Rising Stars of the DWMA

It's been a while since I've seen Soul Eater and whatnot.. It depends. Did anywhere in the actual anime, or the manga, or NOT! spin-off suggest that Lord Death stepped down or died? If there had been, then yes, the 'Lord death' Our characters would refer to would most likely be Kid. If not, the the original Lord death is still around.
At the end of the manga, when Kid unlocked his full Shinigami (if that's how it's spelled) powers, Lord Death disappeared and Kid was crowned the new Lord. It's not really important to the roleplay, just wanted to know your take!
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Alrighty. Kid it is. Might as well, as this is meant to be next gen and all. Plus, I think it'd be interesting.
Here's my question, where is Excalibur in all of this? I didn't make that CS just for laughs! Okay maybe it started out that way..
See Overview. :) I didn't ignore it. He's in the staff/teachers list, though I don't know if he counts as either.
maybe Excalibur can be a teacher? I'll figure what he teaches later, just be prepared for extensive use of the word "Fool!"
He'd never be a teacher. Nobody,especially Death the Kid,would allow it. And,last I checked,he grated on Tsubaki to the point where she cast him into the aether between dimensions.
I could see him maybe teaching a class called "The Theory and Practice of Being a Hero" but most students would probably drop out within the first week.
[QUOTE="Dead Heart]-adds to Alad..- You fool...the irony

That moment when I actually notice the Excalibur CS and die of laughter
[QUOTE="Alad V]He'd never be a teacher. Nobody,especially Death the Kid,would allow it. And,last I checked,he grated on Tsubaki to the point where she cast him into the aether between dimensions.

Just checked on his last appearance, he was still around. He IS still around.
Why does Excalibur say fool?

To bring all the boys to the yard... (Maybe more canes too)

What am I doing with my life..
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]Just checked on his last appearance, he was still around. He IS still around.

I think his point is more that no one can stand him, which is true.
albinope said:
I think his point is more that no one can stand him, which is true.
@Alad V @HanaHaru @Trundle @Mono

Starting post is up. Not exactly the best starter, but then it got the major points across. Currently, the students have two hours until class begins, and they would do well not to be late for Dr, Steins class. Feel free to post as you please, and enjoy the rp. This should be fun.

Also, Crota, I'd be okay with you playing Excalibur as you'd probably be better at it than me. Just okay whatever yo have planned for him with me first, if you want to be in control of him.

Technically all the staff and teachers a NPC's so really anyone could play them, besides Lord Death (the Kid), if they wanted to and it fell in with their rp and what's going on in the rp currently.
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Sayomi said:
Also, Crota, I'd be okay with you playing Excalibur as you'd probably be better at it than me. Just okay whatever yo have planned for him with me first, if you want to be in control of him.
sounds good!

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