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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Eevee was about to walk forewards but a fish that seemed to watch her caught her attention. She mewed and jumped into the water after letting go of Sarthiss's hand, and when she pounced on to fish, she had actually caught it. She was about to pull it out of the water but it wiggled out of her grip, swimming back and down the creek. She turned to look over her shoulder with a small giggle and a kind smile.
Sarthiss smiled back at her. "Smooth," he laughed. He was glad even someone as shy as the Neko before him could be comfortable enough to play in situations they didn't normally like. "You've seemed to have forgotten something," Sarthiss chuckeled, "you're all wet!" Splashing a bit of water on her with a cupped hand, Sarthiss got the feeling he had done something good for somebody else. It was a feelling he hadn't felt in forever.
Eevee laughed and covered herself with her hands before splashing him back, laughign and giggling as she did. she didn't mind being wet, as long as she was not underwater, she was OK.
"These are good feelings Eevee," Sarthiss said, "This is what being accepted feels like. To have somebody you care about. To have somebody as a friend." His thougts flashed back to Flare, and all the good times they spent together. Sarthiss still missed her, but having Eevee around instead of just himself and his songs eased the pain. He got a faraway look in his eyes, and dispite the water droplets still clinging to him, flames rippled up his spine, a sign of contentment. A cool breeze whispered through the trees, up the creek and over the rocks. "This is home, Eevee. I'm not sure you've realized it yet, but this is the place where dreams are made."
Eevee smiled and walked over to Sarthiss, then before she knew what she was doing, she hugged him. "Thanks." She said softly.
((Okay.... I assume we're not doing posting order anymore?))

Mabel expertly spun a small metal spear in her hand as she trampled loudly through the forest. She was never one for subtlety. It was her turn to collect food for camp, and she intended to do just that so she could get back to training. This time, Mabel decided she wanted to catch some fish in the small lake just outside of camp. A stream ran into the lake. Mabel walked the path behind the stream, jumping over rocks and boulders as she went. She stopped dead in her tracks at the sound of a giggle. Mabel rolled her eyes. 'Probably two fire users making out in the woods again...' she thought. "They're always so passionate," she mumbled, playfully rolling her eyes.

Mabel leaped over a large boulder, planning to surprise what she thought was a couple. "Gotcha!" she yelled. She wore a sideways smile on her face at her triumph. Then she looked down. Not a couple making out. Oops. Mabel coughed. "Sorry. I thought you were someone else. Um. Common mistake."
Sarthiss looked over his shoulder at the metal allighned girl that had just interrupted his and evees tender moment. Sarthiss didn't mind, he recognized the girl by her well muscled torso she had earned by training at the feild all day. His only worry was how Eevee would react. He looked at her again and rubbed the top of her head between her ears gently.

Turning to the unknown girl, he greeted her. "Person! Wild metal bender! Creature of the minerals!! What brings you here this fine evening?"
Mabel grinned and hopped from the boulder, landing with a small thud. "Oh fire whisperer! Oh flame walker!" she said dramatically. Mabel stepped to the pair and held her hand out. "I wished not to interrupt a tender moment," Well, she did, but not to these people. "I had just wished," she made her voice crack. "To bring food to the starving people of the camp..."

Her dramatic monologue over, Mabel rested her hands on her hips and cracked a smile. "I'm not usually one for theatrics, but that was fun Anyway, now that's over with," she said in a normal voice. "I'm just here to catch some fish to bring to camp." she twirled her spear. "Sorry if I scared you," she scratched the back of her head. "Thought you were that couple from the fire dorm that are always snogging in public."
Sarthiss tilted his head and grinned. "I'll help you if you want," he said hesitantly, then turned to Eevee. "Somebody here needs some practice at catching fish as well." Not sure how Eevee would respond to his snide remark, he corrected himself, talking to her in a softer tone. "Only If you want to. This is a lot of new experiences in such a short time, if you don't feel comfortable I'll leave with you."
Eevee looked down a bit, uncomfortable with a sudden person that she would need to get used to, she became invisible, but stayed in the same spot, feeling shyer than ever.
Sarthiss saw Eevee turn invisible and worried. Yes, it was a little too much for one day. "Err, sorry Mabel, guess that's a no." He could tell Eevee hadn't moved from the water still curling about in rivlets around her ankles. Moving close to mabel and cupping his hands around the tip of her metal spear, he fired it red hot. "So that the fish won't stick to it," he explained. He went back over to where he thought Eevee was and attempted to pick her up. "Let me carry you away from the water a bit," Sarthiss whispered.
Mabel shrugged. " No, I understand," She watched as the fire boy heated up her spear. She waved off the pair and continued down the stream. To be honest she was a little confused about how the girl disappeared from sight. Some water users were known to disappear into the water, but this was entirely different. Mabel knew that some people at camp wouldn't react kindly to such a power, but she was sure the girl knew of the risks. She splashed down to the lake and sat my the water's edge, scanning for fish.

