High School RP

Sure :P But mind you, this isn't exactly me genre - don't expect anything shmancy, m'kay? :3

Name: Olivia Sedgewick

Age: 17

Appearance: Average height but with above average breasts. Oily, pale, pimpled skin which she tries to hide with an inordinate amount of make-up, which is usually of bright, garish pastel colors. Pretty lips and large, dark eyes. She usually wears simple yet fashionable clothing, almost never puts on heels for fear of damaging her back and getting scoliosis, like her mother. She has thick, auburn hair, which is always perfectly curled and groomed. A little bit on the plump side.

Interests: Olivia loves going out with friends, watching TV, reading, music writing, the works. She's on the school's soccer team, and is trying to find a good teacher for guitar. The music she listens to is usually a bit on the dark side, but she's no goth or scene kid, although she can be a little gloomy at times.

Personality: Talkative, empathetic, generally kind. A little too blunt for the taste of many. Loves gossip, except when it's about her.

Crush: I dunno, who else's in the school?

Group: She's just a normal kid. She hangs out with whoever she finds interesting, and I dunno who that is of yet.

Need anything else?
I'm down :]

Name: Arden Luxor

Age: 17

Appearance: She has long curly brown hair about to he middle of her back and blue/green eyes. Her skin is fairly tan, but it basically stays the same color through all seasons. She usually leaves her hair the way it is, as it takes forever to straighten it. She has almond shaped eyes and almost long eyelashes. Make up wise, she usually sticks to eyeliner and mascara. She has plump lips and she feels that anything excessive would make her look like a Bratz doll. She's average build with a bit of athleticism stemming from her love to dance and perform.

Interests: She loves reading fantasy books, watdhing movies, playing RP video games, hanging out with friends, and pretty much anything that gets her out of her parents' house. She likes being with friends where she feels a lot more appreciated.

Personality: She's very on and off. She can be really talkative one moment really quiet the next. She's open, honest and a great friend. She has certain pet peeves that just deem you an unworthy friends etc. She can be selfish but she doesn't mean to be. She likes humor, whether its dry, witty or what have you. She likes being with friends and she likes to be able to trust people... well, one day she might.

Crush: We'll see

Group: Wanderer. She's friends with all the groups, and she's definitely friends with a few of your friends, almost guaranteed.

Let me know if anything else is needed.
ooc: What's her relationship with Olivia? Friends? One of them is angry for spreading a rumor in middle-school? Never even bumped into each other 'till the start of this RP? Oooh, this is gonna be FUN! =D
ooc: Arden doesn't like Olivia's gossiping and called her out on it one day and that's why Olivia doesn't like her now?
Can i join?

Name: Derek Perkins

Age: 16

Apperance: Not super tall, but he is on the higher end of the spectrum. His dark brown, curly hair is often hidden by a hat of some sort, otherwise it would hang down in font of his eyes more often than not. His skin is slightly tanned during the summer, but during the winter it gets extremely white. His face is dotted with signs of acne, and if he didn't shave every few days, he'd have the beginning of a 'neck beard' growing. His small hands are often seen tapping out some form of a tune, and his nails are bitten short (He chews his fingernails when he gets stressed, or nervous.) He has poor eyesight in general, so his stormy grey eyes are often framed by a pair of rectangular glasses. Currently, he's wearing an olive green hoody, covered with several pockets, a grey, flat top cap, a pair of blue, white wash, boot cut jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of black canvas sneakers.

Personality: He's friendly and cheerful most days. Just, try to avoid talking to him when he's preoccupied with his music or computer, unless you want to experience his much ruder, more snarky and sarcastic attitude.

Crush: Maaaybe...

Group: He's a bit of a loner, but he does enjoy company when it comes calling. He does dislike the 'jocks', but he won't openly show it.
Name: Angellika Shay

Age: 16


Platinum blonde hair. Peachy skin. Normal height and weight. Grey blue eyes. She usually wears t-shirts with graphics or smart ass sayings, jeans, and hooodies with her Nike's. She tends to line her eyes heavily using cat eye sweeps a lot she loves her purple lipstick, black eyeliner, and gold eyeshadow.

Interests: Angellika loves to read and write. She too loves roleplay. She longs to be famous. She is usually very happy or super depressed she is never just "fine".

Personality: Very happy or depressed never just "fine". She loves to talk and gossip if you hit the right topic for her mood and/or interests of that day.

