learning about her powers she has become ten times worse and at times is arrogant to a fault, having landed herself in hot water once or twice. She is traditionally book smart but lacks basic street smarts and has trouble interacting with other people. She speaks her mind without thinking and often times is very offensive (though this is sometimes intentional.) Vicky needs someone to step up and tell her off before she digs her own grave and becomes so horrible of a person that no one would possibly want anything to do to her.


Name: Alice Sondahive

Age: 16

Bio: She had a "normal" life until her powers came. At night her parents would scream in terror because of what they were dreaming. Little did Alice know she could altar peoples dreams, and do as she pleased with them. Once she did find out, however, she fled her home in fear of hurting her parents again. Since then, she's kept her head low.

Talent for Magic: She can change dreams as she sees fit, but only when the person is in a deep sleep. If they are light sleepers, it wont work. When others are awake, she can force illusions on them, so they become distracted and she can flee.

Pets: --

Trinkets: Reverse Dream Catcher- It makes it so her dreams stay in her mind. And also protects others from her accidentally changing theirs.

Personality:Alice is a nice girl who hates to put anyone in danger, or hurt them. She likes to talk, but is shy at first. She will usually be in a garden or anywhere with books. She's smart, and loves to learn about ancient things.
Epi and Neon, approved.

Also, Epi gets a hero cookie for using a pic of Mari from Evangelion (my favorite anime).

Slasher, no harm no foul. Good look bud. :)

Name: Lilith Jackson

Age: 17

Bio: Lilith was always sort of a geek when it came to magic, and thought it was a dream come true when she realized she had powers. Although, her magic soon backfired on her, once she accidentally wiped her parent's memory of her completely. She ran away, or was kicked out, to use a more correct term. Her family wouldn't house a stranger who suddenly appeared in their home claiming to be their daughter. She barely managed to get by on her own, and made a living out of conning people out of their money using her powers.

Talent for Magic:

Altering Memory: Her powers aren't as strong as they used to be, so she can't use her powers for mind wiping, but, she can edit small things, like what color shirt they were wearing, or what hairstyle the person he/she was just talking to was. She thinks this power is kind of useless for things besides tricking people.

Illusions: She can manipulate how people perceive her appearance, and she finds this much more useful than her memory abilities. But, the more drastic her appearance is changed, the more her own sight is hindered. For example, if she only changed her hair color and height, she'd become slightly farsighted, and if she made herself look like a gigantic, hulking, pink hippo, she'd be straight blind.

Pets: None.

Trinkets: A small journal used to document how she uses her powers and how well she can use them.

Personality: Lilith is very mischievous, and is always up for a good prank. She is very sensitive about what happened with her parents, and can easily be thrown into a rage when a few choice words are said about it. She is very wise for a girl her age, but is not very trusting of others, due to living on the streets a good chunk of her life (around five-six years) and being forced to mature at a young age. Despite being annoying at times, she ultimately means well, and is very loyal if you can get her to trust you.
Name: Scarlet Maxwell

Age: 16

Bio: Scarlet spent most of her childhood running away from the monsters that hid in her closet and under her bed. She was always found hiding in the most oddest of places to the extent where people couldn't locate her for hours on end. When her mother left their family to pursue another man other than her husband, she stopped her running and hiding and grew up quite drastically.

Talent for Magic: Illusions

Pets: A dwarf hamster named Tiny

View attachment 667

Trinkets: An earring that her mother gave to her before she left their family. It's a stud earring that is shaped like a silver star.

Personality: Scarlet is a strong willed young woman who can be brutally harsh with the truth at times. She protects those who are weaker than her but have control issues when someone tries to take over for her. She assigned herself as the mother hen over her twin brother who cannot completely defend for himself.


Tobi Maxwell

Age: 16

Bio: Tobi was often known around the town as the child who gave all he could give. He was always chatting up whoever crossed his path and wanted to be helpful to everyone. When his mother left, leaving him with only his father figure and his twin sister, he reverted into a small, sniveling child who couldn't stand up for himself.

Talent for Magic: Potions

Pets: A pigeon named Romeo

View attachment 668

Trinkets: The other earring to the pair that their mother had originally possessed.

