Fantasia RP

What animal would you have for a pet?

  • Tiger

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  • Dinosaur

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  • Waffle

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  • Unicorn

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  • Pokemon

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Audrey gasped as the flame changed color, listening to Kareena as she spoke. "...You're a smart kid," was all she could manage in response. She continued watching the flame, feeling its warmth. She had never been this calm before, and she loved it.
Kareena smiled, then, suddenly, a light bulb went off in her head! "Everyone, gather round!" She waved her arms happily. "Now that everyone is here, lets have a bonfire! It'll be fun! Your cabins just got restocked with snacks by the brooms. We can have chips and potatoes and cola and popcorn!" She seemed so happy and excited. "Hey hey kiddo!" Nick scooped kareena up in his arms and twirled her around, making kareena giggle loudly. "A bonfire huh? Sounds like a fun, end of summer activity, I'm in for it. what say you guys?" Nick gave luis a look that said 'we need to talk later' most likely referring to yen sid's sudden outburst. "Audrey! You can start the fire!" 

@TooManyIdeas @gameboy3 @LilQueen
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"Feh, with a warning like that, what am I supposed to do? I suppose I can keep doing my own thing, since it isn't against the group? I don't remember seeing a rule like that." He scowls, still, not enjoying that experience with the old wizard. "Knowing my luck, he probably has the resources to pull it off..." The Heartless shakes his head, watching everyone else. "I suppose it's a nice change of pace, if nothing else." He reaches down and scratches Shadow behind the ears. "As for the bonfire... Why not."
Audrey lit up like the sun, hopping up and down excitedly. "A bonfire? For real? Like, outside and everything? Yes, yes, yes!"

Xion heard all of this commotion and came out toward the group, smiling. " will never cease to amaze me. I'm in."
"would you please Luis? Oh that would be great! Just get all the yummy stuff you can find!" Kareena ran over to him and hugged him tightly "Thank you big bro..." Then Kareena ran over to Audrey. "You can make the fire pit behind Nick's cabin! I looks like a woody cabin anyway," she said with an excited smile. Then kareena grabbed Xion by the hand and dragged her towards Audrey. "Xion! Were all gonna have a bonfire! Luis is getting snacks, Audrey is starting the fire, and uh... We're all gonna have fun! Even Orin is gonna join in!" Kareena grabbed the heartless' hand and led him towards the group. "This is gonna be our chance to get to know each other real well! We can play never have I ever, and truth or dare..."  
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Luis chuckles and rubs kareena on the head. "Anything for you, Little sis."

he smiles and goes to his cabin to grab as many goodies as he can.
"Oh gods what are you dragging me into." Despite his reluctance, he makes no real attempt to actually get out of Kareena's grip, as the small child leads him to where the bonfire is going to be held. "I'm not playing Truth or Dare. I will stand by that."

The fairy, meanwhile, hears the words "bonfire" and "play", and immediately starts flying, Rainbow following behind her this time. "I wanna play too, can I?"
Kareena pouted at Orin's insitance of not playing truth or dare, but her face brightened when she saw Dulcina flying by. "Of course you can play Dulcina! I'd love to have you! You're like my cool fairy big sis, you know, I always wanted a big sister, and now I have lots! Xion and you and Audrey...." She continued to list females who she was good friends with, mostly princesses of course.

@TooManyIdeas @LilQueen @gameboy3
Xion nodded, then turned to Orin, smiling. "Like keeping secrets, huh? That just figures, doesn't it."

She normally wouldn't act like that, but Orin was pretty suspicious to her. After all, a Heartless isn't the best teammate usually. She seriously doubted Yen Sid's judgement for the first time. But there wasn't much she could do...except give him a hard time, of course.

Audrey was already running to Nick's cabin, ready to start a bonfire.
Luis runs back to the group carrying a big bundle of snacks, right behind him is Snowcone, holding all the chips.

