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That's what I thought...

But I know for sure that he's older than that, but he's not from the second generation, he's from the first, so he should be at least as old as parent age for many of the adults.

So I figure I should leave about a three generation gap in, it's about time we used an old wizard.
Name: Kelmoren Sel (goes by Kel)

Age: 20

Bio: When he was born, he was dumped in a trash bin outside a bar. He was found and taken to an orphanage, where other children used him as their personal punching bags. When he was finally adopted, he was treated like a slave by the aristrocats that took him in. He quit school at 12, and ran away. After that, he lived on the streets, fighting gangs for basic necessities. It was at this time that he learned his talent for magic. He was cornered in an alley, and they shot at him. He raised in hands in defense, knowing it wouldn't save him, but he was desperate to stay alive. Strong magical energy came from his hands, stopping the bullets in the air. When Kel looked up, the bullets where stopped in mi-air. He realized that he had a talent few, if any, people had. He hasn't been able to conjure such a strong force of energy as he had during that turning point in his life, but has constantly trained to improve, mainly using it in complement to his hand-to-hand style of combat. He decided to resume his schooling, and barely made it into the Highland Institute.

Talent for Magic: Arcane Magic (pure magical energy)


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Pets: none

Trinkets: none

Personality: Heavily sarcastic and a bit nihilistic, Kel doesn't get along well with others. A bit unstable, he desperately protects what he has at any costs, and seldom, if ever, reaches out to help others. He doesn't ask for help, as he sees it as a sign of weakness. On the inside, he is basically still a child, and he is scared of relationships as he fears he will only get hurt. If anyone were ever able to befriend him, he would be a loyal and valuable ally; as an enemy, he would prove vicious and unorthodox.
bettsyboy said:
Sora, your earth and air summons are the same immage, just so you know.
Ok, fixed that. I noticed it happen a few times while I was making my CS, but I thought I got it right before...
(Is it too late to join this RP? If so can someone tell me the basic idea of what is going on? Thanks :)
You can join at any time,14ha. The premise is mages live in a society alongside mundane humans in a more-or-less modern world. The current plot is that an anti-mage organization,known as "Nightrise" is making attacks on mages,and magic communities around the planet,employing anti-magic technology and weapons. They also happen to control all of Asia. And a fair chunk of Africa (Betts,feel free to correct me at any time). Betts and I are putting in motion events that would (hopefuly) end the current Disaster Plot.

Then I blow everything to Hell and gone.

How's that help,14cha?
and Nightrise xists solely to serve a race of demons called "the old ones" who ruled the earth 10,000 years ago, and they have now returned.

there is a vast army of mages, magical creatures and non-magical humans fighting the old ones and nightrise under the command of my character, Marco highland (recently engaged to Leslie, the new grim reaper)

currently, all battles of The Legion (marco's army) and nightrise take place mainly in south-west Russia and the battles between the old ones and the legion take place in South America, central africa and various locations in europe.
(So if/when I jump in should my character show up at the academy or somewhere else? AlsoeIs it okay if she is totally new to magic and has no idea about the Nightrise?)

Name:Rosalind Faire


Bio: Rose's mother and father fought verbally and physically constantly, which led to her feeling that silence was golden. Occasionally if they got really mad they would try and bring her into the brawls. Her only relief was her grandmother who gave her the necklace she now wears. Right before her grandmother died the woman told her that she was special and that she was powerful. Rose began to understand that she was witch and that she could affect the weather on a very loose basis.

Talent for Magic: She can control the weather but while she controls the weather she must remain completely still. Also if she wants to attack someone with lightning, for example, she must be focused on that person before she goes into the trance. She does not know this yet but she can make people believe she is not there. She isn't invisible because people can still see hear but they are forced to ignore her presence. Rose also has an affect on people's moods she tends to make them very calm. At this point all of her powers are pretty much unharnessed and just kind of come out in waves.

Pets: None...she wishes

Trinkets: She wears a thin black cord necklace with crystal rain drop.

Personality: Rose is reserved most of the time believing that you learn more from watching than from entering opinions or drawing attention. She tends to fade into background which provides small pleasure to her. She is very kind and hardly ever snaps or starts arguments which can be seen as a good thing or a bad. She does not let people take advantage of her but once again she never snaps when trying to make a point.

(yes that is ok if she has no idea about Nightrise or the Old Ones, and even if she is new to it, so long as she can do magic, thats ok :) )


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