Personality: Tobi is a shy, nervous guy who enjoys a good conversation--when he can muster up the courage to start one at least. He is a follower that is grateful for any leader that may come along. On the other hand, he's very generous and sweet whenever he isn't stuttering or making up some excuse to get out of an awkward position or conversation.

Photo: View attachment 669 (I'm sure you can figure out which is the girl and which is the boy)
Katie Rayson

Name: Katie Rayson

Age: 25

Apearence: http://filesmelt.com/dl/normal_moe204353620sample.jpg She has longer hair now to her shoulder blades and a new cape full lengh able to hid her body fully when closed.

Family Status: middle-upper class

Personality: Smartly Childish if you get what i mean. Hair and eye color change to mood she is in. Very outgoing, honest doesn't lie very often,

Personal trinkets/pets: a pendant around her neck. A black cat with red triangles under its eyes and red ear tips. She carries with her a two piece spear on her back.


talent for magic: She has the power to manipulate the basic elements such as Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. She is still average in the elements other then fire wich she has mastered over the years of training.

biography:a talented cat spirit entered the body of a new born girl giving her magical potential mostly developed around the elements. After many years of sharing hr body with the spirit cat she finaly learned how to split the spirit from her own. She was blessed to learn that the cats magic only unlocked her own power inside her keeping the knowledge and strengh she already possesed. Now the cat knowing and sharing experience with Katie live along side her as her friend and partner in magic. They also share the Ability to merge their spirits and come apart again thus letting them share their strengh and knowlege.
Name: Samuel Karver

Age: 16

Bio: born into a heavily fundementalist christian family, having been born with red eyes, he was sold to a rich english couple, who bought him more as something to show off, rather than a child to be cared for, so he was entirely raised by the Mannor staff, like the maids and gardeners. he is almost always mistaken for a girl, by how clean and slender he has been kept so he can be shown off at fancy gatherings.

but one night, in the Servant's quarters, Sam ran out the door, out the front gate and never looked back, he was wanderign for about 2 months, until a strange woman, who called herself "leslie" gave him a coin with a heart in the middle, and told him to go to the academy.

Talent for Magic: Lightning, Physical abilities, earth manipulation and wind (will be taught blood magic later in the RP)

Pets: his pet Ferret "Lucky" http://images01.olx.com/ui/1/14/46/12800846_2.jpg he has lucky because of his red eyes, just like his own

Trinkets: a bracelet from a little village girl, she said it would "bring him luck" and a sword named "Wind Breaker Katsura" a blade from japan, found at the bottom of the pacific by Singapore Salvagers, and sold to the noble family, but the spirit bound within it named "Katsura" wants to see the world, and so, she accepted Samuel as her new "wielder"

Personality: somewhat timid, but is passionite about what he believes in, and he tried his best to be helpful, in battle he is competent but he has nowhere near the reserves of Marco, and so he learns to control his magic, and hopefully become a true wizard, just minus the wand and replace with with a sword

Appearance: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kqtgpMrH9Fs/TcwLaptjwcI/AAAAAAAAAEM/0idXkemiJbI/s1600/anime_boy.jpg his full body is very thin and slender, like that of a flat-chested woman.
Name: Jason Chase

Age: 17

Bio: Jason's powers first showed when he was born. This was when the thing least likely to happen did. His mother died. His dear old dad wasn't around, so Jason Chase went into the foster care system. In group homes Jason was always picked on. So Jason naturally began to form a coping mechanism of a brass show offy attitude.

As Jason grew he seemed to always be getting into dangerous situations. Once as a child he played on the roof of a 4 story foster home he lived in. Again as a teen Jason witnessed the brutal mugging of his benefactors. The muggers fired off a bullet at Jason and the bullet missed narrowly allowing him to escape. Jason thought he was just merely lucky (not that he had a control over his luck) until one day when back at the group home he was locked in a room and the room burst into flames. Jason was sure he would die, but instead he survived. The director of the group home was convinced Jason set the blaze and kicked him out at 17.

Outside the home was a new shadowy benefactor who directed a hesitant Jason into a limosine. Inside his father awaited. His father revealed he'd always been watching Jason testing him, training him to be his heir. His father knew any true son of his could survive with luck on their side. Jason's father was the leader of a thieves guild one that over centuries had developed a strong control over probability. Jason is apprehensive whether he wants to follow his father's foot steps or not. His father arranged for him to go to the academy with whatever dirty money he had.

