
Lite and everyone else arrived after Gavin. The place was nice. Lite explained the details to the other travelers then took Doll's hand and dragged her over to the guest room. "Guuh, this day has been so tiresome." Lite groaned as he plopped over on the ground. "I need to wash my cloths. and i need new pants as well, maybe this competition is bad luck." Lite sighed and looked at Doll. Her enchantingly pretty face. He wanted to make life easier for her. Lite was hoping this to be the best way. "How are you feeling, Dahlia?"
Doll followed Lite to the guest room, sitting down on the floor with a pillow and one of the blankets from the storage room. He looked troubled, but Dahlia didn't know why. Well, besides the fact that the inn they were staying at just burned down. But thu had somewhere to stay tonight after all, they'd had a meal before that disaster, and the Games would start soon. She wondered if Lite would be mad about her entering the competition. Of course, he wouldn't actually know until the Archery competetition was over. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place all got pretty decent cash prizes, so as long as she was in one of them she would be able to get money to help out her master. She just had to sneak away while he was competing so he wouldn't know. He asked her how she was, and she returned from her daydream. "Fine." she said honestly. She obviously wasn't as worried as he was about their predicament. "You?"
Lite sighed, actually hoping to get a bigger answer than that. He pushed himself up and stretched some. Lite reached down to Doll and plucked her right off the the ground. "Just a little tired." He said as he pulled her into an embrace. Trying to relax a bit. Lite fell over on the bed with Doll still in his arms and immediately fell asleep. His arms were wrapped tightly around Doll aiming to keep her soft little body pressed against his. Perhaps just to keep her from waking him up again to avoid another troublesome event.
Doll was confused when Lite pulled her down with him, but she had to admit it was much comfier than the inn's floor would have been. She decided that even if it was none of her business, she would ask him tomorrow what was wrong. Something was definitely on his mind and it worried her. However the soft bed and Lite's warmth got to her and she quickly fell asleep, glad for a restful night.
Gavin assisted in making beds for everyone and then got himself ready for bed, for the second time today.

(I'm good for a time skip)
(([MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION] Made the RP so we should wait for them, though I haven't seen anyone else post since page 1 so we might as well skip now.))
(Sorry that i was away - w - went hunting)Skippidedodaaa!!!

