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  1. kalilynne

    Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

    She moaned softly as her eyelids fluttered open. She felt heavy and awkward like a ton weighed upon her chest. She didn't think she could move yet so she just laid there looking up at the world seeing things in a different perspective
  2. kalilynne

    Law of the Land (Octavius x Kalilynne)

    Callisto held her head high and made sure her dress was perfect before gracefully striding into the ballroom. She held a pleasant smile on her face as she looked around. She didn't see anyone she recognized so far.
  3. kalilynne

    A forest of unusual happenings

    She smiled and shrugged, "I have to be. Not the first situation I've encountered where my life was threatened. Just the first one someone actually helped."
  4. kalilynne

    Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

    She nodded closing her eyes trying to prepare herself for it but she didn't even know what to expect. She just held onto him trusting him.
  5. kalilynne

    Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

    She looked in his eyes and gave him a small smile, "I want to stay, do it." she said moving her hair out of the way, she couldn't believe her life was about to change forever.
  6. kalilynne

    Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

    " want to change me...." she said slowly letting it sink into her head. He was right though she didnt have anything to lose but she was afraid.
  7. kalilynne

    Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

    Her brows furrowed, "what do you mean? I am here." she told him still holding onto him as if the world depended on it.
  8. kalilynne

    Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

    She gasped when he bit her. She held on to him tight then when he finished she didn't know what was happening before his lips connected with hers. She couldn't believe she could taste her own blood but she didn't care. She kissed him back just as passionately feeling connected to him.
  9. kalilynne

    Law of the Land (Octavius x Kalilynne)

    Callisto was immediately put into her sky blue ball gown and rushed into her carriage. She knew she was late and her family was already there. Hopefully the king wouldn't be too upset. As she rolled up to the palaces steps she was helped out and they announced her arrival
  10. kalilynne

    Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

    She smiled and shook her head, "Don't be sorry," she grabbed his hand, "we are a team now member? And plus I'm curious about this, how bout we skip my breakfast and go straight to yours?" she said leading him back into the trees.
  11. kalilynne

    Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

    She looked into his eyes and smiled, "I want to."
  12. kalilynne

    Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

    She smiled at him, "he was until he couldn't stand to be around me anymore. My scent was too much so he left before he did something." She sighed, "well i'll eat at the diner and maybe I could help you out?"
  13. kalilynne

    Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

    "So you can drink someone's blood without killing them?" she asked highly curious now. Maybe she could help him...
  14. kalilynne

    Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

    She nodded and jogged after him, "what do" she asked feeling suddenly awkward.
  15. kalilynne

    Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

    She gave a smile and stood up nodding. "But the issue is I don't have any money. " she said sadly, "kinda one of the things that comes with being an orphan."
  16. kalilynne

    Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

    She yawned stretching out on the ground, then looked up at him rubbing her eyes. "Morning handsome," she said without even thinking. "Oops! I'm soo sorry! I didn't mean...." she looked down
  17. kalilynne

    A forest of unusual happenings

    She nodded, "so I passed?" She asked changing the subject.
  18. kalilynne

    A forest of unusual happenings

    She gave a small smile and pet the foxs head. "Is the forest filled with lots of vampires?" She asked trying not to sound to shaken up.
  19. kalilynne

    A forest of unusual happenings

    She saw the fox and wrapped her arms around gently around the fox. "Thank you." She whispered into the foxs fur. She couldn't believe what had happened. "Does this mean I don't get to live here now?" She asked feeling immediately sad again.
  20. kalilynne

    A forest of unusual happenings

    Callisto got knocked off her feet and after the light cleared she scrambled into a bunch of bushes shaking. She couldn't believe what she had seen. She had never had an issue with death but was used to guns and the normal ways of being killed. Not being faced with an iron cold vampire who wanted...