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Kareena and Blade's Excellent Adventures


Magic of Creativity!
Kareena is Yen Sid's newest apprentice, and she and her bodyguard Blade go on adventures all across Fantasia, learning and teaching one and all about the magic that is friendship, loyalty and love. 
Kareena Wulf, Yen Sid's newest apprentice, jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, eager to get breakfast and see if Blade had beaten her to the crossword puzzle yet. Yes, even a life as exciting as her's could find time for the daily word search. It was important to keep the brain muscles pumping. Kareena could smell the smell of waffles, bacon, pancakes, sugary syrup and hot motor oil being warmed for Blade. She had gotten used to that last scent and now found it almost comforting.

Kareena barged into the dining room where brooms were hard at work tidying up and plates floated above the table as the table cloth was set and pulled just so there were no crinkles or creases. 

"Gooooooood morning Blade!" cried Kareena cheerily. 
Blade lowered the newspaper that was in his hand and peered at Kareena over the top of the paper before placing it on the table. 

"Good morning K, I hope you slept well.... and I'm trying to find the word 'enchanting'."  Leaving the word search puzzle for the moment Blade stood up and walked over to the window, taking a look outside always on the look out for anything that could possibly pose a danger to Kareena, whether real or imagined, it was a job he took extremely seriously.  
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Blade could see nothing unusual out the windows, just a perfect, blue, sunny day. 

"Have you heard anything from Master Yen Sid yet?" ah, kareena, always so chipper and upbeat. She slides an extra flap jack onto her plate and then proceeds to drown them in pancake syrup. "Is everything ok, Gears?" (gears is her nickname for Blade, being, well, a robot an all.) "You haven't even touched your oil! It's a beautiful day today!" She smiled and flipped the newspaper to the funnies. She loved the peanuts comics most of all. 
Blade was satisfied that everything looked fine outside and returned to the table to begin eating his breakfast oil.  Truth be told he enjoyed the morning routine with Kareena's enthusiasm bubbling through.  He even left the word search puzzle for Kareena to finish, most mornings, of course after finding the first few words just to irk her a little bit!  "Yen Sid left word this morning--he'll be dropping by later this morning with a mission for us.  Hopefully nothing too dangerous for you." 
"Nothing is too dangerous for us together Gears!" She smiled and looked over the word search, hey, she could have gotten that one. That sly Blade, sometimes she wondered if his true form wasn't a fox instead of a dragon. She quickly got to work filling in the rest of the words as she gulped down peices of pancake, that Wulf girl could really... well... wolf stuff down! Seem's she inherited dogs endless stomachs as well... "Do you think we'll get to see the avengers today? I'd like that! Me and big bro Thor are the best superhero's ever! Uh... next to you of course." she quickly corrected herself with a sheepish smile. She shook her head in that was that made her ears flip and flop back and fourth like a puppy. Sometimes one would even lean over like a puppy dog's ears would. 
Blade always felt a protective surge when Kareena's ears flopped like that--she seemed so young and defenseless.  He decided he would overlook her obviously mistaken comment that Thor was better than him, correction noted thank you. "I believe the Avengers may indeed be involved in whatever Yen Sid has in mind for us today.  Perhaps he feels I need to share some of my skills with Thor..." yes, OK the Thor comment had struck a slight chord somewhere in his gut.  "If you've finished your...third course...let's finish up breakfast and get prepared for Yen Sid's visit".
Kareena wiped the syrup off of her face with a napkin and jumped up from the table. "Ok Blade! Man, I lovvveeee breakfast! Most important meal of the day!" She giggled and quickly changed into her sorcerer's uniform, it looked much like Micky's or Yen Sid's own robes, but pink, seems every apprentice put their own spin on the robes. "Do you think this'll be the day we get inducted into the Avengers hall of fame? I am a pretty spiffy junior superhero!" 

Tony Stark had been very insistent on the 'junior' part, for some reason. 

(hey, think im gonna head to bed, we can continue this tomorrow)
"You look very nice Kareena, very prepared for everything, very good. I will be ready shortly as well so wait for me here."  Blade headed back to his quarters flexing his robot muscles, always preparing, always aware.  He felt his duties to protect Kareena very keenly.  He wanted to fulfill his duty and obligation to Yen Sid, but truth be told his tugging almost paternal feelings for Kareena had overshadowed the feeling of duty and obligation. Sometimes that concerned him and even confused him a little--"paternal" is not a word he would have even looked for in a word search just a short time ago.  
Kareena skipped behind Blade, following him like a puppy dog, then remembered he said to wait for him there, so she sat back down on her chair and waited patiently, wondering when Yen Sid would return. Kareena loved Yen Sid, she saw him less like a teacher and more like a cool old grandfather type figure. Kareena had lost her father before she was born so she had had a lack of male father figures in her life, but with Blade and Yen Sid she had found two in one go. Well, she saw Yen Sid like a parental figure, certainly, but Blade... well.. they were partners, but sometimes he could be overprotective. Kareena supposed she understood why, she was still quite young but still, she felt that her magical prowess allowed her a certain amount of freedom that other kids her age wouldn't get to have. That difference of opinion had lead to... disagreements in the past. But the past was the past. 
Blade reentered the room, cutting quite a dashing figure in his long duster jacket.  

(if Yen Sid enters now are you going to be Yen Sid?)

"Heh, nice look Blade." Giggled Kareena. Then, with a flash of light, Yen Sid stepped through a portal and dusted a few fleks of dirt off of his long, cerulean blue robes. He placed his hands withing his drooping sleeves and bowed slightly to the duo. 

"Kareena, Blade, good morning to you both." He said, his voice, low, calm, and smooth as milk white cream. "I hope you have both had a good breakfast, your mission today is to go and visit the avengers for training. The Vision, Tony Stark and Thor have agreed to stay behind while the other Avengers deal with supervision or some such. Incidentally, Thor was not meant to be available today, but once I mentioned your name, Kareena, his scedule magically opened up." Yen Sid chuckled slightly, he enjoyed how many friends Kareena made ever so quickly. "I would also be on the look out for the winter solder, he has been sighted around new york. But the avengers shall have more information for you, once you reach avengers tower." 
Blade's expression changed to his slightly worried one--not a lot different from his resting face as he wasn't one to share outward expressions--but those who knew him well could tell what the look meant.  "Just training then Master Yen Sid? Not in preparation for anything specific? Nothing else I should be briefed about?....with respect Sir are you sure we should be venturing into territory where the winter soldier has been sighted?"   Blade would never think to be disrespectful to Yen Sid or question his orders but two things were bothering him--the name winter soldier never meant anything good, and the fact that Thor was coming to see Kareena meant there was a chance things could get a little out of hand.

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