Law of the Land (Octavius x Kalilynne)


King Lukart Omento is currently the cruel king of these poverty stricken lands with the death penalty and taxes at a all time high, anyone that does not obey to his laws will have a trial which in these days usually lead to death. But it is not only the poor that are affected by these laws it is also the higher class citizens who are also effected and some have even lost their titles along with their homes. Today there are few Lords that stick by Lukart side either because they believe what he is doing is right or they fear him and love their riches that they own.

Sorry not the best story writer but post when ever)

(okay so will my character be one of the higher class citizens that gets invited to a banquet the king throws and thats how they meet? Or what?)
Callisto walked down the beaten path of the village. She looked around at the old run down houses seeing the peasants hard at work. She sighed, they were all so poor. She pulled the hood up on her cloak and walked faster to her home.
Already Lukart was late for his feast that he had prepared for his allies and their family tonight because A man decided to steal from one of the shop vendors. King Lukart sat up straight in his throne looking down at the man that stood before him.

"Do you plea innocent or guilty" King Lukart said with his voice echoing in the room

The jury watched the man to see what he would say but nothing not a word came out of the man he merely stood there silent.

"Due to your silence I condemn you to death"

No matter what that man said it would'int of made a difference and everyone in that room knew it. As the guards dragged the man away to his fate Lukart stood up and his servant came to his side.

"Willam I am going to go tend to my guest I wish not to be disturbed" He strictly demanded as he walked towards the ball room.

"Y-Yes King Lukart" Willam stuttered out of fear for his life then bowed to show his respect.
Callisto walked up to her families home and knew once she walked in the door her servants would be on her to get her ready for the banquet the king was holding tonight. She sighed opening the door and immediately being grabbed by the head maid and taken upstairs to get fitted into her dress
Lukart walked into his ball room which was almost literally alive with laughter and the sound of music. He walked passed the people dancing gracefully with their loved ones and stopped by a couple of the tables to greet his guest to his lovely home. He sat at the table with the Humbus family and discussed various topics with them while feasting on food and wine.
Callisto was immediately put into her sky blue ball gown and rushed into her carriage. She knew she was late and her family was already there. Hopefully the king wouldn't be too upset. As she rolled up to the palaces steps she was helped out and they announced her arrival
The announcement of Callisto's arrival was a sudden but pleasant surprise to Lukart, he invited them but did'int think they would be able to make it. He excused himself from the conversation he was in the middle of and got out of his seat to go greet Callisto. He began walking passed people talking and the other people who were dancing with joy to the music.
Callisto held her head high and made sure her dress was perfect before gracefully striding into the ballroom. She held a pleasant smile on her face as she looked around. She didn't see anyone she recognized so far.

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