"Sorry, this is all I got."
Nick had already set up a stone circle for Audrey to make her fire in safely. He watched as she set the dry twigs and grass on fire, and sat down next to it, pulling out a bag of marshmallows and chocolate. "I uh... I didn't find any graham crackers, but hey, double chocolate, right? Mmmm... haven't had smores in forever." He said, in anticipation. You could almost see him drool, well, if he COULD drool. Seems like nick has an unexpected sweet tooth! "So uh, Auds.... what do you think about the whole Orin and Yen Sid thing?

Kareena ran up and hugged luis, before grabbing a bag of chips and helping him carry the rest. "Oooh! Pickle flavored! Yummy...." Pickle chips huh? Somehow, in your heart of hearts, you knew kareena would like them. She seems like the type to like weird chip flavors. Probably licks all the dust off the doritos first. Her bum shook back and fourth a little, like she had a phantom tail that was wagging. Did she always do that? Or has it just started now? Maybe it's because of her new wolf form. Or maybe it's Starberry's fault, her very very cute fault. 

@LilQueen @gameboy3 @TooManyIdeas
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Luis smiles at kareena and gets an idea, a very dumb idea.

"We could use chips instead Nick."
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Kareena's face lights up suddenly, it looks like like this O_O, and then this OuO. Meanwhile, nick's face looks like like this 0_O, and then this O_0 and then this QuQ

"Do it." 
"What's that supposed to mean?" Orin glares at Xion, even as he makes his way to the bonfire. He doesn't comment on her attitude, since that's the only one he's seen from her, but he still finds it irritating that she's here. He sighs, deciding to just ignore her for the time being. She's harmless, at the moment, after all.

Dulcina watches Nick setting up the bonfire for Audrey to light, looking over the arrangements as they come in. "This is gonna be awesomeness!"
Luis' eyes light up, happy that his genius is appreciated around these parts.

He notices Xion being grump at Orin and waves at her, trying to draw her attention away from the heartless killjoy.

"Xion! We're having chip smores tonight!"

Xion your boyfriend has made the invention of a lifetime.
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Audrey scratches the back of her neck. "Orin? Um, I don't talk to him much..." She whipers. "I try to avoid him, usually...he scares me..."

Xion is about to reply to Orin when Luis mentions chip smores. She whips around. "Chips...and smores?" 

She sounds...hungry.
Nick smiled as he watched the rest draw up seats to the campfire, this really felt like a family, even with the... black sheep. At least Kareena was friendly around Orin, but nick still couldn't make up his mind on him. Why would yen sid let him in if he was such a threat? OR was he even a threat at all? Was this perhaps some sort of test? But a test of what? Loyalty? Being able to sniff out bad guys? Well, until Orin did something besides be somewhat unfriendly, Nick tried his best to help him out. It was like helping people was programmed into his hardware. He ripped open a bag of chips and speared a marshmallow on his stick, to begin roasting. Taking off his jacket, he leaned back happily. "Luis? You want my coat or are you good?" 

Kareena immediately dug into the pickle chips, letting a pickle-y scent fill the air. It stings the back of your tongue somewhat to start salivating. "Don't fill up before you get a smore kiddo." said nick with a smile on his face. Kareena playfully stuck her tounge out at him and giggled. "Ok Uncle Nick, I won't," she said as she stuck one last chip into her mouth.  
"That's what I thought..." He goes and sits at the bonfire, away from everyone else, though he does glance at the others. He stretches, adjusting the headphones around his neck, and plays some music on them, loud enough for him to hear, but quiet enough that the others won't hear it clearly unless they approached. He relaxes slightly, slouching forward as he watches the fire and the others.
Luis looks at nick an nods, feeling kind of awkward about accepting the coat. But by this point he has grown comfortable around Nick.

He looks at Orin being by himself. The most he thinks of him is just a really edgy guy with weird parts by now. Sort of like a goth kid.

Luis grabs a stick and gets ready to roast some marshmallows, while Snowcone lies far away from the fire, since he's stuffed and fire is kind of scary to him.

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