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  1. LaceGloves

    A Ghost Cry (Zhailene + LaceGloves)

    He was actually quite stunned. Zed tilted his head in confusion. Maybe he had to study hunan nature again in order to get along with the new worker. He grinned when he thought, 'the new worker that could see him'. The transparent being floated to her again, this time staying two steps or more...
  2. LaceGloves

    A Ghost Cry (Zhailene + LaceGloves)

    Zed didn't mind at all. In fact, he felt a bit relieved. After talking to empty tombstones for years to keep himself from going crazy (ironically), it was a big step in life. "I don't mind at all." He replied. "I'm Zed." He introduced with a slight bow, still hovering beside her. (-hugs the...
  3. LaceGloves

    Creature Chase (LaceGloves & Tigress)

    Stephan chuckled awkwardly. He did like the 'thanks' part, but it was the 'for not killing me' part that bothered him. He would never do such a terrible act. He would rather have a 'For saving my butt.' Kind of thanks. The boy then basically lifted her up and kept her there for a moment...
  4. LaceGloves

    Creature Chase (LaceGloves & Tigress)

    (-sobs with joy-) He laughed a bit and pointed to the window that was not broken. "Come on." He said, "I'll help you out through there." Stephan then opened the window wide open and climbed out it. He then gestured to Jemma to take his hand. "Trust me. I won't let you fall. Jumping in may be...
  5. LaceGloves

    Creature Chase (LaceGloves & Tigress)

    The boy breathed in sharply when he saw Jemma limp. He felt sorta guilty, being of the human race and all. "I think..." he started, "We should move you into a safer room. Like the storage room outside." He nodded, pleased at his own idea, "Yeah, that would be safer since usually my family barges...
  6. LaceGloves

    A Ghost Cry (Zhailene + LaceGloves)

    His face contorted into shock. Zed had never seen anyone like her before. She was...strange. "How..." he murmered "Who are you?" The ghost floated around to face her. A bit too close for comfort , but he was never too good at giving people personal space. (Sorry for not replying. When...
  7. LaceGloves

    The Frozen Kingdom (LaceGloves + Feels...)

    She raised an eyebrow. Marie didn't think her age was strang eat all. As long as she had the willpower to rule an entire kingdom it was fine. Age was just a number after all. The girl placed her bangs out of her face and walked on. Nor saying a word. (Gah! Sorry for not replying. Relatives...
  8. LaceGloves

    The Frozen Kingdom (LaceGloves + Feels...)

    "I'm nineteen."she replied, "The same age that my father took the throne." Marie didn't understand. She thought that when you started someone young, then they grew up to be better at it. Hence the fact that when she was young her father put her in every manner and social class available.
  9. LaceGloves

    A Ghost Cry (Zhailene + LaceGloves)

    The boy avoided her eyes, and went behind her whenever she moved. Zed listened to the song intently, still inwardly testing her. Figuring her out. He then decided to take it a bit further. He blew in her ear. Most people would write it off as a gust of wind. He wasn't sure about this human though.
  10. LaceGloves

    Creature Chase (LaceGloves & Tigress)

    "Because" he mumbled, "He's killed so much. Even some people in this town for not believing him. I just really wanted to apologize for that." It was a lame excuse but at least he got something off his chest. "I think he might come back tomorrow...How is your leg?"
  11. LaceGloves

    The Frozen Kingdom (LaceGloves + Feels...)

    "You misunderstood." Marie replied, "I was the only thing trapped there and while I was trapped, the witch took control over my kingdom." She shrugged, "You'll know when you see it Dimitri."
  12. LaceGloves

    The Frozen Kingdom (LaceGloves + Feels...)

    She sighed and reminded him, "We're going to Annalishka, or Ann if you can't pronounce it the other way." Marie rolled her eyes, "It's my kingdom. I belong there to help my people when they're in need." She was sure it wasn't just a dream, like Dimitri had said before. The way there was still...
  13. LaceGloves

    The Frozen Kingdom (LaceGloves + Feels...)

    Marie was quite confused at why he was acting this way, though she still played along. "We're supposed to go across that field over there." She replied. The field was open and wide though. It'd be very easy to be spotted by the enemy so they had to be careful, "Don't drop me." She added.
  14. LaceGloves

    Creature Chase (LaceGloves & Tigress)

    The boy smiled widely, proud that he was able to make Jemma smile. Well, technically it was the cat, but he didn't care. The fur ball mewled and leaned into the anthro's touch. "I'm sorry about my dad."Stephan blurted out. He was about to mention the whole, 'he killed your familu' part, but he...
  15. LaceGloves

    The Frozen Kingdom (LaceGloves + Feels...)

    That was one thing they could agree on, Yes." Marie replied, "I would love to leave." She started to eat an apple, and turned away quickly. Walking away from the shadow. One wouldn't hurt much, but if there were any more, they'd be royally screwed. "You aren't imagining it either." She...
  16. LaceGloves

    A Ghost Cry (Zhailene + LaceGloves)

    Zed floated towards the girl, intrigued by the fact that she was talking to herself. He hovered behind her, making sure he was not seen. if that was even possibly. 'Of course not.' He thought. 'I haven't been seen in anyone.' He raised an eyebrow questioningly.
  17. LaceGloves

    A Ghost Cry (Zhailene + LaceGloves)

    Once again Zedock woke to blinding light, and then the crunching of leaves being stepped on . As usual, his eyes would adjust to the light like a newborn child's would. He sighed, dreading the same old routine of moaning and groaning. Never being noticed or acknowledged. The same old graveyard...
  18. LaceGloves

    The Frozen Kingdom (LaceGloves + Feels...)

    "I'm pink because-"she was about to answer until the boy fell back. Marie sighed at the question and glared at the giggling shadow person. "The shadow just attacked you."she answered dully.
  19. LaceGloves

    The Frozen Kingdom (LaceGloves + Feels...)

    Marie blushed all the way up to her ears. "Can you even go any where like that?" She asked. The girl hadn't seen anyone act like that before. It was strange. "Can you walk straight?" She asked again.
  20. LaceGloves

    The Frozen Kingdom (LaceGloves + Feels...)

    Marie took small sips, making note that barely any changes were happening. Marie did laugh at how Dimitri acted though. She would originally think of him as sort of a spazz, but now that he was making moves on her, she thought otherwise. "Why thank you Dimitri."she played along with a slight...