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Fantasy Reaper Character Sign-Up

mmmmm recruits dont... go out... to... fight the Reapers l: how would that work L(onoL)

at least not until they're strong enough tho

Name: Damaris Trammel. She goes by Maris.

Age : 19

Kind: Weaver

If Weaver, Thread Type: Earth

Squad: 7

Appearance: Damaris is around 5'4, with a boyish build. Her hair is thick and wavy, and was originally cut in a short pixie cut, but has grown out since then. Maintaining a perfect haircut doesn't exactly tend to be at the top of your priorities when you're stuck in what is fundamentally an apocalypse. As for clothing, she's nearly always clad in dark jeans and a plain pullover or sweater, which tend to be a few sizes too large. It's unknown just how many of nearly identical sweaters she owns.

History: Maris didn't have all that great of a childhood, but it wasn't all that unique. She possessed her recklessness even back then. At the time when things went south, she was a runaway.

Personality: Maris has a strange disregard for her life. It's not that she's hotheaded and impulsive, in fact it's nearly the opposite. Her actions tend to be delibarate and calculated. She's uncomfortable with large displays of emotion and likes to have things neat and under control. It's because of her 'why not?' attitude that she became a weaver.

Anything else we should know?: I don't think so? I'll probably come up with something later on and add it.
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MoltenLightning said:
Its not that I don't like Dave you crazy, Its that my character might not do well with 2 grown men xD
LoL. With one who might start shouting around in gibberish. (Really just Finnish but still gibberish to you)
*Shivers* I'm good there... But, my character needs another youth in the group for her to be... Kinda happy. Not to be rude or nothin' ^-^;
Hope we get one then. Dave's pt might get rough.

That sounded more dirty than I thought...
MoltenLightning said:
*Shivers* I'm good there... But, my character needs another youth in the group for her to be... Kinda happy. Not to be rude or nothin' ^-^;
we wont be adding recruits to Dave's Squad until Scarecrowe gets back from his training of badassery >u< so I can always put you in Ayame's squad. its all girls. (I just noticed... there wont be a single mixed group then O.o barely even age-wise
[QUOTE="Wifi and Worms]
Name: Damaris Trammel. She goes by Maris.

Age : 19

Kind: Weaver

If Weaver, Thread Type: Earth

Squad: To be assigned

Appearance: Damaris is around 5'4, with a boyish build. Her hair is thick and wavy, and was originally cut in a short pixie cut, but has grown out since then. Maintaining a perfect haircut doesn't exactly tend to be at the top of your priorities when you're stuck in what is fundamentally an apocalypse. As for clothing, she's nearly always clad in dark jeans and a plain pullover or sweater, which tend to be a few sizes too large. It's unknown just how many of nearly identical sweaters she owns.

History: Maris didn't have all that great of a childhood, but it wasn't all that unique. She possessed her recklessness even back then. At the time when things went south, she was a runaway.

Personality: Maris has a strange disregard for her life. It's not that she's hotheaded and impulsive, in fact it's nearly the opposite. Her actions tend to be delibarate and calculated. She's uncomfortable with large displays of emotion and likes to have things neat and under control. It's because of her 'why not?' attitude that she became a weaver.

Anything else we should know?: I don't think so? I'll probably come up with something later on and add it.

Alright accepted ^^ which squad do you want to be in? 3 or 7? 8 isn't being added to for the moment. (I'm asking which squad because I cant figure out which group will make your time more interesting...)


MoltenLightning said:
Alright, I can handle that :3
gimme a moment to switch around the squad arrangement then >uO
Name: Sergio Greenhill

Age: 21

Kind: Weaver

Type: Fire

Squad: To be Assigned

Appearance: With a 5'5" height, Sergio is quite short for his age. He has a quite-long jet black hair usually tied, His bangs covered his right eye, which had been damaged by the creatures. His skin is pale and his eyes are in a cold ice blue shade. He wears a usual black v-necked t-shirt and tight jeans with boots up his ankle.

History: Nothing much, really. He was just a usual kid from a quite wealthy familly until everything turns really bad. He lost his parents in the process. Well, they didn't die. They just got separated from the circumstances.

Personality: originated from a wealthy family, he is tend to be quite arrogant. His basic personality is cold and serious, easily gets upset and angry over the simplest things. However, he might not seem like it but he cares for others deeply.

Anything else we should know?:Nothing as far as I'm concerned..we'll see ^^
[QUOTE="Alice Baskerville]Name: Sergio Greenhill
Age: 21

Kind: Weaver

Type: Fire

Squad: To be Assigned

Appearance: With a 5'5" height, Sergio is quite short for his age. He has a quite-long jet black hair usually tied, His bangs covered his right eye, which had been damaged by the creatures. His skin is pale and his eyes are in a cold ice blue shade. He wears a usual black v-necked t-shirt and tight jeans with boots up his ankle.

History: Nothing much, really. He was just a usual kid from a quite wealthy familly until everything turns really bad. He lost his parents in the process. Well, they didn't die. They just got separated from the circumstances.

Personality: originated from a wealthy family, he is tend to be quite arrogant. His basic personality is cold and serious, easily gets upset and angry over the simplest things. However, he might not seem like it but he cares for others deeply.

Anything else we should know?:Nothing as far as I'm concerned..we'll see ^^

reminds me of Revnoir >u< ALL of the accepts

squad 3 or 7? (7 is full of girls and one guy btw)
dont worry @Shinohara i'm focusing on growing the other squads then a little before Scarecrowe gets back, i'll focus on Squad 8 because Ayame and Revnoir are helping train 8 while he's away (mainly Ayame it seems) so technically Squad 8 is being merged with the others for the moment
Shinohara said:
@Umbra Regalia okay. Btw to everyone, do you mind if I used Finnish sometimes as Aki is from Finland. I can put up a translation when doing it.
it would actually be best if you didn't put a translation since the characters dont know Finnish xD at least from what I know
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia]it would actually be best if you didn't put a translation since the characters dont know Finnish xD at least from what I know

LOL okay. I'll just mess with your minds every once in a while

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