Lite awoke the next day well rested and very comfortable. He felt as if he slept with a stuffed animal beside him. Lite looked down to his Dahlia. Her cute soft face resting against Lite's chest. He let out a hushed laugh and laid there waiting for her to awake. He didn't want to disturb her. They both had a long night.
Doll woke up and stretched. She saw that Lite was already awake and sat up. He didn't have to wait on her to wake up, he could have gotten up whenever he wish. She smiled as if saying 'good morning'. She looked around the bright room that looked much different now that the sun was pouring in the open window. For some reason none of the other guests had come to sleep in here. Had they all gone to sleep in other areas of the house?
Lite slowly pushed himself up to sit up, but he slouch at let out long yawns. "Sleep felt amazing!" He laughed. Lite stood up to stretch but got up to fast and ended up all dizzy thus falling back to the bed. instead of trying to get back up. He just laid there and admired his little Doll. "What do you wanna do now?" Lite asked her. He still planned on finding a nice big tower so she could see the entire city.
Dahlia thought for a minute. She wanted to explore the city, but didn't know if she should say anything. Lite might have something he needed to do today, but the way he had asked her she thought twice about that. He seemed pretty open to whatever she wanted to do, which was odd since she was supposed to go along with whatever he wanted to do, him being her master and all. She looked outside again before turning back to Lite. "Exploring?" she asked quietly. Honestly, she would be happy with anything now that they were safe in the city.
Lite nodded. "Then we shall go exploring!" He said pushed himself up and stretched this time. "And we should find a place that sells pants." He laughed a he tugged at his singed pant leg. He smiled at Doll. "Let's go." He lead the way outside of the building and bed farewell to the people they had met the night before. Lite took Doll's hand and they were off to the market place.
Dahlia followed Lite, waving to Gavin and the other house guests as Lite was saying farewell. He took her hand and they walked to the marketplace. There were so many things there, some of them Dahlia had never even seen before. The Capital city was clearly much more advanced than even the surrounding areas, and the residents were lucky enough to be the first to try out new inventions and the like. Dahlia looked around carefully and eventually spotted a clothing vendor, immediately leading Lite over to see if they had pants for him to buy. Doll couldn't help but wonder where the satchel of coins had come from...
Gavin had awoken as soon as Lite and Doll were leaving, he heard the door close and got up to prepare for the day. He waited for the other guests to awake, and sent them on there way with a day's supply of food. "Well it would have been nice to say goodbye to Lite and Dahlia... They musta have some more important things to do instead of waiting for my lazy butt to wake up!" Gavin said with a chuckle. He ate some breakfast and head out the door with the Avalon hill steel sword in hand. "I think I'll speak to someone about this sword," Gavin muttered to himself. He began his journey to the palace up through the city of Avalon. (I hope you don't mind being in Avalon kingdom. You can change it if you want.)
(I don't mind, We had no idea on where to go anyhow xD )Lite followed Dahlia to the tailor and smiled as he explained what he needed. Lite followed the tailor into the shop and spent a few moments in the fitting room as they checked his size. Lite gave the money needed for the new pair of pants, put them on and headed on his way. Lite once again took Doll's hand. "Look at all the food! I've never been to this kingdom before." He smiled to Doll. "I'll buy you whatever you want." He said as gently patted her head. "And i mean anything!"
Doll walked along with Lite. He said he'd buy her anything, but she honestly had never thought about what she would want. Usually servants were taught to take what they were given and be happy with it. You shouldn't ever ask for more from your master. But now he was telling her completely dfferent. She realized how spoiled she was. He treated her more as a companion that a piece of property, and that's how it had always been. She looked around at all the various shops and vendors, not knowing what to say.
Gavin reached the palace gate and was approached by a guard, "Excuse my sir, have you seen this man?" Asked the guard, holding up a flyer. Gavin studied the rough drawing of a thin man, "Umm..." Replied Gavin worriedly, "What are his crimes?" Gavin questioned. "This man has killed a mage of the palace court wizards, and has set fire to a local inn." Gavin's eyes widened, "No no... you have it all wrong!" Gavin yelled, then he thought of what he just said and realized, "Shit... now you think I'm his associate in crime..." The guard put his hand to his sword. "Umm... Goodbye!" Gavin ran off down the hill toward the market, where he had some friends who could help explain his innocence as well as Lite's.
Dahlia and Lite were still walking through the marketplace when she saw Gavin running nearby. He was headed away from them, but he looked like he was being chased. She wodered if Lite had seen him as well. Gavin seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere, so she thought it'd be best not to bother him.
Lite hadn't even noticed Gavin. Lite honestly had hard time recognizing people. He looked around as he walked along with Doll. He peered out past the market tops aiming to see if there was tower near by. He wanted to make Doll happy, but the best way to do that was to probably set her free but as well, he didn't want her to leave him. "Look there! A guard tower!" He smiled to Doll. "Maybe they knew where the tallest tower is." He suggested to Doll and began leading her in that direction.
Doll smiled when she saw the tower, remembering the promise he had made the previous day about finding the tallest tower in Avalon. Putting the fleeing Gavin out of her mind, she followed Lite in the direction of the guard tower. It was the only one she could see from here and since it was for watching over the city, it was probably the tallest here. If they would let Dahlia and Lite into the tower, they'd be high over the city, probably able to see for miles around.
As they approached the tower. Lite noticed a flier of man that was wanted for murder. "That's a good looking fellow." Lite chuckled not actually realizing it was him. He went over to the guard and simply asked. "Could my servant and i go to the top of the tower?" Which confused the guard beyond belief. The guard quickly began lecturing him about the reason for law, guards, and this tower as well as why he couldn't just let them into the tower all willy nilly. Lite shrugged as he lead Doll away from the guard. "Well, i guess we'll have to find another way to get up the tower." He smiled at her, still quite determined to help her.
Dahlia looked at the poster while Lite was talking to the guard. She tilted her head to the side in confusion. It didn't look completely realistic since each one seemed to be hand drawn, but the person looked oddly familiar. Coming to the realization that her master was the one wanted for murder and destroying property, she quickly tore the poster down and pocketed it, wanting to make sure no one else saw it, especially the guards that Lite had struck up a conversation with. When they walked away, Dahlia pulled out the poster and made Lite relook at it. "You." she said quietly. She didn't want anyone to overhear it.

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