A forest of unusual happenings

She nodded jumping up and hugging him, "thank you thank you thank you!" she was so excited that he had agreed to help her.
Viril was rather taken aback by her sudden embrace, dislodging himself after a few moments

"Now, now, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. You need to get through that week first, and I won't be helping you there."

He gave a smile before turning around and walking back towards the wall of trees.

"Oh, you asked if this was my true form earlier correct? See, THIS is my true form."

Within moments he had melted into a white-furred fox. His nine tails swished slightly as he gave a short woof, then dashed into the treeline.
Her jaw dropped in amazement as the wolf disappeared into the trees. She smiled thinking about living here forever. She just had to make sure she made it through the week she thought grabbing her back pack and trekking into the forest to find shelter.
Viril was already back in the trees, watching her progress. It would be interesting to see how this panned out . . . would she be able to survive the forest of the unusual for a week? How would she go about doing it? If she was unable, would it be her body or her mind that snapped first? And most importantly . . . why was she still going through with this? He sat down and watched her trek through the forest

(go ahead and timeskip a few days if you want, Viril's just going to be watching her most of the time.)
(okay how bout its the last day she has to survive on her own?)

Callisto climbed down the tree she had made a home in. A couple of the branches criss crossed to where she was able to lay comfortably and sleep at night. She made her way to a fresh stream she found digging in her pocket for the nuts she gave a squirrel every morning. She smiled at her little friend as it ate the nuts.
Viril slowly sipped on the tea he had simmered earlier that morning. He had been surprised at Callisto's resiliency over the last six days. She had found a reasonably safe shelter, and also managed to find enough food not to starve. True to his decree, she had not taken nature from nature, but instead utilized it and lived with it to survive.
At the stream she looked around knowing Viril was here somewhere. "C'mon! When are you going to come see me again? Have I passed yet?" she called out grinning. She sat by the stream feeling so peace.
Passed? Oh no young lady, you have to survive one more night. Viril smiled a little at her calling out. She had been fortunate enough to not encounter much of the supernatural beyond himself, so it had been basic survival up until this point. Still, he would not act until such time as it was fulfilled.
She sighed sitting down next to the stream. what was she going to do today? she missed her fox friend, he was nice to her, unlike most people.
Well, perhaps he should go ahead and reveal himself? She had survived so long for . . . Viril's twitching ears brought his mind back to the real world. He sniffed the air a couple of times. Something was coming, something supernatural. would he intervene, or wouldn't he? He eyed the woman's reaction for the impending creature, who's origin he was not certain of

(You can come up with something, or I've got an idea in reserve)
(you can use your idea)

She smiled looking at the water. She watched the tiny tadpoles swim in the water and smiled sticking the tips of her fingers in.
"Well now, isn't this a surprise?"

In front of Callisto was a young man, or at least he appeared to be a young man. He was standing across the stream from her, dressed in a black trenchcoat despite the weather

Viril's blood froze at the sight. A vampire. Out of all the creatures for Callisto to encounter, it had to be one that viewed humans as nothing more than a form of sustenance.
She looked up and saw the man, she smiled clueless at the danger she was in. "Hello," she said smiling. All the tadpoles in the water had disappeared and she sighed standing, "how do you do? I'm Callisto," she said reaching her hand out to shake his.
"Callisto is it?"

The man walked forward into the stream, seemingly ignorant of its presence as he took her hand. His grip was like iron, and his pale skin was more plainly visible.

"What a lovely name . . . what a lovely smell . . ."

He was closing the distance between them, his crimson irises now clear to see.
Her eyes grew wide as she saw his irises, "I really should be going, I am meeting someone." she tried pulling her hand out of his grip now very afraid for her life.
"Aw, leaving so soon? It's not like there will be any pending engagements in the middle of a forest."

He gave a grin as he pulled her in closer to him, clearly showing his fangs.

"And I would love to have you for dinner--"

He stopped in his tracks as a small ball of blue flame appeared between his face and Callisto's. He jumped back immediately as the small flame giggled, only barely escaping the explosion that happened afterward.

"Craven fox! Show yourself!"

The vampire whipped his head around, looking randomly as he hoped to spot the perpetrator. The only sign he was there now were two more blue flames that appeared beside Callisto

"Reveal myself before a being physically superior to me in every way imaginable? I think not. Merely know that this woman is under my protection."

Viril's voice seemed to come from everywhere, though it was most definitely above them

"You damn fox! I'll rip you limb from--"

There was an explosion as the form of the nine-tailed fox appeared behind the vampire, snarling and cloaked in fire

"You wanted to know where I was. I'M HERE."

The last word was both ferocious and furious. There was a bright flash as the entire area around them was engulfed in blue flames. When the light cleared, miraculously nothing seemed burned . . . apart from a pile of ash that was the vampire
Callisto got knocked off her feet and after the light cleared she scrambled into a bunch of bushes shaking. She couldn't believe what she had seen. She had never had an issue with death but was used to guns and the normal ways of being killed. Not being faced with an iron cold vampire who wanted to have her for dinner. She wiped the tears from her face and hugged her knees.
Viril sniffed the air a couple of time, locating Callisto's scent easily. He walked slowly towards her location, still in his fox form. He nosed aside the branches in the way and found her curled up and shaking. He didn't make a sound as he sat beside her, only letting a few of his tails wrap around her. It wasn't often one was considered 'prey' in her society.
She saw the fox and wrapped her arms around gently around the fox. "Thank you." She whispered into the foxs fur. She couldn't believe what had happened. "Does this mean I don't get to live here now?" She asked feeling immediately sad again.
Viril let out a snort, muffling her mouth with one of his tails. Maybe he was being nice . . . but she'd made it through most of the week. A vampire was not something he could have predicted.
She gave a small smile and pet the foxs head. "Is the forest filled with lots of vampires?" She asked trying not to sound to shaken up.
Viril's body melted, shifting back to that of a man. His tails remained wrapped around her, something fuzzy to cling to.

"No. I did not expect to see one in this vicinity."
"You made it through the week. That was our deal was it not?"

Viril turned and looked her in the eyes, one of his tails pushing her chin up slightly

"You're surprisingly resilient, you know that?"
She smiled and shrugged, "I have to be. Not the first situation I've encountered where my life was threatened. Just the first one someone actually helped."

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