Search results for query: *

  1. Lunarcat

    Anime & Manga What was the first anime that you ever watched?

    Pokémon was my first anime too, although my mom says I used to watch kiki's delivery service, but I don't remember ever watching it O_O
  2. Lunarcat

    Hello Yellow!

    Hey there everyone! my name is Lunarcat, or sometimes Lunarcat42, but most people call me Lunar! I've rp'd here a few times before but never made a formal introduction page for myself, I'm kinda silly like that. Anyway! Some people here may know me already, but I unfortunately had to take a...
  3. Lunarcat

    Kareena and Blade's Excellent Adventures

    (sure) "Heh, nice look Blade." Giggled Kareena. Then, with a flash of light, Yen Sid stepped through a portal and dusted a few fleks of dirt off of his long, cerulean blue robes. He placed his hands withing his drooping sleeves and bowed slightly to the duo.  "Kareena, Blade, good morning...
  4. Lunarcat

    Kareena and Blade's Excellent Adventures

    Kareena skipped behind Blade, following him like a puppy dog, then remembered he said to wait for him there, so she sat back down on her chair and waited patiently, wondering when Yen Sid would return. Kareena loved Yen Sid, she saw him less like a teacher and more like a cool old grandfather...
  5. Lunarcat

    Kareena and Blade's Excellent Adventures

    Kareena wiped the syrup off of her face with a napkin and jumped up from the table. "Ok Blade! Man, I lovvveeee breakfast! Most important meal of the day!" She giggled and quickly changed into her sorcerer's uniform, it looked much like Micky's or Yen Sid's own robes, but pink, seems every...
  6. Lunarcat

    Kareena and Blade's Excellent Adventures

    "Nothing is too dangerous for us together Gears!" She smiled and looked over the word search, hey, she could have gotten that one. That sly Blade, sometimes she wondered if his true form wasn't a fox instead of a dragon. She quickly got to work filling in the rest of the words as she gulped down...
  7. Lunarcat

    Kareena and Blade's Excellent Adventures

    Blade could see nothing unusual out the windows, just a perfect, blue, sunny day.  "Have you heard anything from Master Yen Sid yet?" ah, kareena, always so chipper and upbeat. She slides an extra flap jack onto her plate and then proceeds to drown them in pancake syrup. "Is everything ok...
  8. Lunarcat

    Kareena and Blade's Excellent Adventures

    Kareena Wulf, Yen Sid's newest apprentice, jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, eager to get breakfast and see if Blade had beaten her to the crossword puzzle yet. Yes, even a life as exciting as her's could find time for the daily word search. It was important to keep the brain...
  9. Lunarcat

    Kareena and Blade's Excellent Adventures

    Kareena is Yen Sid's newest apprentice, and she and her bodyguard Blade go on adventures all across Fantasia, learning and teaching one and all about the magic that is friendship, loyalty and love. 
  10. Lunarcat

    Fantasia RP

    Nick smiled as he watched the rest draw up seats to the campfire, this really felt like a family, even with the... black sheep. At least Kareena was friendly around Orin, but nick still couldn't make up his mind on him. Why would yen sid let him in if he was such a threat? OR was he even a...
  11. Lunarcat

    Gotham City

    "Human form? Oh geeze Alfred I'm so so sorry, Uh, hominum hominum!" She mumbled quickly, before ducking behind a bush and changing quickly back into her human, blonde collage student form. "I am so, so sorry, I totally forgot, I thought everyone here.... never mind, shutting up shutting up!" Her...
  12. Lunarcat

    Fantasia RP

    Kareena's face lights up suddenly, it looks like like this O_O, and then this OuO. Meanwhile, nick's face looks like like this 0_O, and then this O_0 and then this QuQ "Do it." 
  13. Lunarcat

    Fantasia RP

    Nick had already set up a stone circle for Audrey to make her fire in safely. He watched as she set the dry twigs and grass on fire, and sat down next to it, pulling out a bag of marshmallows and chocolate. "I uh... I didn't find any graham crackers, but hey, double chocolate, right? Mmmm...
  14. Lunarcat

    Fantasia RP

    Kareena pouted at Orin's insitance of not playing truth or dare, but her face brightened when she saw Dulcina flying by. "Of course you can play Dulcina! I'd love to have you! You're like my cool fairy big sis, you know, I always wanted a big sister, and now I have lots! Xion and you and...
  15. Lunarcat

    Fantasia RP

    (ideas? gameboy?)
  16. Lunarcat

    Gotham City

    Owl-Girl swooped on down from above, flying in through the open front door, coming to a juttering halt on the floor. "Uh... oops..." She muttered before brushing herself off and looking around. Wayne manor sure was fancy, way way fancy. Owl-Girl spied someone who looked like a butler, a girl...
  17. Lunarcat

    Fantasia RP

    "would you please Luis? Oh that would be great! Just get all the yummy stuff you can find!" Kareena ran over to him and hugged him tightly "Thank you big bro..." Then Kareena ran over to Audrey. "You can make the fire pit behind Nick's cabin! I looks like a woody cabin anyway," she said with an...
  18. Lunarcat

    Fantasia RP

    Kareena smiled, then, suddenly, a light bulb went off in her head! "Everyone, gather round!" She waved her arms happily. "Now that everyone is here, lets have a bonfire! It'll be fun! Your cabins just got restocked with snacks by the brooms. We can have chips and potatoes and cola and...
  19. Lunarcat

    Fantasia RP

    "Ahh ok, I see.... yeah, Man... I've never seen Yen Sid so threatening before... I mean, I knew he was powerful, but..." Nick thought back to when Yen Sid first introduced everyone to Orin, and how he made it very very clear what would happen to Orin if he didn't play by the rules. Something...
  20. Lunarcat

    Fantasia RP

    Nick tipped his hat to Dulcina. "Missus fairy, lovely day isn't it?" He said with a smile. "Love the rainbow fox, by the way." Another charming smile. Nick then tilted his head to watch Orin, who nick thought looked a little lost. He pursed his lips and walked over to him. "Hey Orin, uh, I know...