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  1. J


    Gavin stood listening to AC's and Lites conversation...
  2. J


    Gavin took a peek outside, "Yeah... We might make it if we make a run for it..." where would go?
  3. J


    "Well... We can't stay up here forever... Some time, probably soon, we will be discovered..." Gavin said sadly "Any ideas?"
  4. J


    Gavin reached the top stair and saw a bow aimed at him and prepared for death. He opened his eyes and noticed it was only Dahlia. He let out a huge breath he held waiting for death. "Oh thank the gods, it's only you Dahlia!" He noticed AC and he was puzzled, "How did you end up here? I saw you...
  5. J


    Gavin made his way up the rest of the tower to check on Lite and Dahlia, after making sure that the barricade wasn't going anywhere.
  6. J


    Gavin saw Lite carry doll up the tower and was shocked when AC simply vanished! He dropped the make-shift shield and quickly made his way up the tower right behind Lite. Although he stopped at one of the lower rooms of the tower and set up a barricade of furniture so the guards couldn't enter if...
  7. J


    Gavin saw a young woman approach Lite and said, "This isn't a safe place for you girl! But if you really think you can help us, or him in some way, that would be greatly appreciated!" An arrow struck Gavin's make-shift shield and he took a step back from the force of the arrow.
  8. J


    (we are in avalon and were simply going to sign up for the games.) "No, I can stand my ground as well as you can," Gavin unsheathed the Short-sword, jumped down from the box, and prepared for a fight. Gavin noticed an archer on one of the roof tops and tore the lid off a crate to use as a shield.
  9. J


    (alright I will wait for you, JCKane. will not post until you've caught up)
  10. J


    Gavin turned a corner before the tower and noticed a dozen or two towns people crowding around Lite and Dahlia. "Oh crap..." Gavin said quietly. "Wait... most of these people are my customers!" Gavin Stood on a box on the side of the street and yelled aloud, "People! Listen to me!" Gavin...
  11. J


    As Gavin ran through the market, he noticed Lite and Dahlia walking along, "They probably don't even know what's going on!" He pounded on his best friend's door and explained the situation. "Allright first we need to find this, Lite guy and his servant and then we can get everything explained to...
  12. J


    Gavin reached the palace gate and was approached by a guard, "Excuse my sir, have you seen this man?" Asked the guard, holding up a flyer. Gavin studied the rough drawing of a thin man, "Umm..." Replied Gavin worriedly, "What are his crimes?" Gavin questioned. "This man has killed a mage of the...
  13. J


    Gavin had awoken as soon as Lite and Doll were leaving, he heard the door close and got up to prepare for the day. He waited for the other guests to awake, and sent them on there way with a day's supply of food. "Well it would have been nice to say goodbye to Lite and Dahlia... They musta have...
  14. J


    (Alright, you wanna say that we time skip?)
  15. J


    Gavin assisted in making beds for everyone and then got himself ready for bed, for the second time today. (I'm good for a time skip)
  16. J


    Gavin arrived at his house. It was a cozy little two story house with a small kitchen, Gavin's bedroom next to that, and an upstairs which included a guest bedroom and a spare room that he used as a storage room. He opened the door "Well, welcome to my humble home! I have a couple extra sheets...
  17. J


    Gavin smiled at the man's idea, "I was just about to offer such an idea! Although, I've only got one extra bed, besides mine..." Gavin thought for a moment. "Wait a minute! I've still got my bedroll from my travelling days! It's a bit old, but you can use it if you want." Gavin started walking...
  18. J


    Gavin threw his pale of water onto a flame. The flames slowly died down after more and more people showed up. Gavin walked over to the Neko girl and the Guy who basically saved his life earlier, and held out his arm to him to help him up, "Thanks for savin' my ass back there. I'm Gavin, the...
  19. J


    Gavin looked back at the Neko girl and listened to what she said, "It sounds like he treats you well. some servants around here are treated like animals." Gavin noticed towns people all around hurling buckets of water at the flames, "I'll be right back i need to grab some pales of water," At...
  20. J


    Gavin cleared some debris for the evacuating people and stepped outside. He noticed the Neko girl and walked up to her, "Hey, I saw you inside the inn before it was set fire. You were watching the guy who killed the hooded man... Do you know him?" Gavin asked politely. "I know this isn't a very...