Probality- sometimes with concentration Jason can cause unlikely things to happen and more likely things not to happen. Jason is only able to tip the scale in his favor roughly half the time essentially to him everything is a gamble.

Psyhcosymetry- The ability to make associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with the object(note whenever Jason gets any visions of possible outcomes and object's history he is completely stationary and thus vulnerable.)

Skilled with a blade due to having to work at a sushi restraunt to support himself after leaving his father's abusive home.

Only has an affinity for wind magics the other elements are rudimentary skills at best.

Pets: N/A

Trinkets: N?A

Personality: Jason has a slight inferiority complex after years of his father mistreating him and calling him a waste of space. Jason tries to compensate by showing off and being reckless (doing death defying stunts etc..)


(not my pic )
I like the probability idea, Mojo.

But, I don't think a magic that original would show up so randomly. Maybe think of a backstory to flesh it out in the actual RP.

Other than that little suggestion, totally approved.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: David Joseph Atererus

Age: 6

Bio: The younger son of Vent and Alec Atererus. He was born two years after Vent's last battle with Borghen, one year after his older sister Hannah. He's grown up on the campus of the Academy, loved by his parents and extended family, 'Uncles' Marco and Steven, and other people. He's a bit overly trusting, and is very gentle. If his hair were longer, and be wasn't the striking image of his father, people would suspect the quiet boy of being a little girl.

He displayed an early ease for the use of magic, quite expected since his father and mother were two of the strongest mages the world's seen in long time. He's quite adept with illusions and light magic, something which Vent found fitting for reason. David's favorite stories his father tells are the ones with 'Uncle Hope', who he still wishes he could meet.

David is actually the only person Vent has taken to Hope's grave, much to Alec's chagrin.

Talent for Magic: Quite adept with illusions, and also light-elemental spells. Is also quite fond of barriers, and levitation.

Pets: None.

Trinkets: An old phone thingy, Vent said Uncle Hope had given it to him a long time ago. David treasures it.

Personality: See Bio for a look.

Appearance: http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll169/Kariandgatomon/Boys/Anime-Boy-1.jpg
Name: Hannah Hope Atererus

Age: 7

Bio: Daughter of Alec and Vent Artererus, older sister to David, has broken something every summer since she could walk, and has shown a strange obsession with guns. Living on campas with her family, she has a particular fondess of Uncle Steven, though she always loved Uncle Artemis's story of a blonde woman, as stories of how her parents met, showing her to be a bit of a romantic along side her adventurous side. Has a bit of trouble with magic, unlike her brother, and often unless she has practiced something many times, gets very odd results with her spells.

Talent for Magic: Is oddly good at magic manipulation, making shapes with magic to be used, as well as a liking for doing things with wind and something a little darker gleaming under the surface, though it has never showed she could actually pull it off.

Pets: None

Trinkets: For some reason, the child carries a dislike of physical objects, prefering much more memories and stories and holds those near to heart more than small objects, though she does carry a tiny book with her at all times though she's never let anyone look to see what was inside of it, even her parents.

Personality: Can be a tad bi polar like her mother, and proud like her father. Is extremly loyal.

Appearance: Looks a great deal like her mother, but with Vent's bright green eyes and dark brown hair, and a slightly chubber face.
Appearance: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs33/f/2008/306/0/4/04497e9b4560b5cc3d4e19b9e0a23945.jpg

Name: Riyoshi Nigashi

Age: 25

Bio: As Riyoshi started at the school of magic, he was always fascinated with learning everything he could. Graduating from the school at near the top of his class, he was always jealous someone else that has better skills then himself. Seeing this, Riyoshi started to dwindle into the darker parts of magic. Approaching the age of 20, Riyoshi learned a vast amount of elemental spells but at the cost to part of his sanity. The last five years of his life, Riyoshi set up a large warehouse to perfect his new spell.

Talent for Magic: Elemental magic. (Earth, Wind, Fire, Lightning, Water) Has the ability to cloak himself in any of his elements.

Wind: ability to fly.

Fire: Super heated punches

Water: defense against fire attacks.

Earth: Increased defense

Lightning: Enhanced speed and reaction time.

