Rising Stars of the DWMA

Alright cool.

@Silvey you cool with pairing with me then?

Also, regarding teachers, I have a feeling I'm forgetting about some people in the overview... Anyone you all want added to the teacher list?
Meant to put him on there last night, but for the life of me I couldn't remember his name, oddly enough. Adding him now then.

Okay I believe everyones got a partner now...

Simply & Alad (Waiting on an okay from Simply)

Crota & Heart

Hana & Diamond

Cecilia & Albino

Silvey & Myself (I'm assuming there was an okay on that)

Pretty sure that's everyone..
Does someone still need a Meister?

It would best if they had opposite personalities so we can avoid corrupting canon sense.

But hey, I don't mind changing a few things on my character to work it out.
@Trundle has a weapon character without meister. If you two want to partner up, you could.
If @Trundle wants to, sure. I can take the bad temper from my character and they will be balanced.
Regarding how to start this... Do y'all want to start as if it was the first day of a new year, a few days into a new year, or about half way through?

Also, if there's a time/day that would be more convenient to start it on, let me know.

@Alad V @HanaHaru @Trundle @Mono
(Lol was gonna ask that when you posted xD )

I guess the start of a new year? I'm cool with whatever is chosen though.
Either the start of a new year,or a week in,I think. There's a few details I need to make plain in my opening post... Like Aslatiel's lodgings in Death City. And how unused to Nevada's blistering heat he is.
Alright, start of new year it is then.

I'll probably post a starting post tonight. From there, Y'all can feel free to post your intros and rp as you please, following the few rules in overview.
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Oh dear, one question I forgot. Is Lord Death still alive in this version or did Death the Kid replace him? Not important to my character, but it'll nice to know so I don't accidentally say the wrong thing.

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