Crush: No one yet

Group: She hangs out with the emo/scene kids or whoever she chooses.

Note: This is not my usual do not expect anything fancy or stellar.
Name: Lizabeth

Gender: Female

Apperence: http://www.sciencephoto.com/image/204472/530wm/F0028538-Teenage_girl-SPL.jpg

Personality: Is very calm, and quiet. Is very anti-social, not really trying to hang out with anyone. Was homeschooled through 7th grade, and her only friend moved away in 8th grade. She really doesn't care what other people think about her, and really couldn't care less about other people. She seems to live in her own little world, which revolves around books. Spends as much of her free time as she can in the library.

Friends: None

Other: I'm useally not good at these type of things, but I'm going to try, because this seems cool.
Name: Jason Archer

Age: 18

Apperance: Taller than most he has black hair and a goatee to match. He has pure green eyes. His skin is tanned as well as smooth. He has great eyesight. He normally wears a red shirt and black pants as well as black shoes. He has the look of some one who doesent like people.

Personality: Despite his look he is very friendly and tries to make friends but most people think he is being mean or rude because of his sarcastic ways and his occasional jokes he pulls on his friends.

Interests: Movies and television seen most everything. Loves pulling complex jokes, that are filled with sarcasim and lies that usually get him or his friends in trouble, on his friends and anyone elese he can get to trust him.

Friends: Derek Perkins

Crush: Arden Luxer (unknown to her)
Liv continued

Personality: Liv is a quiet girl who usually keeps to herself. but, when it comes to friends she's as tough as nail. She'll usually stick up for herself but sometimes she doesnt care.

Crush: Jason

Group: "Uhhh....I guess skaters??"

Name: Nicoletta (Nikki) Mari Crims

Age: 17


View attachment 1085

Personality: Nikki is almost just like her step-sister, Liv, but, she is one of the popular girls. She likes to hang out with the stoners sometimes though...

Crush: Nah.

Group: Cheerleaders/Stoners
Can I join in? :D

Name: Laila Merwither

Age: 15

Appearance: About 5'1 and rather slim. Dark brown wavy hair that is always naturally perfect. Brown eyes and nice lips. Slight acne on the top of her forehead and a little on her chest which she tries to hid with her hair, and concealer. Usually likes to expose her cleavage but with her acne she is becoming more self conscious. C cup breasts, and long legs. Can usually be seen biting her lips and tapping her finger against her knee when especially nervous. Has naturally tan skin, but tans even more in the summer. Weares barely any makeup. A little eyeliner occasionally.

Intrests: Swimming, iceskating, and hanging out with her friends. Definatly enjoys checking out boys but is still having trouble approaching them.

Personality: Semi quite, and can be very awkward at times. Very friendly but will tell people what's on her mind. Curious about life and still trying to expirience lots of new things. At that age where all that is on her mind is boys. Wishes she could approach them but has trouble. So she would most definatly prefer them to come to her.

Crush: Not sure yet. Anybody else here?

Group: Has friends in all the groups, but isn't the most popular person. Or the most liked. Has more guy friends than girls, due to the fact girls dont always like her.

May I join? (im new to the site, but not new to roleplaying)

Name: Ari Ulrick (normally shes a ghost but this can be pre-death)

Age: 17

Appearance: Ari is of average height and only slightly chubby, but it looks good on her. She has pale blue eyes rather light skin with light freckles dotting her nose and cheeks. She usually wears a thin line of black eye liner and mascara. Light pink lipstick when shes feeling flirty. Her straight black hair goes slightly past her shoulder blades. Its not layered and she doesn't have bangs.She has perfectly manicure short black nails She normally wears slightly skinny jeans, but not too tight. And she always wears hoodies or jackets. Right now shes wearing white skinny jeans with black converse. Shes wearing a black shirt with the Bat Symbol on it with a plane white hoodie that she borrowed from her older brother Cam.

Personality: Ari has been diagnosed as being bipolar, but refuses to take her meds. She gets outcasted alot because shes pansexual and an athiest. She smokes pot. She loves to play video games. mostly fantasy. She has an odd obsession with the movie A Clockwork Orange and LOVES batman!



(ill edit those later incase more people come) ^__^
I want to join but I think this RP may be dead the owner's last visit to this site was Octomber 12th that is almost two months so idk...:confused:

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