Pets: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs41/i/2009/055/e/9/Giant_Monitor_design_by_KaijuSamurai.jpg

Trinkets: http://www.wiccansupplier.com/images/brass_ankh_large.jpg

Personality: Very addicted to learning magic. If he finds something that looks interesting and that he has not already learned, he will spend his every second and every fiber of his being to learn the new magic spell.
Appearance: Brown hair (ear length),brown eyes,plump face. Healthy size and height. Wears jeans and dark shirts (so any fluids won't show up during his experimentation). I'll leave it mostly to your imagination.

Name: Ezekiel Russ

Age: Seven

Bio: Ezekiel was born into a normal family;he had normal clothes,a normal house,normal friends,and attended a normal school. That was,at least,until a mage developed an interest in his mind,or rather his inability to scry it. This man,one of the pickers for the Highland Institute for the Magically Gifted,immediately sent a reccomendation for him,citing only an impenetrable mind. He was accepted,and brought to the Institute,with his parents comfortably relocated to a home local to the institute,although Ezekiel has to remain on campus at all times.

Magic Affinities: Perfectly mundane,aside from the fact that his mind is impossible,under all circumstances,to touch in any way.

Special Notes: He's a tinkerer. Gie him hand tools and something to take apart,he'll pull it to pieces,and reassemble it quickly,while learning how it works.

Trinkets: Has a case of micro-screwdrivers (watchmaker-sized) of all bits. He calls them his "Tricks of the Trade"

Pets: None,although he wants to make a robot.

Personality: He is very curious,and has a burning desire to know just how things tick. This often leads to devices and machines being taken apart and reassembled.

(Note,this character is a suggestion from Coro)
Name: Ins Rivela

Age: 15 (He turns 16 during the later months)

Gender: Male

Appearance (I'll find/draw a pic later on): Ins's dark brown hair is kept short, and styled messily, but he usually wears his favorite Black beanie over the top. His spindly body is hidden by the large Clothes he often wears. His favorite outfit to wear is his short sleeved, dark grey, hooded jumper, his long sleeved white t-shirt, a pair of Loose fit dark blue jeans, and his trainers, which are wrapped in duct-tape to stop them from falling apart. His baby-ish face is smooth, and the skin is unblemished. His strikingly dark grey eyes are often half shut, and his mouth almost always has a slight smile on it.

Bio: The son of a teacher and a Mechanic, Ins grew up being taught everything he needed to know. Although his parents DID show signs of having magical skills, they enjoyed the easy going life of....No magic i guess you'd call it. Ins, on the other hand, enjoyed magic very much so. Using his powers, he'd often create Friends out of the various car parts adorned throughout the house, since most children avoided him. It was a mystery as to why though...

Another mystery is where the shadow magic came from. His father had the power over mechanics, so it was obvious where that came from, but his mother had the power over peoples wills. It was at first speculated that he was possesed, and the demon within was bidding his time. This was debunked by a local preist, after he basicaly had the kid swim in holy water. Ins isn't worried about where his powers come from though, and he won't beat around the bush when asked about them

He attended normal school for two years, but was forced to leave after an incident involving a box of lego, a tin of pencils, and several lacky bands. He was home-schooled until this year (Or whenever he joins the School).

Talent for Magic:


Ins is able to manipulate shadows, but not in the 'creepy, evil demon' kinda way. He can't do anything super flash with them, other than creating basic, EXTREMELY weak weapons.Eg. An RPG made by him, would only have enough power to knock someone back a few inches.

He can make pools of shadows become the consistency of liquids, and if he is provoked enough, the tendrils of shadows he uses can strike with the force of a boxer.

Mechanical Control:

He can make Auto-parts, computer parts, anything mechanical really, form into different basic..creature...things. These will do his bidding, but it requires an Immense amount of concentration, and a large amount of effort to make them do exactly as he wants. Otherwise, they are docile, and will only carry out base physical tasks, or interact and keep him company.

Pets: A Childrens Python, which is almost always wrapped around his forearm. It is partially invincible, but only to being crushed or dropped.

Trinkets: The snake is sorta a trinket, i guess...

