Creature Chase (LaceGloves & Tigress)

Stephan tilted his brown head and shrugged. He'd really never met anyone even close to Jemma. To him, she already seemed amazing.

"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." Stephan said. Then he left the room.

Moments later he returned with a paper bag of meat from his brothers storage and a plate of toast and eggs for himself. "I needed to sneak since my dad is still here." He explained. "He should be leaving soon though."

He then asked, "Do you have vegtables in your diet too? I brought carrots."
Jemma nodded. "I won't" she told him. "Unless staying seated is counted as doing something stupid, which I suppose it is with a Hunter in the house" she then said to herself, looking at the ground

When Stephan came back with the meat, she breathed in deeply, savoring the scent of the raw meat and nodding in acknowledgement at what he told her about why he needed to sneak. "We sometimes eat vegetables, but not often"
Stephan nodded, placed the bag next to Jemma, and put a carrot in her mouth. "I don't know about your health needs, but they are good for you, so I'm probably going to offer them."

He then shrugged again and began to nibble on his toast. He heard the front door slam, and let out another sigh. "He left for today...good."
Jemma seemed surprised when Stephan placed the carrot into her mouth, but she ate it, her sharp canine teeth making quick work of the carrot. Once she had eaten the carrot, she pulled the meat out of the brown bag and held it in her paws, chewing it and ripping pieces of of it as easily as tearing a piece of paper.

Her ears twitched when she heard the front door slam
Stephan sort of stared while she ate. He made sure not to get caught, but he was fascinated. "So..." he started, "Where do you come from anyways? Did you travel with family or something? Or on your own?"
Jemma shook her head and swallowed the meat she was currently chewing. "My family was killed by one of the best hunters there is. I think I remember someone calling him Dawney" she said thoughtfully, remembering how her little sister had been killed in front of her, along with her mother and father. Jemma had almost been killed to, but she fell into a river and was swept down stream
Stephan almost choked when he heard his last name. He didn't think his father was that great of a hunter. No wonder he took his job so seriously. All the innocence his father killed...just the thought of it made Stephan sick to his stomach. He placed his nowhere near empty plate on the night stand. "That's awful." he said with his head down, "I'm sure your family would be proud of you for surviving though."He ruffled Jemma's hair.
Jemma sighed sadly. "He killed my little sister...." she ssaid and a tear appeared in the corner of her eye, but it was caught by her fur before it could run down her cheek
"What did your sister look like?" He asked without thinking. Stephan mentally punched himself and continued, "I mean...if you don't mind me asking."

Stephan was starting to believe he had a staring problem, but he couldn't help it. Comparing and contrasting was interesting. Seeing what was the same and what was different made him less timid around the Anthro.
Jemma sighed. "She looked like me, except smaller and not as muscular. And her hair was longer" she explained to him, waving her tail behind her and listening to the soft rustling sound the silky tuft of fur on her tail tip made.
He thought for a moment, but couldn't remember the face of the little girl who was killed right before his eyes. He'd rather not think of it either. Stephan shivered subconsciously and turned again to face Jemma.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked. It was a stupid question, but it was necessary. He began to pat the anthro's hair comfortingly.
A sound similar to a purr escaped her throat when Stephan started patting her hair and she nodded, "Yeah, I should be fine" she told him with a small smile that showed her razor sharp canines
The smile looked somewhat menacing, but Stephan smiled back anyways. He was actually quite amused. "Do Anthro heal faster than humans? Or slower?" He asked, "The sooner the better ya' know. Before my father finds out."

Stephan scratched behind her ears absentmindedly.
"Thankfully we heal twice as fast as humans, which is why I can sort of walk on my paw already" she told him as she tilted her head to the side, enjoying the attention that she was getting. In some ways, the anthros were completely human, but in others they still had the instincts of their animal halves
"You're a lot like a cat." Stephan complimented, "My father really doesn't understand the whole, 'equality' thing."

Hence the fact the man was as big as a tank and killing innocent people. Calling it a job. He grimaced at the thought once again.

Then there was a knock at his door, "Who are you talking to sweetie?" Stephan's mother asked.
"Yes.. I know I'm a lot like a cat, but that feels really nice...." she told him as she closed her eyes, still purring softly. She jumped slightly when she heard the knock on the door and opened her eyes, ready to crawl under the bed again if someone opened the door
"No." He said, "I mean- yes. It helps me think." He then let out an awkward chuckle.

Stephan's mother raised an eyebrow. "I'm getting worried about you." She said, "I know you've always been distant, but talking to yourself is just..." she then sighed and walked away. Growing more and more suspicious every step.
Jemma looked at him in silence until she could no longer hear the footsteps of his mother. "And technically I am a cat since I'm a lion anthro... thing. " she whispered with a small laugh, not wanting to raise her voice any louder for fear that his mother might still be listening
"A lion?" His eyes glinted, "That's so cool! Those are my favorite animals! I named my cat Mufasa!" He stated proudly. Stephan then ran off for a moment and returned with an orange ball of fluff. "He's shy, but he will bite." he stated with a slight smile.
Jemaa chuckled. "Lion thing. It's a lion and something else" she told him before looking curiously at the cat. She's heard that cats wold attack wold anthros, but she didn't know how they's react to a feline anthro. So, instead of moving towards it, she just watched the ball of fur
Stephan smiled and Mufasa mewled. "I've had him since he was a kitten. He was the runt though, so he's still small."

He placed the cat on Jemma's lap, and he began to purr. "I rescued him from a storm one night, and he's been clingy ever since."
Jemma smiled and gently stroked the kitten, her clawed hands, though extremely deadly, were also extremely gentle towards other living creatures. "He's adorable..." she said softly, looking at the kitten
The boy smiled widely, proud that he was able to make Jemma smile. Well, technically it was the cat, but he didn't care. The fur ball mewled and leaned into the anthro's touch.

"I'm sorry about my dad."Stephan blurted out. He was about to mention the whole, 'he killed your familu' part, but he shut his mouth right before it, thank goodness.
Jemma purred softly, still stroking the kitten that was on her lap. She hand't found a creature that was so comfortable around her before. Most of the forest ran away from her because they were afraid she'd kill them for food, while dogs attacked her.

She looked at Stephan and tilted her head to the side, her eyes holding the confusuin she felt. "Why are you saying that...?"
"Because" he mumbled, "He's killed so much. Even some people in this town for not believing him. I just really wanted to apologize for that." It was a lame excuse but at least he got something off his chest. "I think he might come back tomorrow...How is your leg?"

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