Fantasia RP

What animal would you have for a pet?

  • Tiger

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  • Dinosaur

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  • Waffle

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  • Unicorn

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  • Pokemon

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(Nick walks back over, his hat pulled low so you can't see his face)

K: Nick? What did they do?

Well... I'm a little embarrassed...

(he takes the hat off, and he looks like this 

(20 years younger, blue eyes instead of yellow, and nice white teeth instead of the grey he had before, and he now has a slight robotic tinge to his voice like this 

(Nick smiles and shows off his new pearly whites, he really does look much better all fixed up)

They said they also gave me new guns? Lets see now... (nick flexes his arms and two small lazer sights pop out of his wrists, they look like the small box on top of this gun in the picture 

Heh... Nice.... I like em. 

Blasters are the most accurate of all guns, having no recoil, you'll be able to hit your target every time. (smile)
Something along those lines... (and with a wave of his arm, there appears several, what looks like, sleeping, but living, stuffed animals)

These are plushies, stuffed animals brought to life, they live in cotton canyon in the enchanted woods.
Kareena was on the swing-sets outside, with her new pet Starberry. Kareena loved Starberry, she could ride around on her back and everything! Plus she was pink! Pink was always Kareena's favorite color, obviously, ever since she was small. She had gotten some flak from other girls about how girly she was before, but Kareena just told herself those girls weren't worth her time. Anyone who spends their days bad mouthing others is clearly not a nice person. "Higher Star! Higher!" she squealed with delight as she flew ever higher. 

Nick was taking a nap with Pupcorn. It was the best sleep he had had in years, who knew a squshable pillow dog would help with sleeping so much? Plus the fact that Pupcorn smelled like warm butter didn't hurt either. Like lobster bisque.... zzzz... He snored while he slept, a hold over from his human days, and hugged his Pupcorn closer. He looked pretty adorable actually, a strange word to use with nick valentine, but a true one. 

@TooManyIdeas @LilQueen @gameboy3 
Audrey watched Kareena flying around on Strawberry, petting her own plush with one hand and adjusting her glasses with the other. She was amazed at this act of flight--she was still getting used to Fantasia, and really, part of her wanted to stay here forever. Well, okay, more than a part.

She knelt down next to Sheep, her favorite pet ever. "Isn't it pretty..."

Sheep gave no response, simply watching Strawberry continue on.
Kareena finally slowed down on her flight and hugged Star close to her, then flew over to Audrey. "Auds! Auds!" she called. She placed Star down on the ground and hugged Audrey. "How are you today? How's Fantasia going for you? Can you believe we got pets? Pets! That go in out Mirrors! How's the whole pyro powers going?" She was so excitable, so happy. You have barely know this girl for more than a week and she already seems to love you fully. Her ears are pointed forward, her eyes full of sparkles and her heart full of love. Just looking at her makes you either want to cry or hug her and never let her go. 

@gameboy3 @LilQueen
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Sitting underneath her birdhouse cabin was none other than Dulcina, petting and stroking a rainbow fox's fur. "I'm sure we'll have plenty of fun in the future, Rainbow." The fairy smiled, as Rainbow curled up beside her, watching the others. The fairy was content to sit with her pet for now, until the next adventure began once more. She thought about what might come next. Is it exciting? Dangerous? New? She didn't know, probably doesn't care, because she'll find out in time.

Orin, meanwhile, was just walking around the cabins, his black plushul dog following dutifully behind him. Half his attention was on where he was going, but the rest was on his new pet. "Just what am I going to do with you...? Why am I getting the weird things?" He sighs, shaking his head, before continuing to familiarize himself with his new surroundings. If he was going to be stuck with rainbows and sunshine, he may as well try to make the best of a bad situation. "At least you're a good color, Shadow... Come on."
Luis was sitting on the grass as he also watches Kareena play with her new stuffed friend, while his very own was sitting on his lap keeping it warm.

He pets his plush white dragon Snowcone, who is content to just lie there and nap.
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Nick blinked the sleep out of his eyes and yawned. He sat up, yawned again, and stretched out his servos and motors. "Ooof... just how long was I out? Yawwwnnnn..." he rubbed his eyes and pulled the robe around him tighter. Pupcorn wagged her tail and nudged him gently with her round head. He got up and grabbed a cup of coffee mixed with motor oil. The cup had written on the side 'Not for Human Consumption', and he took a big swig from it. He began going through his whole morning routine, brushing his new teeth, and so on. Eventually he meandered outside wearing his velvet red robewith a cup of coffee in his hand and wearing his rumpled fedorah. "Morning Dulcina, Orin, the rest... yawwn..." 

