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  1. albinope

    Rising Stars of the DWMA

    I wouldn't want anyone to stop roleplaying simply because I'm not there to respond. There's plenty of other people one could roleplay with. I don't want to be a liability to anyone.
  2. albinope

    Rising Stars of the DWMA

    Oh, just so everyone knows, I won't be able to reply much tomorrow (band tournament) so feel free to ignore Agatha.
  3. albinope

    1x1 with albinope

    Emmett stuffed his hands in his pant pockets and began the 10 minute walk back to the castle. He looked up at the darkening sky. "This place sure is bigger than my kingdom," he said. "Did you grow up here?" he asked Rick.
  4. albinope

    Fandom Rising Stars of the DWMA

    Alette was interrupted by the sound of a spinny chair coming in. Agatha rolled around in her seat to ger her first glimps of the teacher. She was surprised to see a giant screw going through Stein's head. 'Definitely not normal,' she thought. She got her notebook out and opened to the front...
  5. albinope

    Fandom Rising Stars of the DWMA

    "It's nice to meet you both," Agatha took a look at the clock. It was nearly time for class to start. Alex's voice brought her out of her stupor. She moved chairs so she sat next to two student. "Well, I joined because one day in math class last year, my arm started giving off sparks and then...
  6. albinope

    Hybrid, Magic Camp

    Thank yah kind sir. I'm glad we didn't almost get mad over nothing ;)
  7. albinope

    Fandom Rising Stars of the DWMA

    Agatha cracked a smile and sat up strat. "It's Reese, Agatha Reese," she said in James Bond smile. "It's nice to meet you, cowboy," She shrugged l. "And for special, its just different that my old school. A lot different," she glanced up at the ornate ceiling. "I already like it a lot better."
  8. albinope

    Hybrid, Magic Camp

    My character's powers are "no good." I'm not allowed to have two powers, yes, I get that. And you're kind of saying that I do have too powers. Look this is pointless. Its was probably just a misunderstanding. Things like this happen all the time. Just tell me if you have any concerns and lets...
  9. albinope

    Fandom Rising Stars of the DWMA

    Agatha shook her head at the boy's question, then listened to the new girl's answer. "I'm sorry. I can't answer you. I don't know much of anything about anyone here." she shrugged. "But the way you described him... This place certainly is," she stopped, looking for the right word. "Special."
  10. albinope

    Hybrid, Magic Camp

    I only included the parts I didn't understand. I made sure only to include metal related powers. I only want to understand what your point is so I can fix it. But I don't have enough information on what the problem IS
  11. albinope

    Hybrid, Magic Camp

    I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at ???
  12. albinope

    Hybrid, Magic Camp

    And what's wrong with mah Metal?
  13. albinope

    Hybrid, Magic Camp

    Oh te hanks brah its not liek we can controlll the ellemants or somethang
  14. albinope

    Fandom Rising Stars of the DWMA

    Agatha's head snapped up as two people walked in, a boy and a girl. She tilted her head to the side. Class was about to start and the teacher wasn't even there. Agatha rested her head in her hands and blew the hair out of her face. What was even the name of this class? Agatha didn't know. She...
  15. albinope

    Hybrid, Magic Camp

    Like magic weapons in video games
  16. albinope

    Hybrid, Magic Camp

    Science lesson if you heat one part of a metal object it will travel down to the cooler end that's why cooking utensils have handles. (Sorry I'm a science nerd Future Engineer Turn Up)
  17. albinope

    Fandom Rising Stars of the DWMA

    Agatha's eyes lit up when she saw Stein's name on a board in the hallway. She eased open the classroom door and scanned the spacious room. A few students were already in the college-styled room, but it was mostly empty. Agatha walked into the room, smoothing out her skirt. She chose a seat in...
  18. albinope

    Fandom Rising Stars of the DWMA

    Agatha leaned against a fence pole and stared up at the giant building. Thinking for a moment, Agatha shrugged and began to peel off her sweater. She wasn't expecting Nevada to be this hot. Stuffing the heavy fabric in her bear backpack, Agatha strode into the intimidating building. It was must...
  19. albinope

    Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

    Mabel shrugged. " No, I understand," She watched as the fire boy heated up her spear. She waved off the pair and continued down the stream. To be honest she was a little confused about how the girl disappeared from sight. Some water users were known to disappear into the water, but this was...
  20. albinope

    Rising Stars of the DWMA

    I think his point is more that no one can stand him, which is true.