Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)

She smiled and set her backpack down by a random tree then laid down next to it. She really hoped she had made the right decision in trusting him.
Callisto now asleep, Liev keeping watch as he said he would began to wonder what he was thinking. Just ayesterday he would never have imagined he would be sharing company with a orphaned human. He looked towards her and said softly, "Who knows, maybe your the dangerous one here."

As the the night sky started turning a lighter shade of pale Liev lightly nudged Callisto, "Hey wake up, we should head into town.
She yawned stretching out on the ground, then looked up at him rubbing her eyes. "Morning handsome," she said without even thinking. "Oops! I'm soo sorry! I didn't mean...." she looked down
"That's not the type of thing to apologize about. That's quite the complement coming from a girl like you. Are you hungry? we can grab something to eat in town."
She gave a smile and stood up nodding. "But the issue is I don't have any money. " she said sadly, "kinda one of the things that comes with being an orphan."
"Well I eat pretty young ladies of coarse!" He laughed. "I can eat whatever humans can but its more for flavor than nourishment. I'll be honest, I have to drink blood to survive. But I don't need to kill or turn people." They were almost to town.
"So you can drink someone's blood without killing them?" she asked highly curious now. Maybe she could help him...
"That's right. It takes discipline. Many vampires don't bother holding back. They taste blood and go into a frenzy state. Many see humans as a food source only. Or worse only as prey. That's where there happiness lies. But you should know first hand that isn't always the case, having been raised by a vampire. Just like there are good and bad humans, there are good and bad vampires. I trust he or she was good, but I'm sorry if I made a false assumption."
She smiled at him, "he was until he couldn't stand to be around me anymore. My scent was too much so he left before he did something." She sighed, "well i'll eat at the diner and maybe I could help you out?"
There was that smile,and those eyes again. He wasn't thinking when he said softly almost as if he was in a trance "I want to too...". Realizing what he said, "I'm sorry, that must have sounded really creepy." Now it was Liev's turn to be uncomfortable.
She smiled and shook her head, "Don't be sorry," she grabbed his hand, "we are a team now member? And plus I'm curious about this, how bout we skip my breakfast and go straight to yours?" she said leading him back into the trees.
Being led with one hand out of the open back into the shade of the forest, he was excited. When they were deep enough in the forest he turned Callisto around to face him. The hand that was in hers he turned to interlock fingers. His other arm cradled her back, hand resting behind her head. He tilted her back hovering his lips just above her skin until they reached their destination on her neck just above her shoulder. As he bit down a small trials of blood trickled down. He went slow, softly, until he had just enough. He managed to control himself that much, but not enough to stop him him from moving his lips to hers and embracing them soft and passionately the taste of blood still present in the kiss.
She gasped when he bit her. She held on to him tight then when he finished she didn't know what was happening before his lips connected with hers. She couldn't believe she could taste her own blood but she didn't care. She kissed him back just as passionately feeling connected to him.
He pulled back ever so slightly, lips still touching for a moment that seemed to stretch on. Kissed her lightly ounce more and ran his fingers through her hair. "I want you to stay..."
Her brows furrowed, "what do you mean? I am here." she told him still holding onto him as if the world depended on it.
"We're a team from now on right? Things are always changing and I just stay the same. By myself I feel like I'm watching the world on a screen, separate from everything that's happening. I mean what do you got to loose, you don't have to be alone anymore if you don't want to be."
" want to change me...." she said slowly letting it sink into her head. He was right though she didnt have anything to lose but she was afraid.
"I guess it's a selfish thing to ask. What I want is you, but you've got be happy. I can't pretend that were not different. If I could have you only to loose you... to go back to a horrible solitary existence after having your love, to have it striped away. I think maybe I'd be safer all alone.
She looked in his eyes and gave him a small smile, "I want to stay, do it." she said moving her hair out of the way, she couldn't believe her life was about to change forever.
He held her close for a moment, "Your going to be out for a little while...". He leaned in a bit the words echoing through his head....

We're a team now.....
She nodded closing her eyes trying to prepare herself for it but she didn't even know what to expect. She just held onto him trusting him.

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