@gameboy3 @LilQueen @TooManyIdeas
Audrey couldn't help but laugh. "Aaaah, slow down, I gotta be able to talk!" She took a deep breath. "Fantasia's the best place ever...and I love Sheep, she's awesome...and I did some fire powers, hold on..."

She opened her hand up and made a small flame appear, giggling again. "It feels like holding pure energy...I love it."
Kareena watched Auds' fire show with great interest, and slowly placed her own hands on Audrey's. They held hands for a while, and when kareena lifted her's away, her flame had turned a purplish color. Kareena watched it a while longer, smiling happily with her work helping audrey. She wasn't even scared of the flame at all, she seemed more entranced by it than anything. "They say fire is one of the most pure forms of energy there is, that fire is life. After all, stars are big balls of fire which give us all life. So many sun gods are also associated with fire... There's a strong vitality to you Audrey... Yep! I can tell, you love life, or you will... everything in Fantasia represents something..." She nodded cryptically. Sometimes Kareena says stuff you think SHE might not even understand. But you also get the feeling she is very connected to the world, when you look past all the hyper energy, she seems far more like a sage sometimes, than an 8 year old girl. 
Luis watches Audrey and Kareena talk about fire, curiously enough not feeling freaked out by it. He feels happy for his new friend and is glad she loves this place just as much as he does.

He stops petting his plush dragon friend to wave a Nick, and while Snowcone does get a bit huffy he continues to lie on his lap.

"Hey Nick! how's Popcorn treating you?"
"Me and Pupcorn are doing ok, little rascal likes to steal my slippers however." Nick pet Pupcorn's head and waggled her ears around. Pupcorn bounded over to luis and licked him. It felt like he was being rubbed with some silk wrapping ribbon, not slimy or gooey at all. Pupcorn waggled her tail happily and sniffed at his face. Nick chuckled, and smiled. He looked better than he had looked in all the time you had known him Luis, guess even androids need their beauty sleep. Even old clunky ones like Nick. Nick smiled and took another sip of his coffee oil. "And how's your living pillow, Snowcone?"
Dulcina waves happily back to Nick, tapping Rainbow to get the fox's attention, before flying after the robot man. "Hi, hi! How are you this morning?" She giggles, the fox following along behind Dulcina and Nick, before it decides to simply run back to its spot under Dulcina's birdhouse and keep watch from there. When she spots Luis, she immediately changes gears, waving to Luis and looking at his plush dragon. "Ooh, is that your pet, Luis?"

Orin, meanwhile, simply gives a cursory wave, more absorbed in his "exploration", as he would call it. He glances over at Kareena and Audrey, tilting his head slightly, but doesn't seek to approach them.
Nick tipped his hat to Dulcina. "Missus fairy, lovely day isn't it?" He said with a smile. "Love the rainbow fox, by the way." Another charming smile. Nick then tilted his head to watch Orin, who nick thought looked a little lost. He pursed his lips and walked over to him. "Hey Orin, uh, I know we don't really know each other, but, you doin ok? You know where your cabin is right? Cause, I mean, I had to get used to it at first too..." Nick sounded mildly concerned, but still mostly conversational. 

@TooManyIdeas @LilQueen @gameboy3
Orin turns towards Nick as he approaches. "Hmm? I'm doing alright, don't worry about it. My cabin is over there, but I'm mostly looking around so I can better figure out how to go from place to place... I didn't get a tour like you lot did." He points to his cabin, the slanted roof and dull, grey stones making it stand out spectacularly due to how different it is from the other cabins. Orin's pet, Shadow, walks up to Nick, looking up at him, and then looking at Pupcorn.
Luis laughs and pets the pillow pup. Snowcone gets a bit jealous of the attention and paws at Luis's chest for attention. But Luis pets him too.

"Great! He's like the dog I always wanted. Sure he begs for attention a bit too much--"

Snowcone huffs at the mention of that.

"But I still like him." He rubs him behind the ears, which calms Snowcone down. He nods to Dulcina while he does that. "Yeah, Is that lil guy yours?"
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"Ahh ok, I see.... yeah, Man... I've never seen Yen Sid so threatening before... I mean, I knew he was powerful, but..." Nick thought back to when Yen Sid first introduced everyone to Orin, and how he made it very very clear what would happen to Orin if he didn't play by the rules. Something about If you so much as THINK about betraying the group, I will know, and I will find you... Nick had never seen the guy so angry before, and he did all of that without ever leaving his seat. Seems like Yen Sid is just as protective of Kareena as Nick is. He didn't know how to feel about that, now Kareena had basically three dads, was he butting in? Would Yen Sid become jealous? He always felt funny when thinking about that stuff (I gtg bath time)

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