((Just so you know, if you heated the spear like that in real life the heat would have conducted down the metal spear and burned me. But I decided to not make that happen lol))
Riley's head jolted up suddenly as she heard some ruckus come from the other side of camp. "Gee, I wonder what's happening over there" she chuckled as her gaze returned to Keiji's "Is it just me or do you feel hungry?" She rubbed her stomach as if she had gone hungry for days.
((sorry I haven't posted in such a long time. There has been a lot going on and I kinda didn't want to talk for a while. So really sorry.))

Eevee had no idea how to respond, but she came into view again and watched the other girl walk down the stream. She turned back to Sarthiss and looked at him, tilting her head a little, not quite understanding why he wanted to carry her.
Eevee shook her head, telling Sarthiss that he didn't need to and began to walk back to the camp. It was getting late and if Headmaster Rou knew that they were here past curfew without a proper reason, They were going to get their heads severed off. Walking into the cabin by the willow tree, she sat down on the edge of her bed and waited, since she didn't sleep cuz, well, she's a cat. Naturally, she stayed up and looked out the window watching as it started to rain.
Sarthiss sighed as eevee walked away. She'd seemed to get over her fear of water, but they needed to work more on human interaction. If she didn't "warm up" to people soon, she might end up like flare did those long years ago. Sarthiss shrugged, he would see her tomorow. "City's breakin' down on a camel's back..." he sang, snapping his fingers and heading towards his medow. Right now would be a good time for him to spend the night there, Rou didn't like it, but Rou really couldn't stop him. Sarthiss was just bedding down on a pile of soft ashes he'd made earlyer, but it started to rain. Shrugging, Sarthiss heated his skin to above boiling temperatures and the rain simply evaporated before it hit him. He smiled, and worked a groove into his ash pile, knowing tomorrow would bring exciting things.
As the next day started to seem brighter than the next, Eevee walked out of the lonely cabin, proceeding towards the forest beyond the headmaster's Cabin. She knew that it was "Bad" to enter the woods without letting someone know, but that was the best part about it. She climbed into a tree and hoped from branch to branch, seeing that there was a opening to the mountains which lay beyond the confinement of the camp walls.
The sun was the first thing that woke Sarthiss up. The second was Rou standing over him with a dissaproving look. "Sarthiss, you know about the curfew, and how it's not safe to sleep outside the cabins..." Sarthiss smiled and rolled over onto his back, scartching his stomach. "Ehh, what's four walls gonna do against an angry bender mate?" Sarthiss laughed. "Whatchya gonna do now, spank me?" Rou frowned, and watched sarthiss get to his feet and brush himself off. "The other campers will start..." Sarthiss punched Rou playfully. "They can handle themselves." He began humming the intro to Paradise by Coldplay. Rou was still frowning at him as he wandered off, eyes unfocused and mind lucid.
Eevee saw Rou walking away and held her breath, seeing that he didn't look too happy. She refocused on the mountains and something seemed to call out to her. She squinted her eyes a little and became curious as to what was in those mountains. She stepped back a bit so she could get a head start, planted her feet, then, with a great amount of speed, she bolted towards the top of the wall. As she hit the side, she dug her claws at the top and pulled herself up, pulling one leg up before she saw that she was now standing on the top of the thick wall. She smiled and saw another tree not too far off, focusing on using the same amount of strength as before to propel herself forward. Soon enough, she was now on the other side of the walls to a camp. If Rou found out, he was going to be furious.
Sarthiss was once again pulled out of his dreamstate. He detected... Flare? Flare was dead... no, it was somebody behaving like Flare. Not using magic, just being... mischievous. He was wandering by the walls of the camp, and he saw Eevee jump up and over the 10 foot wall. Being human, Sarthiss couldn't get that high, so he called out. "Feeling a bit rouge this morning eh?" Sarthiss chuckled, "At least get something to eat first. You haven't had any nourishment in at least 24 hours."
"Nah. I'm good." Eevee called to Sarthiss as she quickly noticed it was him. "See ya later though." And with those words she dashed for the mountains, smiling as she realized how free she felt.
Sarthiss chuckled. 'Ain't nobody messin with that free spirit,' he thought. Sarthiss begand to wander again, back to the training grounds. Maybe somebody would let him throw them, Sarthiss loved throwing people. Well, nobody really let him throw them across the camp, but he did it anyways if they were sparring.
Eevee sat down in the grass, looking at all of the open space to explore. However, it didn't last long. She heard a deep growl and turned to see a Wolf, no more like a Hell-hound! Scared, she bolted up the tree, but the dog could climb as well. She ran back to the Camp, jumped over the wall, and back towards the training grounds. The dog still following close behind.
Sarthiss was leaning against a tree watching Mabel the metal girl hack away at a training dummy when he heard a scuffling. He senced it was Eevee and turned his head. A big black dog was following her. Sarthiss calmly strode past the training ground and as the dog lunged at Eevee, he caught it by the throat, his hand searing into its flesh. The dog wimpered, then stopped making movement altogether as Sarthiss twisted his hand and ripped out its voicebox. The dog fell, a bloody hole left in its neck. Sarthiss kicked it and started humming the melody to the song "Warpigs"
Eevee hid in a tree, closing her eyes and whimpering to herself, she knew the punishment. "Who brought the demon dog from the outside?!" Rou yelled as he approached the crowd of students. Eevee said nothing.

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