A Ghost Cry (Zhailene + LaceGloves)


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/BlackCoatAnimeGuy.jpg.44f942ce41003b897c39f1aec34b6478.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="559" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/BlackCoatAnimeGuy.jpg.44f942ce41003b897c39f1aec34b6478.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Zedock Laney


Personality:Distant and lonesome. He doesn't talk about himself to anyone. Zed can also be mean, depending on which subject you bring up. He angers quickly.

Background:His life before death seemed perfect. He had a happy home. A mother and father that loved him. An adorable cat. Good grades. In reality he was an empty shell. The upperclassmen at school were bullies, he had no one to talk to, and he was caught in the middle of fights constantly. He got tired of it quickly. He did not kill himself, but it was the bullies who killed him. He awoke as a ghost. An emptier husk than before.

(Sorry for the lateness. School always keeps me busy.)



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[; Naw, it's okay. I don't mind :''3 ;]

Name ; Allyn Raished

Age ; 16

Personality ; Bright but lonely. She rarely shows any expression which was true to herself but always gave a bright smile, which was sometimes fake, to others so they wouldn't worry.

Background ; Ever since she was small her family has been always poor in the beginning, they could rarely pay the expenses they have even the food that they could eat but that she didn't mind any of that, she was well behave and actually really happy to have her parents with her even though she was suffering at the same time. She kept her bright laugh where ever she goes although it was pretty lonely. Her parents had died when she was younger yet she kept smiling which was weird. She's always felt alone and not needed until she found a job near the cemetery.

Appearance ;

Once again Zedock woke to blinding light, and then the crunching of leaves being stepped on . As usual, his eyes would adjust to the light like a newborn child's would. He sighed, dreading the same old routine of moaning and groaning. Never being noticed or acknowledged. The same old graveyard path to walk...or float upon.

There was something different though, and he couldn't explain it. The light was different. Cheery instead of dull. The ghost looked around to see what was so new...almost refreshing.
" I'm not sure if you really are suitable for this job... "

" I can do it! I promise! "

" Alright, alright. Be careful there might be ' ghosts ' lurking around "

Allyn chuckled a bit from what the owner joked on earlier, while she was watering the flowers by the side she kept her smile, her mouth was moving talking to someone but there was no one there, but for her there was a little boy sitting there watching her, and she didn't mind. As long as there was someone with her.

( sorry if it's short. i'm in a hurry since i have to go to my classes v v " gomen )
Zed floated towards the girl, intrigued by the fact that she was talking to herself. He hovered behind her, making sure he was not seen. if that was even possibly. 'Of course not.' He thought. 'I haven't been seen in years...by anyone.'

He raised an eyebrow questioningly.
Curiously Euka looked behind her and blinked, she gave a small smile then continued watering the plants in front of her while humming a soft song. Then stood up and walked towards the other side planning to water the plants there as well, Maybe i should clean a little bit too... she thought to herself. There was nothing for her to do here anyway.
The boy avoided her eyes, and went behind her whenever she moved. Zed listened to the song intently, still inwardly testing her. Figuring her out. He then decided to take it a bit further. He blew in her ear. Most people would write it off as a gust of wind. He wasn't sure about this human though.
[ Ah! I said Euka on the other post than Allyn, gomenasai! > _ < I'm so stupid! ]

Allyn was quite surprised and flinched a bit, she gently covered her ears and chuckled a bit, " Can you stop that. " she asked and continues watering the plant around her and admiring the flowers.
His face contorted into shock. Zed had never seen anyone like her before. She was...strange. "How..." he murmered "Who are you?" The ghost floated around to face her. A bit too close for comfort , but he was never too good at giving people personal space.

(Sorry for not replying. When relatives are over it is a rule that I cannot go on the internet...ugh. They're gone now though. All clear!)
[ Ahaha, it's alright! ^^ ]

Allyn backed away a bit and smiled, " Ah, i'm Allyn. From now on i'm working here if you don't mind, " she honestly said. Then she moved side wards to water the other plants that he was blocking.
Zed didn't mind at all. In fact, he felt a bit relieved. After talking to empty tombstones for years to keep himself from going crazy (ironically), it was a big step in life. "I don't mind at all." He replied. "I'm Zed." He introduced with a slight bow, still hovering beside her.

(-hugs the thread- I missed this so much. >.<)
[ : You do? :''3 The tread misses you too. : ]

After a few watering she finally was done, " Has anyone ever told you that you're invading their privacy. " Allyn said as a joke, obviously she realized that. " Plus you don't need to bow, " she also did the same bow he did then began walking staring at the flowers, " Nice to met you Zed. "
He was actually quite stunned. Zed tilted his head in confusion. Maybe he had to study hunan nature again in order to get along with the new worker. He grinned when he thought, 'the new worker that could see him'.

The transparent being floated to her again, this time staying two steps or more back. "So do you live around here?" He asked. Maybe it was a bit too straight forward, but Zed had almost forgotten how to be human. It was now foreign to him.
" So do you live around here? " she heard Zed say and nodded, " Mhm, " Allyn said while nodding and looking up the sky. " It's actually really really near! Wanna play a game? You have to find out where i live. " she said laughing a bit. It has been a while since she had played a childish game, actually this was sort of a useless time to play, more over when you're talking to a ghost.

" You wanna play? Or are you too ' old ' to play it. " she said in a teasing way once she said a specific word. Old.

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