Personality: Ins is almost always relaxed and content, and he tends to have a sleepy looking...look on his face, even when he's wide awake. When he shows emotions (which he does as often as anyone else) They will always be slightly Dumbed down. Like if he's excited, he'll get a slight grin on his face, and will talk a leeeetle faster, compared to most people showing a lot more physical emotion.
Name: Argo Silverstream

Age: 58

Bio: Argo Was a bright, if not slightly misguided, young student that attended the very first WW School of Magic. His entire family was wiped out in an earlier Wizardry War, and he's the last known survivor of a long forgotten race of a house of Noble Mages, known for being able to see the true essence of magic under the moonlight. He's since then grown to be powerful and vengeful, abandoning the world-saving practices of his former classmates and embarking on his own quest for vengeance, hunting down and killing members of the wizarding world that have caused his once great family to fall. His talent with Runes is unparalleled, and he's unlocked the secrets of the deep ancient magics with the help of the now-deceased Professor Woodwind. (Technically, Woodwind isn't dead, but there's not enough of him left to call him alive) He's mentored several students over the years in the use of runes. Most notably Vent was a prior student of his.

Talent for Magic: Unparalleled in the use of Runic Sorcery. One of the few who has deeply studied the Ancient Mysteries left behind by unknowns long before there was a written record. And the last of a mysterious birthright that allows him so see the glow of magic when the moon is out (even in complete darkness)

Trinkets: A wristwatch-like gadget made of silver gears that stick out at odd angles. It doesn't tell time, but merely is a mass of slow-moving gears and parts. Argo claims it contains the soul of Woodwind. He also caries a silver staff with his family's crest on it. An ancient and powerful relic used in combat.

Personality: Cold and careless. Occasionally he softens up and tries to pass on his knowledge of ancient secrets and runes to the younger generation, but his lack of patience doesn't suit him to the task very long. Restless and uneasy, he's always on the move.

and Sui, the others are about 28, you're 30 years off xD but you could say he has been in another time-thingy for 20 years training?
Human form

Succubi form

Name: Charolette Skelton

Looks about 19

When she was young, Charolette witnessed a harsh life with no love or affection. It was those bitter memories that caused her to steer away from path of blooming social life that most succubi seem to take. Let's make it clear that she still enjoys good company and social events, but rather than those, she devoted her time into training her natural talent - deamon magic. Recently, she joined forces with Marco and his army. Now, she is working around school as his assistant.

Talent forMagic:
As a Succubus she naturally posseses strong demonic magic. Over time, she poured her talents into dimensional magic, now allowing her to summon various spirits from diffrent dimensions. A summon is only possible with her being completly still and fully concentrated on casting. Using her dimensional magic, Charolette can also open smaller portals from one place to another, but it is only possible if she has set a certain place as a binding point for her magic. Turning one point into a binding point is a complicated procedure, that takes her a few hours to complete, therefore she can only make a binding point from a location that is safe and stationary.

Pets: This is where I will include her spirits...

The Wind Spirit


(The top of its head comes a bit below shoulder height of average human.)

Out of all spirits, this is the one Charolette summons most oftenly. She is so used to calling it, the summoning takes her far least energy and time than at other spirits.

The Fire Spirit (Ignis)


(Big enough to hold an average human in his talons.)

Is about as difficult to summon as water spirit.

The Water Spirit (Aqua)


(Somewhat taller than an average human.)

The Earth Spirit (Terros)


(Yes, he is giant.)

To call upon this spirit, it takes great amount of magic and Charolette would never resort to summoning it unless there was no other option.

Trinkets: A tiny well-sealed crystal bottle filled with liquid of toxic purple. That magic-filled liquid serves Charolette as a catalyst with summoning.

Personality: Curiosity is her main personality trait. She won't stop untill she know everything about a certain something she sets her eyes on, let it be a person, artifact, creature or a type od magic. As a succubus, Charolette enjoys having a good time alone - by reading or engaging art, or with people. She's self-confident(sometimes maybe a bit too much), charismatic and belives in her powers and abilities. This lady won't ever judge someone based on how they look, she simply likes and is interested in basically anything she sees. However, she hates to be misjudged and looked down on. After getting on her 'bad' list, you'll have one hell of a problem if you ever want to get out. Some people may think her weird as she has certain akward moments like straing at nothing, calling a great wind beast her little baby angel, gawking at piece of furniture or simply invading your personal space.

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