Rising Stars of the DWMA

[QUOTE="Dead Heart]Of course at the beginning i have to go

*Cries a river that you have to leave*
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]hey, she's my partner lol, I'm the one crying here! (:'()(:<)

Don't matter, we cry together then Σ(゜Д゜)
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]agreed! (:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()

(T△T) The feels
Correction to posts... I'm fine if you leave it.. But everyone has Stein for first class. Not Excalibur..Just got back, so I don't know if that was fixed in a later post or not as I haven't looked through all of the rp posts yet.
Nah, as is said it's fine. Y'all can leave it as Excaliber. I'll just adjust wha ti had planned for Steins class slightly. Won't be a problem.
Those that have Excalibur first will have Stein second. Those with Stein have Excalibur second. I'll get a better description of classes post in overview eventually.
Technically partners are already assigned, but the point of day one is to find a partner and adjust to the DWMA, so students look for partners and eventually end up with the person their paired with.

Also, I'm going to bring Sid in and have him take over Excalibur's class for a little bit so the students actually get the information their supposed to and not just Excalibur's provisions. After Sid's done, Excalibur would be back in charge of his class though.
@HanaHaru I'm sorry, but your not in Stein's class, meaning he didn't just roll into your classroom Sids going to be coming to replace Excalibur in my next post, which I was halfway through, and Stein's going to be arriving at his own classroom. Could you change what yo said in your latest post please?
It's alright. Thanks. I'll get a schedule of classes and who's in what up in overview sometime soon.
O.o One day,and we have six pages of postage!?

That's nuts. I'll have to read through the pages to see if my partially completed post matches up...
I'm involved in one that did that much in a four and a half hour shift while I was working xD I hate that!
Screw it,I'm just going to brute force this,on the assumption that we're still just walking into class. Also, @SimplyMusicality ,Aslatiel and Riley aren't partners,yet. Start of the year,and he spent the previous year without a Meister. Things should be more obvious when I make my post.

Also,to everyone else,I understand your desire to post... But please keep from leaving others in the dust. Some of us aren't able to post at all hours of the day. Hell,my biorhythms are so screwed up,I can't operate without twelve hours of sleep.
[QUOTE="Alad V]Also,to everyone else,I understand your desire to post... But please keep from leaving others in the dust. Some of us aren't able to post at all hours of the day. Hell,my biorhythms are so screwed up,I can't operate without twelve hours of sleep.

set an alarm like normal people xD
No,it's not an alarm issue. It's literally my body being unable to function properly without twelve hours of sleep.
[QUOTE="Alad V]No,it's not an alarm issue. It's literally my body being unable to function properly without twelve hours of sleep.

But why 12? Why not 13? Oh, how about 11?
[QUOTE="Alad V]No,it's not an alarm issue. It's literally my body being unable to function properly without twelve hours of sleep.

take a pill? get that checked out maybe?
It's not life-threatening. It just renders me largely nocturnal. Why medicate what ain't an actual issue?

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