Search results for query: *

  1. Austin Marie Arlein

    I don't roleplay anymore. Please disregard all of my posts under your threads.

    I don't roleplay anymore. Please disregard all of my posts under your threads.
  2. Austin Marie Arlein

    Realistic or Modern City of Sins

    I- OH MY GOSH, I APOLOGIZE JACOB. I'VE BEEN REALLY BUSY AND I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO GET ON AS MUCH, SORRY I KEPT YOU WAITING! (':3) And also, didn't I already submit a CS? @Jacob Berry I'm off again after this post.
  3. Austin Marie Arlein

    Realistic or Modern City of Sins

    Someone behind her, a male voice was calling out,"Oi, miss!" Stephanie stopped in her tracks, as she heard footsteps coming toward her. She turned around, just in case she was the one being addressed. "Miss! Do you have a lighter by any chance? Mine wasn't working and I'd rather light my...
  4. Austin Marie Arlein

    Fantasy Reaper

    ((Yeah, I gotta go, see y'all tomorrow!)) After a long pause, she stepped out of the room, slinging the huge axe back onto her shoulder.
  5. Austin Marie Arlein

    Fantasy Reaper

    ((Yup, maybe. I have two essays to write, and a lawn to mow tomorrow, so we'll see. o3o))
  6. Austin Marie Arlein

    Fantasy Reaper

    Day knew she could only say so much about this, about Revoir's actions and the scene he cause, so she didn't bother try to say anything at all. As usual, she stayed quiet and nodded. ((I have to go soon.))
  7. Austin Marie Arlein

    Realistic or Modern City of Sins

    Go ahead and make a character at Character Sign-up before you roleplay. The creator of the roleplay will approve you Character Sheet, or 'CS', and you are then allowed to join in. @Mine
  8. Austin Marie Arlein

    Fantasy Reaper

    Day listened intently. She heard a voice of panic and Squad Leader's furious tone. Without hesitation, she went inside. Day still didn't say anything.
  9. Austin Marie Arlein

    Fantasy Reaper

    Dayna walks up to Renvoir's office, as she recognizes him as her Squad Leader. Even as a short little girl with a small build up, she held a large battle-axe over her shoulder. Squad Leader Revoir was angrily stomping over to another man, in which Dayna assumed was an intruder based off his...
  10. Austin Marie Arlein

    Realistic or Modern City of Sins

    Yes, it was your character. I should've been more specific-- I'll do that next post if it involves anyone else. @Jacob Berry Thanks by the way. ^ ^
  11. Austin Marie Arlein

    Realistic or Modern City of Sins

    Stephanie sighed. Glancing at her brother knocked out on the couch, she shook her head, slipped on her black hoodie over her crop top and pulled the hood over her head. She scribbled a note while placing a cigarette between her lips and placed it on the kitchen counter: Went to go buy more...
  12. Austin Marie Arlein

    Realistic or Modern This is The Life

    Name: Winter Braxton Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Trouble is her middle name. Mischief is her favorite word. Winter will do anything and everything that could possibly get her in a knot for the rush of rebellion. Bio: Winter Braxton is the daughter...
  13. Austin Marie Arlein

    Fantasy Reaper Character Sign-Up

    No, idiot! Don't do that! xD @Kazu Kun
  14. Austin Marie Arlein

    Fantasy Reaper Character Sign-Up

    Yup! @Umbra Regalia
  15. Austin Marie Arlein

    Fantasy Reaper OOC

    Gah, Kazu, you made your CS before me! xD @Kazu Kun
  16. Austin Marie Arlein

    Fantasy Reaper Character Sign-Up

    Name: Dayna (Day) Age: 17 Kind: Weaver If Weaver, Thread Type: Wind Appearance: Personality(Opt.): Shy, Quiet, yet Cheerful. Tends to want to keep most of her past in the past. Anything else we should know?: Day loves music, and Combat is one of the only thing she...
  17. Austin Marie Arlein

    Realistic or Modern City of Sins

    Cool, thanks! Also, (about the seduction thing) I thought so. xD I'm sorry I wasn't very detailed; I was rather busy that night. I took the time today to read all of your CS' and they're really sick! Looking forward to roleplaying with you all.
  18. Austin Marie Arlein

    Realistic or Modern City of Sins

    Name: Stephanie Derelle Age: 17 Gender: Female Race: American Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance: Personality: Stephanie was a sweet little girl born into the wrong world. Before she was influenced, she was an innocent, sweet, live-spirited young girl. Now, she adapted to her cruel...
  19. Austin Marie Arlein

    Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

    "Chandler...?" Austin quietly whispered to her brother, who was sleeping on the couch. He slowly opened his eyes, meeting eyes with his sister. "Hi, Chandler. I'm gonna- I'm gonna step out for a bit, is that okay?" He sat up. "You did your homework, right?" Chandler rubs his eyes, sitting up...