The Frozen Kingdom (LaceGloves + Feels...)

Marie was anxious. She just wanted to get what they came for and leave. Sadly, they couldn't do it because they separated though. The queen knew that was a stupid idea. In all the books she'd read as a child, everyone died when they split up.

It wasn't long before she came upon an old fashioned bar. It was pretty much empty, except for the fridge in the kitchen. It was suspicious, but Marie's stomach didn't care. She grabbed all the food she could carry and turned around to leave.

As quickly as she turned around, her face turned white, and she dropped a few strawberries. The shadow she stared at was not her own. It attacked her, and she screamed.
"Marie?!" Dimitri turned around and ran to her. He looked around. "Umm... The scream was headed towards... Hey look! A bar! I found food!" He exclaimed. He went inside "Look, there is someone in ther- oh wait... " He saw Marie. It was her just frozen and white. Dimitri looked at her. "What's wrong now.... There is nothing here. Is it just your imagination? Lets go," He said. He picked up Marie when she was carrying the food. He heard some one breathing and it wasn't Dimitri or Marie. He turned his head but thee was nothing. "It was probably just me," he laughed. It seems as if Dimitri doesn't see it but he does hear it.
"It's a shadow person."Marie whispered. "Only a powerful witch can control them. She's trying to distract us."

She then looked right into Dimitri's eyes, "You can't see it?" She asked. Marie could see the being right in front of them, moving it's wispy appendages. She didn't want to seem crazy, but she jumped out of Dimitri's arms once it came closer.
"Common... let's go. We got the food at least," Dimitri grabbed a bread roll from Marie and ate it. He went to the bar and grabbed two cups of beer. He started walking back with Marie. Handing her a cup of beer he said "If you don't know what being drunk is, drink this and you will know." Dimitri laughed and held his cup of beer and waited for her to try it.
She sniffed the beverage and crinkled her nose. It smelled...odd to her. Marie shrugged though, and took a tiny sip. "There."she said, "am I done?"

She stared at another shadow dancing on the wall and subconsciously took another sip. She thought whatever it was tasted weird too.
He chugged his beer down. Dimitri wasn't much of an alcoholic so he became drunk pretty fast. His personality changed a lot. Who knows what type of drunk he became. He looked at Marie and smiled. "How you doin sweet thang. Your hair is beautiful, your eyes are pretty, and you look cute," Dimitri laughed. He shook his head. "Oh.. you're still here? I thought you were just in my dream," he flirted. Turns out this time he was a romantic drunk. He looked at Marie and waited for her to finish if she wanted too. He didn't mind if Marie didn't want it anymore, it wasn't her fault that she likes it or not.
Marie took small sips, making note that barely any changes were happening. Marie did laugh at how Dimitri acted though. She would originally think of him as sort of a spazz, but now that he was making moves on her, she thought otherwise. "Why thank you Dimitri."she played along with a slight smirk.

This was fun to witness.
He fell flat on the floor like a pancake. "Owww.... I lost balance," Dimitri looked up. He sat up and loosened his tie and unbutton his shirt. It got hot to him somehow. He looked up at Marie. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. He snuggled her and felt her soft skin on him. "Where are we going next my lady?" He whispered into her ear softly.
Marie blushed all the way up to her ears. "Can you even go any where like that?" She asked. The girl hadn't seen anyone act like that before. It was strange. "Can you walk straight?" She asked again.
Dimitri looked at her. "Maybe..." he got up and started walking. He bumped into a wall and fell back to the ground. "Did I bump into someone? I apologize..." He got back up and turned to Marie. He put his hand on her chin and looked at her. "Your face is pink. Why?" He leaned up close to her. "Tell me..." Feeling something that hit him, he fell to the ground. It turns out it was the shadow who had banged him. "Wh...What was that..."
"I'm pink because-"she was about to answer until the boy fell back. Marie sighed at the question and glared at the giggling shadow person. "The shadow just attacked you."she answered dully.
"Yea... I know. But I still look cool attacked," His eyes sparkled. Dimitri laughed and he got up. He turned around and heard giggles but say nothing. His eyes widen and he rubbed them. "Am I that drunk..." He turned around to Marie. "Wanna get outta here or something?"
That was one thing they could agree on, Yes." Marie replied, "I would love to leave." She started to eat an apple, and turned away quickly. Walking away from the shadow. One wouldn't hurt much, but if there were any more, they'd be royally screwed.

"You aren't imagining it either." She mumbled. "One is making faces right in front of you."
Dimitri looked forward. "I... seee.. nothing" He hiccuped and turned his head back to Marie. "I'll protect you though my lady..." He told her. He picked her and carried her like a gentleman. Dimitri asked where she wanted to head too.
Marie was quite confused at why he was acting this way, though she still played along. "We're supposed to go across that field over there." She replied. The field was open and wide though. It'd be very easy to be spotted by the enemy so they had to be careful, "Don't drop me." She added.
He headed towards the field of wheat. He smiled and had put Marie down gently. He ran through the fields and jumped into the air. Dimitri fell right on his back. "It feels nice here. Let's stay here for a while," He smiled. The wind flew on top of him which felt great to him. The snow was still on the ground yet Dimitri didn't mind. "Where are we going again..."
She sighed and reminded him, "We're going to Annalishka, or Ann if you can't pronounce it the other way." Marie rolled her eyes, "It's my kingdom. I belong there to help my people when they're in need."

She was sure it wasn't just a dream, like Dimitri had said before. The way there was still so fresh in her mind. Marie continued to walk forwards. "We should be there in another day or so if we keep going." She explained, "You can go home then if you want to."

Though the thought of saying bye to her friend saddened her. She'd probably have to do it eventually. So Marie would put up with it.
"Hey wait! I thought Annalishka was in the snow globe." He sat up wiping the snow off him. He ran to her nearly falling. He caught up to her and smiled. "I don't want to leave you. Understand?" Dimitri looked at her. He started looking for Annalishka, Marie's kingdom. "What does it look like?"
"You misunderstood." Marie replied, "I was the only thing trapped there and while I was trapped, the witch took control over my kingdom."

She shrugged, "You'll know when you see it Dimitri."
Dimitri looked at Marie. "Are you sure you weren't in a coma dreaming you were in my snowglobe?" Dimiti asked curiously. Being trapped in a snowglobe seemed far fetche for him. He just ignored the craziness and followed Marie. He was pulling him sel together. At least he's not drunk now. Looking at Marie, he noticed that Marie was pretty young. "How old are you? You seem pretty young to run a kingdom..." he told her in a serious way.
"I'm nineteen."she replied, "The same age that my father took the throne." Marie didn't understand. She thought that when you started someone young, then they grew up to be better at it. Hence the fact that when she was young her father put her in every manner and social class available.
He choked for a little while. "Only 19... I'm 21 and I can't even handle my whole family yet. Are you kidding me?" He looked at her. Dimitri stared at her not believing he was only 2 years older than her. She looked younger like 16 or 14. It was either that or he thought he looked old.
She raised an eyebrow. Marie didn't think her age was strang eat all. As long as she had the willpower to rule an entire kingdom it was fine. Age was just a number after all.

The girl placed her bangs out of her face and walked on. Nor saying a word.

(Gah! Sorry for not replying. Relatives were over and it's a rule that I cannot go on the internet when people are visiting. -sulks-)
There was an awkward silents between them. He cleared his voice and asked, "How did you get out of the snowball?" Dimitri didn't want there to be an awkward silents between them. He turned his head toward her. "How does she know where to go? She just arrived here.." he wondered.

(It's fine xD Im not getting on as often as I use too now)

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